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March 14, 1980 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1980-03-14

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Friday, March 14, 1980 5

He who sins against men,
may fear discovery; but he
who sins against God is sure
lish a second Palestinian of it.
state," thereby weaken-
-?..;%;;;;:;;4,-;; *04v-
ing Israel and itself while
enabling the Soviet
Union to carry out its
plan to control the Mid-
dle East oil reserves and
thereby secure Soviet
influence over the West
and Japan.
"We are the only ones —
along with Egypt and the
U.S. — who can guarantee
the oil supply to the West
and stop Russian expan-
sionism" Sharon said. He
declared that Jewish silence
was partly responsible for
the Holocaust and called on
American Jews to stand up
Beautifully handcrafted in
to the U.S. government. He
silver and gold
conceded, however, that the
They make great gifts any
U.S. is Israel's only friend.
month of the year

Jewish Leaders Demanding Clarified Policy on Israel

(Continued from Page 1)
The President's commit-
ment to an "undivided
Jerusalem," applauded by
his guests, was reiterated
by his national security ad-
viser, Zbigniew . Brzezinski,
at a breakfast meeting
reporters at the National
Press Club on Wednesday.
Carter told the New York
ity leaders that "our
erican policy (in the
'east) and the principles
on which we have based
that policy have not
changed. First and foremost
is the security of Israel, its
integrity as a nation, to be
at peace with its neighbors
protected behind recognized
and secure borders.
"Secondly, Jerusalem
to be undivided and with
access by all to the holy,
places." He said further
that "the agreed basis for
present and future
negotiations" continues
to be UN Security Coun-
cil Resolutions 242 and
Carter added that U.S.
principles include resolu-
tion of the "Palestinian
problem in all its aspects, to
use the words that were
agreed by Prime Minister
Menahem Begin, President
Anwar Sadat and myself."
He said another principle is
to "hammer out through
negotiations a self-
governing authority for the
West Bank and Gaza areas
for a five-year transition
period at the end of which
time the permanent status
of the West Bank and Gaza
would be determined
through negotiations."
At an off-the-record meet-
ing with reporters in the
White House Saturday,
Carter reiterated his posi-
tion that Israeli settlements
in the occupied territories
are illegal. According to the
New York Times, "The
President is convinced that
the question of the 50 Israeli
settlements on the West
Bank must eventually be
addressed and that it may
well prove to be one of the
most troublesome issues to


Sharon, one of the most
outspoken hard-liners in
Premier Menahem Begin's
government, addressed a
meeting of the Conference
of Presidents of Major
American Jewish Organ-
izations convened at his re-
quest. Sharon had specifi-
cally asked that the meet-
ing be open to the press.
But after his opening
remarks, Rabbi Alexan-
der Schindler, who was
presiding in the absence
of Presidents Conference
Chairman Theodore

Kollek Assails Land Grab
as Empty Gesture by Israel

Housing Minister David
Levy's move to confiscate of
1,100 acres of Arab-owned
land in East Jerusalem for
the construction of some
10,000 new housing units
for Jews on the eastern bor-
ders of the city has been ap-
proved by the Israeli
The move is seen as a re-
sponse to the UN Security
Council resolution of March
1 which condemned Israel
for its policies on the West
Bank and in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem Mayor Teddy
Kollek has so far been the
only political figure to pu-
blicly question the wisdom
of expropriating the land.
Kollek said that with-
out available resources
for building on the ex- ,
propriated land, the
order would be politi-
cally damaging. He said
* * *
he did not object to the
Sharon Blasts
expropriation in princi-
Carter, UN Vote,
ple, but said it should
have taken place years
Jewish Leadership
NEW YORK (JTA) — ago. Its implementation
Ariel Sharon, Israel's at this moment would
inister of agriculture, unnecessarily aggravate
asted the Carter Adminis- the Arabs because he
tration on Wednesday for doubted the chances for
supporting the UN Security any massive construction
'7uncil anti-Israel resolu- projects on the exprop-
;n of March 1 and casti- riated land.
The Jerusalem city
gated American Jews for
engineer's office had
not standing up to it.
worked for years on a plan
"Jewish silence will bring to link the Neve Yaacov
disaster upon the Jewish neighborhood in north East
people and upon Israel," Jerusalem with the French
Sharon declared before an Hill, south along the
audience of American Jerusalem-Ramallah Rd.
Jewish leaders here. He But implementation of the
said he was "shocked" that plan needed massive in-
100,000 Jews did not march vestments which are no
on Washington to demon- where in sight, Kollek said.
strate in front of the White
The expropriation deci-
House in the aftermath of sion hardly caused any pub-
the UN vote and sharply lic reation in Israel.
criticized Jewish leaders for
About 30 percent of the
meeting with two of land is owned by Jews, 68
President Carter's top aides percent belongs to non-
in New York on Monday.
Jews, and two percent is


