THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Kissinger and Jackson Warn Against Establishment of a Palestianian State. WASHINGTON (JTA) — Sen Henry Jackson (D- Wash.) and former Secre- tary of State Henry Kis- singer strongly warned against moves wthat would establish a Palestinian state. Kissinger suggested quick negotiations for an agreement between Israel and Jordan that would for- estall a Palestinian state that he and Jackson saw as disastrous for Israel. Sen. Frank Church (D- Idaho) specifically warned against attempts to pres- sure Israel into surrender- ing positions essential to her nationhood, "including settlements." Appearing on the CBS-TV program "Face the Nation," Church was asked whether the Arab natons would "sell us enough oil" if, when Begin is in Washington, we don't put some kind of pressure for a solution in the Middle East." The Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman re- plied: "You know, that is an- other notion that just makes I FACIAL HAIR PERMANENTLY REMOVED Eyebrows Neckline Arms Legs Recommended by Physicians FREE CONSULTATION SHIRLEY PERSIN Registered Electrologist - ADVANCE BUILDING 23077 GREENFIELD Room 260 Near Northland & Providence Hospital I PHONE 557.1108 Over 20 Years Experience W.C. Trojan "Sori' of C. Trojan" CUSTOM FURNITURE & CARPET CLEANING ON LOCATION HEE ESTIMATES Phone 576-1140 Right In Your own Driveway! 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Join now. this offer expires When it comes to protecting vised that the U.S. pro- can be no peace in the Mid- *FULL MEMBERSHIP ONLY soon their vital interests, the Is- vide the credibility to dle East until a Palestnian ( Hamilton Place coupon raelis will not bend to pres- give backup to Jordan, state exists." He added that sure. Now, if we can demon- noting that in the last few such a solution, is, however, strate to Israel that theU.S. years Jordan had no rea- unlikely as "long as Israel will stand with them in the son to trust U.S. words fears for its own existence." HAMILTON PLACE...FOR ALL CALL Rocard told a press con- future, as we have in the and support. He did not SEASONS AND MANY REASONS 646-8990 past, and there is no real elaborate on the meaning ference that while he per- sonally welcomed the Camp basis for concern that they of transfer. will be left isolated and Apart from recommend- David agreements he did alone, that is the way we ing a speedy agreement be- not believe that they would can infuene them the best, tween Israel and Jordan, provide a solution to the and in the past they have Kissinger said he felt a new Israeli-Arab conflict. gone quite far to get peace." The Socialist leader, who framework and definition of Asked, "Is your answer the Camp David formula is is currently challenging no?" Church responded: necessary. He said that a party Secreatry General Is now writing prescriptions for "My answer is that you can- new definition of Camp Francois Mitterand for the not pressure the Israelis Davidwould mean the PLO Socialist nomination for all types of home repair & handitiork. into giving up items that would be seen as an Arab President, had hard words they regard as essential to problem, not an Israeli about Israel's diplomacy. Electrical, Plumbing, Carpentry & their survival as a free and problem. He said it has "lacked im- independent nation. And Most Major Appliance Repairs. In Paris, Socialist Michel agination" and has often therefore, our influence is Rocard, a serious challenger given the impression that best exercised when we are to Valery Giscard d'Estaing "Israel rather welcomes Jeffrey Schreiber sensitive to their concern." in France's forthcoming tension as a method of of no Sabbath! calk Jackson, appearing on presidential elections, came unifying its people." 968 0487 NBC-Tv's "Meet the Press," was asked whether he would use his influence with Begin to "Persuade him to change his settle- ment policy" which, _"President Carter and Sadat and a substantial sec- tion of Israeli opinion agree" is "an obstacle to peace." Jackson replied: "I think the Israelis made a erious mistake in over- emphasizing the issue of settlements," but he said "clearly anyone has a right to settle in the West Bank area. That goes back to the Treaty of Ver- sailles and the British Mandate." Jackson aded that "the key issue here is not the set- tlements," but "defensible borders." He continued: "If you have a completely sov- ereign and independent Palestinian state on the West Bank obviously you run a dagger into the heart of the state of Israel. No way it can survive. And soon they (the Palestinians) ENTER THE MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE could enter into a sovereign ► state, invite the Russians in. That's the end of Israel. 'JET PAN AM' TO LONDON OR ROME "So the issue should be how do you provide for WITH CONNECTING JET TO ISRAEL local participation in gov- ernment in the West Bank, You're always a winner with Maxwell century technology lives side by side and at the same time give to House® Coffee. The full aroma and with first century tradition. A trip for Good the state of Israel the secu- great-tasting flavor gives you all the two. 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Void in any locality where taxed. restricted. or Winners List Eacn entry must be accompanied by innerseal from 1. British Jews, Kissinger said Pronioited by law P.O. Box 3990. Grand Central Station a jar of Instant Maxwell House Coffee. 2 " square cut 9. All taxes are the sole responsibility of the winner. that a Palestinian state New York. N.Y. 10017 from the plastic lid of a can of Ground Maxwell House' 10. Each entry has an equal chance of winning There is no Coffee or the word Maxwell House' Coffee printed in would be a disaster for Is- pre-determined winner. Your chances of winning are 5. Prize will be awarded as soon as compliance of win- block letters On a 3 " x 5 " card and Ina!! to rael and the Middle East, ing entry with these rules is verified. 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Winner will be selected by random blindfold drawing P 0 Box 3660 I 7. No substitution for prize. Prize is non-transferable and under the supervision of an independent organization. tween Israel and Jordan, Grand Central Station not redeemable for cash. The trip must be taken in 1980 wnose decision is final. In the event any winner declines New York, N Y 10017 which would result in the on an available Pan Am scheduled departure date. the prize or if for any other reason the prize cannot be 8. The sweepstakes is open to all U.S. residents. except transfer of Arab popula- awarded atter the initial drawing. a supplemental draw- Name The RAIN DOCTOR . - MAXWELL HOUSE® COFFEE WANTS TO SEND YOU TO ISRAEL! 'USW OF cfR DMON WEEPSTAIWS GENERAL i00011 Man A el{ A castle after all is but a house — the dullest one when lacking company. ing or drawings will be held to award the prize Drawing will be held on July 14. 1980. 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