THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 6 Friday, March 14, 1980 20% You're • Invited of Bloomfield Mayor Koch Blasts Carter's 'Gang of Five' Savings INVITATIONS Weddings • Bar Mitzva • Bat Mitzva • Sweet Sixteen • Shower Phyllis DIles 644-8711 If You Want to BUY 'EM We `!plant to SELL 'EM! See Us First! GLASSMAN 'OLDSMOBILE, INC. 28000 TELEGRAPH at Tel-12 Mall Just South of 12 Mile Rd. 354-3300 (Continued from Page 1) the issues raised by U.S. support for the resolution, adding that the U.S. vote put the President "in great danger of losing the elec- tion." The mayor had a two- hour luncheon with the President last weekend but he refused to discuss what was said. Koch asserted that McHenry and Young were "Third World oriented and viciously anti-Israel." He said that, as a result of the vote for the resolution, "There's no question that there has been a great erosion of support in the Jewish community." Koch said he still sup- ported Carter's candidacy and was "hopeful" that the President "will clear the matter up." He said U.S. policy toward Israel at the UN is "on a slippery slope. ' SPITZER'S of Harvard Row YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR PASSOVER NEEDS 6 doz. Israeli 1 1 DRIPL.ESS CANDLES 1 1 LUCITE MATZA BASKET Reg. 22.50 Special $ 1 4 Super Special $ 2 09 95 1 with coupon only limit 1 === I ======= 1 1 —I Complete Selection Of PASSOVER WINE & CHAMPAGNE. KEDEM CARMEL - Deluxe imported Wines From France, Italy and the Brand New Yeminah Wines from Israel AT DISCOUNT PRICES - •-•-• .;.:•4°.fr - Shmura Matza 7R -- " - "' Passover Cosmetics . . .!. --•'"•,- ' P ti7:?-,, - ..;,./,> es, •-.„...-2;:;;......... : ' (,,\- -...„., / . . 1 ...t..' Toothpaste-Aspirin Saccahrine, etc. SPITZER'S it- ,: - ;-'. ,,.. A Vo. , publican 'chairman Bill Brock, Sen. Robert Dole (R-Kan.) and Rep. William Broomfield (R-Mich.), and Michigan Democratic Con- gressmen James Blanchard and William Brodhead. The Jewish Community Council of Metropolitan Detroit has sent a letter to its member organizations expressing itE concern over the issue. Senate hearings on the UN vote were postponed from yesterday to a later date. Commerce Secretary Philip Klutznick was in Miami last Friday where he addre'ssed a group of mostly-Jewish, residents at a North Miami Beach con- dominium prior to Tues- day's Florida primary elec- tions. According to press re- ports, Klutznick, who is on leave as president of the World Jewish Con- gress, said he believed the President when he said the UN vote was the result of a communica- tions failure. "I believe him ... And I say do not judge him by a single act," Klutznick ‘' was quoted as saying. Hoffberger, Jerold president of the United Is- rael Appeal and former president of the Council of Jewish Federations, an- nounced his endorsement of Sen. Kennedy for the Presidency. He stressed his endorsement was personal and not in the name of the organizations with which he is associated. Asserting that Presid Carter's "inept" handli United States foreign poi., "renders the President's commitment to Israel vir- tually meaningless," Hoffberger said he supports Kennedy because "He has stood for a foreign policy that reflects the ideals of our nation. He recognizes the necessity for a strong and consistent U.S. position in support of Israel." been described as a "surro- gate" of the Soviet Union and receives its diplomatic and military support. Saunders skirted ques- tions dealing directly with the "foul-up" over the United Nations Security Council re s olution last week. He said in response to one question reagrding U.S. "credibility" in the Middle East and on "Israel in par- ticular" that the U.S., Egypt and Israel, having signed the Camp David agree- ments, are "fully committed to the peace process as the most viable approach to a peace settlement that has been devised." He emphasized, in re- sponse to another question, "nothing that has happened in the last few days, indeed nothing that has happened, signified any interest of the United States abandoning or in any way lessening the Camp David process." In Montreal, Robert Stanfield, the former leader of the Progressive Conservative Party who went on a fact-finding mission to the Middle East last fall, recom- mended a strongly