Mann, requested that the
press leave. The feeling
among some reporters
was that he did this be-
cause of the severe tone
of Sharon's criticism of
the President and Ameri-
can Jewish leaders and
because some of the lat-
ter present intended to
challenge the' Israeli
minister's belief that they
were silent.
Sharon claimed that Is-
rael is presently under pres-
sure to make further con-
cessions and alleged that
this was part of a pattern
that started immediately
after the Camp David
agreements were signed,
and that the U.S. govern-
ment has been trying "to
run away from that agree-
ment." He said he would not
accept Carter's explanation
about the U.S. vote and was
not surprised by the way the
U.S. voted. He said it had
happened before, in the An-
drew Young affair.
According to Sharon,
Carter's explanation "just
created confusion" among
American Jews. He said the

state-owned. Most of the
land in question is free of
any building.
Landowners can appeal
against the expropriation
order in the courts, but
under Israeli law the fi-
nance minister can justify
any expropriation merely
by claiming that it is neces-
sary for "the benefit of the

situation might have been
much clearer to them if Car-
ter had not disavowed the
vote. •
Sharon charged that by
agreeing to meet with Car-
ter's representatives,
Jewish leaders helped to
cover up" the real inten-
tions of the Carter Adminis-
tration and helped the Ad-
ministration to make its
UN vote, into an issue be-
tween it and the Jewish
community. According to
Sharon, the issue is that
this kind of American policy
will bring the U.S. to corn-
mit "a new mistake" in its
Middle East policy.
The Israeli minister ac-
cused the Administration
of attempting "to estab-
: ~
` 3

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Fisher Among 4
Honored by UIA

Jewish leaders from various
parts of the world were the
first to receive the highest
honor of the world-wide
United Israel Appeal-Keren
Hayesod at an international
assembly held in Antwerp,
Belgium. The event last
week marked the 60th an-
niversary of the UIA-KH.
Dr. Avraham Avi-hai,
world chairman of the
UIA-KH, awarded the
prestigious prize for the
first time since it was estab-
lished in May 1976, in honor
of the 80th birthday of Dr.
Israel Goldstein, who
served as world chairman of
the UIA-KH from 1961 to
The recipients were: Max
M. Fisher of Detroit, chair-
man of the board of gover-
nors of the Jewish Agency
for Israel; Phil Granovsky of
Toronto, chairman of the
world board of trustees of
the United Israel Appeal -
Keren Hayesod; Fred Hall
of Melbourne, who has been
responsible for the de-
velopment of a young lead-
ership group, and has re-
cently immigrated to Israel;
and J. Edward Sieff, former
chairman of the Joint Israel
Appeal of Great Britain,
who accepted on behalf of
the Sieff, Sacher and Marks

Tie Tak for him
in sterling silver
in 14 Kt gold
Necklace for her
in sterling silver
in 14 Kt gold



Greenfield @ 101/2 Mile

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