48 Friday, February 22, MN THE MIT IWISII NEWS Bond Leaders Shown Israel's Progress Present at the recent dedication of a new steel- hardening plant in the Jerusalem suburb of Maale Adumim were Detroit Is- rael Bond leaders David B. Holtzman and David B. Hermelin. Avraham "Buma" Shavit, head of the Israel Manufac- turers Association, chair- man of the board of El Al, and guest speaker at the dedication ceremonies, stated, "Only the Israeli with his unique combina- tion of pluck and faith could have converted the bleak prospects of Maale Adumim into such a promising industrial estate." Leading a group of more than 300 Israel Bond Prime Minister's Conference dele- gates in touring a variety of plants in the Maale Adumim industrial park, Shavit invited the delegates to personally involve them- selves in Israel's industrial growth, through the Israel Bond Corporate Activities Division. "We have come to build a constructive and prod- uctive society here," he said, "and we look to our industrialist counter- parts in Detroit, in Chicago, in all the great cities of America, to help support our economic development program." The Israel Bond Corpo- rate Activities Division in Detroit is headed by Harold Beznos. Shavit declared that the changing international situation demands an in- creased effort to secure Is- rael's economy. He said, "We have moved quickly; our current problems of high costs, galloping infla- tion and the deficit in our balance of payments are be- cause we push ourselves to do everything sooner and faster. We have to: we ha- ven't got time to delay." Israel cannot delay, he told the delegates, but neither can she go it alone. "What we are trying to achieve today in a hostile area is something which has never been done before in the history of humanity. And we have succeeded. We . such a "mechaieh"! FENBY-CARR ORCHESTRA 661-1198 DISCO DISCO IS OUR SPECIALITY, HIGH QUALITY OUR PERFORMANCE OUTSTANDING IN MUSIC. LIGHTING. TEACHING AND DANCE DEMONSTRATIONS. FOR A FUNTASTIC PARTY. BAR MITZVA. WEDDING OR SPECIAL OCCASI -O- N . Call ART and JAN at Shown during the Israel Bond mission are 'Buma" Shavit, left, with Detroit Israel Bond leaders David Holtzman and David Hermelin. have created a society out of the furnaces of Europe. We have welded together people from over 100 differ- ent nations, with different customs and different ways of life." The opening of this fac- tory is the -story of Israel, he said. "It is not the kind of story that is reported in the newspapers but it is happening all over Is- rael. Israeli industry is among the oustanding 10 national industries in the world today. Of 154 coun- tries, you won't find 10 that manufacture prod- ucts of the quality and sophistication of which we in Israel are capable. "Are sell an annual $27 million worth of panty-hose and $47 million worth of tires — half of them to the U.SA., the country that in- vented the tire. "We produce $50 million worth of ready-made suits for the European market, which they acknowledge are the best on the market. And we have done all this JANART DANCE STUDIO Finances Topic of SPACE 852.4477 or 652-9736 Call early for available open dates If you're not wearing it, sell it. - You can't enjoy jewelry if it's sitting in your safe deposit box. Sell it for immediate cash. We pur- chase fine gems, Diamonds and Gold Jewelry. A service to private owners, banks and estates. Call 642-5575. --- Norman Allan f