THE JEWISH NEWS (USPS 275.5201 Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Jewish News, 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $15 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher ALAN HITSKY News Editor ' CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager • HEIDI PRESS Associate News Editor DREW LIEBERWITZ Ili(1)11 W infi \ i iitio00(koWi tait(*( ( oil f04fith: Advertising Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 16th day of Sivan, 5740, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Numbers 8:1-12:16. Prophetical portion, Zechariah 2:13-4:7. Candle lighting, Friday, May 30, 8:41 p.m. VOL. LXXVII, No. 13 Page Four Friday, May 30, 1980 DIGNITY IN AGING Properly defined as a major communal ac- complishment, the dedication of the additional building in the Federation Apartments complex deservedly serves as a tribute to the local lead- ership. The concern for the welfare of senior citizens is expressed not only in the Home for the Aged, but even more impressively in the Federation Apartments. It is regrettable that what has been dedicated is merely another addition, that it is not a series of additional structures to house the hundreds who are on the waiting list for admission to residences for the aging. Yet there is encouragement in the confidence of the leaders in this portion of communal serv- ices that another building may be in the offing. That means that many more will in the course of the oncoming years have opportunities for ad- mission to similar Federation Apartments. There is a great dignity in these efforts. Those on the waiting list must await their turn for admission to available Federation Apartments. But the need is not ignored and the oppor- tunities awaited will be treated with respect. Therefore the dedication of the new Federa- tion Apartments, named as a tribute to Anna and Meyer Prentis, is an accomplishment truly to be proud of. A LESSON FROM MIAMI Miami teaches this nation a lesson. It is the lesson of 1967 and the preceding one of 1943 in Detroit. It is the lesson of an inherited hatred and a continuing suspicion and lack of trust. Much has happened in the last decade to re- move the stains that stem from racist discrimi- nations. The high courts, legislative bodies, scores of communities have acted to correct the wrongs of the past and to encourage pursuit of the equalities which, without rancor, must be- come the accepted ethical codes for all peoples. Nevertheless, suspicions abound, enmities lurk in the hearts of people and the neighborliness that should predominate remains endangered. The causes are evident. Problems relating to joblessness, to low standards in housing, to edu- cational equalities, contribute toward the agonizing of American society. How could civilized society permit the out- bursts that resulted in a bloodbath in Miami, in beastly acts accompanied by looting, in destruction of property running into the hun- dreds of millions? It is because these occurrences repeat them- selves that it is so urgent that the ethical codes which call for decency among peoples should be learned anew. . "Hatred stirs up strifes" is the admonition in Proverbs (10:12) and there is a basic Scriptural principle: "Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart" (Leviticus 19:17). If only these teachings were applied seri- ously! Unfortunately, the hatreds that pre- dominate, stemming from envy, jealousy and suspicion, fortified by want and inequality, create the riotous conditions from which all peoples suffer. One does not have to be in the environment where the riots took place to be affected by the miseries stemming from racist indecencies. Let it be recorded, at the risk of repetition, that in the Jewish community there is a dedica- tion to the highest principles of decency and true neighborliness, that inequality like in- tolerance is rejected and can never be condoned. The Jewish record of striving for justice for all, regardless of race or creed, is an open book. It is an inerasable account of dedication to the principles of fair play, the American and the human. There have been obstructions. Regrettably, some spokesmen for the black community in- troduced rancor in matters involving Israel and those who aim at the destruction of the Jewish state: The hopeful adhere to the belief that the masses in the black community do not accept the destructive elements in their midst. The unity for a common goal of justice and equality remains intact. The occurrences in Miami, like those in other cities in earlier decades, must serve once again to unify all peoples, to strengthen the determi- nation to make any repetition of the dastardly impossible. For this purpose it is necessary to abandon hatred and suspicion. Let that remain the goal of all peoples of good will and of all decent Americans. VENOM UNLIMITED Any