pro- Palestinian policy for Canada. He proposed Canadian support of the right of the Palestinian people to a homeland and to self- determination. He also pro- posed that Canada should talk to the Palestine Libera- tion Organization, but not necessarily recognize the PLO. In his final report he suggested that Canada con- tinue its policy of refusing to recognize Israel's annexa- tion of East Jerusalem and surrounding districts. He said Canada should main- tain its strong friendship with Israel, but should not hesitate to criticize Israel when its government takes administrative measures that hinder the peace proc- ess. He suggested that the Canadian Human Rights Commission be given wider powers to combat the eco- nomic boycott of Israel by the 20-member states of the Arab League and that Canada should be prepared to offer peace-keeping forces and economic aid to Middle Eastern countries under a peace settlement. Stanfield cautioned t„ Canadian government that discussions with the PLO should in no way fect a firm stand , Canada against any ter- rorist activities perpet- rated by armed sub- groups of the PLO. The most controversial aspect of Stanfield's 10- week tour of Middle Eastern and North African coun- tries was his meeting with PLO officials. Ambassador McHenry is- sued a denial of Koch's alle- gations and Secretary of State Vance labeled them "absolutely baloney." Vance added, "Ed Koch knows damn well that it is a lot of hogwash that I am anti-Israeli. I -have never been and will never be anti-Israel. To say the least, I am disappointed in my old friend." Saunders: Talk to Palestinians in Interest of Justice in Mideast • Matza Covers • Haggadahs • Seder Plates • Wine Cups • Wine Decanters • Matza Baskets • Salt Water Dishes • Seder Candles • Terylene and Plastic Tablecloths SOMETHING NEW He said the question Ameri- can Jews wanted answered was: "When the chips are down and every country is submitting to Arab oil blackmail, are we going to be submitting?" Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) has demanded that the Carter Administra- tion "tell the complete story" of its UN vote. "It is time for the Ad- ministration to resolve" whether it was "simply neg- ligent" or whether the President "actually decided to cast an unprecedented vote against Israel and then reversed the decision in face of mounting criticism," Kennedy said. The Massachusetts Democrat addressed 800 delegates to the Bnai Brith Women's biennial convention in Washing- ton where he received a standing ovation. Kennedy repeated one of ° his Presidential campaign themes . of asking how the "Carter Administration will react (to Israel) if it wins a second term." Numerous politicians have been criticizing the Carter Administration over the incident, including Re- SUPER SPECIAL ISRAELI PATINA SEDER PLATES 4-Colors reg. $9.95 Now $595 Hebrew Book & Gift Center 11 Mile & Lahser, Southfield Harvard Row 356-6080 Open All Day Sunday WASHINGTON (JTA) — Assistant Secretary of State for the Middle East Harold Saunders said last week that "it is necessary to deal with the Palestinian profs lem both as a matter of jus- tice and stability in the Middle East." Saunders ad- dressed the National Foreign Policy Conference for editors and broadcasters at the State Department. After prefacing his re- marks with discussion of Soviet • efforts in the Mideast, Saunders said the continuing negotiations for a settlement of the Arab- Israeli conflict are aimed at "avoiding another war." He added that "the prob- lem strikes deeper" because the Palestinian movement rests "not only on Palesti- nian nationalism, but also on its radical philosophy that reaches beyond Pales- tinian objectives." He said the Palestinian movement is "meshed in" with social, economic and political, changes in the Middle East. Earlier in his prepared remarks, Saunders said that "the Soviets support governments and libera- tion organizations" and while "not necessarilyin control" of them, the USSR takes "advantage for the achievement of similar goals." He did not mention the Palestine Liberation Organization which has JEWISH NATIONAL FUND • 27308 SOUTHFIELD SOUTHFIELD, MI 48076 ; Phone: 557-6644 :Monday thru Thursday 9 AM to_ 5 Pa— - Friday 9 AM to 4 PM — Sunday 10 AM to 1 PM _ .1