wonder that Yehuda Blum, Israel's chief delegate to the United Nations, should have judged the situation in the international body as having been polluted with an increasing 'hatred for Jews? It is not Israel:alone that is marked for venom. The entire Jewish people is under attack. Another "condemnation" of Israel by the UN Security Council; again with a U.S. abstention, was an indication that all that needs to be said in any resolution is an antagonistic framework and the hatred keeps perpetuating itself. Perhaps this is Israel's destiny — always to be confronted with the hateful. Perhaps this also provides the strength needed to survive. The tougher the battle the more certain the unity to withstand threats of destruction. Having become the football among nations, even the most progressive failing to take into account the terror gripping that area and threatening the very existence of the state and its people, Israel is justified in posing the ques- tion of security and the right to live. No one, individual or nation, is that sanctimonious as to be immune from criticism. But Israel is subject to public opinion, its courts listen to appeals to justice and the attacks on the state and nation stem only from the aim to de- stroy and to deprive Jews of the right of sover- eignty. This is the core of the issue. Therefore the resentment over the continuing attacks on a, people that stands alone, with the United States her only defender. Dr. Glueck Depicted as `Dreamer in the Desert' "Dreamer in the Desert" is a most appropriate title for the biog- raphy of Dr. Nelson Glueck. For 40 years he spent all the summers in the Holy Land, excavat- ing, discovering, unearthing the ancient treasures of Israel. The biography "Dreamer in the Desert" (Ktav) by Ellin Norman Stern traces the fascinating roles of the man who was a leader among archeologists, a teacher of rabbis, an historian and a noted personal- ity on the American and world scenes. Dr. Glueck's name is perpetuated in Jerusalem where the He- brew Union College Biblical and Archaeological School was renamed, in 1973, as the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology. It was an appropriate tribute to the man who was the discoverer of King Solomon's Mines at Timna in southern Israel. This was one of the eminent archeologist's many accomplishments. His many archeological researches included his establishment of the location of the road that was taken by the Israelites during their march from Egypt. It was an indication of his dealing with facts, establishing that the Bible is more than legend, that it is historical reality. A native of Cincinnati, son of Orthodox parents, he acquired his education at Hebrew Union College, the Cincinnati-based Reform theological college. Later he became president of his alma mater and was its leader when it merged with the theological school that was established by Dr. Stephen S. Wise and remains to this day the school under the combined name of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Reli- gion. The author of this biography does 'much more than detail the story of archeology which was enriched by Dr. Glueck. It emerges as a most impressive personality sketch of the man whose life was influ- enced by contacts with many of the leading world personalities and certainly with the most prominent in Israel. - Dr. William Albright, the eminent Christian archeologist, ac- cepted him as an apprentice in the American School of Oriental Research. From that apprenticeship developed the dominant position he attained in his field. It was as far back as 1927 that Dr. Glueck and Dr. Albri,_ conferred in Jerusalem, commencing the life-long mutual interests. The Albright pioneering activities serve as an excellent addendur - the Stern biography for all who are interested in archeology. The eminent leaders who are listed among the personalities befriended by Dr. Glueck included Israel Prime Minister David Ben- Gurion, Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek and numerous others. There is an interesting quote from Ben-Gurion to Glueck in this biography: " 'I would like to see a string of towns built in the desert. From here to the Gulf of Aqaba," said David Ben-Gurion raising his hand and pointing south. " 'You see, 70 percent of Israel's territory is right here in the wilderness, but our population lives mainly in the big cities. It is unwise to be clustered like that. We need a lifeline through the Negev like King Solomon had.' " The late Gershon Agron, who was Jerusalem's first mayor when Israel was reborn, while he had not been a synagogue attendee, interceded in Glueck's behalf for the establishment of the Hebrew Union College Chapel in the Holy City. These are among the many experiences which add immensely to make the biography of Dr. Nelson Glueck truly the story of a "Dreamer in the Desert." !-