THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Boris Smolar's `Between You • • . and Me' Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, JTA (Copyright 1980, JTA, Inc.) • SUPPRESSING JEWISH IDENTITY: Are Jewish organizations engaged in protecting Jewish civil and reli- gious rights strengthening Jewish identity in this country, or are they suppressing it by their opposition or indif- ference to having Jews as Jews included in the United States census? This question is developing into an issue among American Jews — especially American-born who wish to maintain their Jewish identity for themselves and their children — as the U.S. Census Bureau starts its 1980 de- cennial count of the population in April. These native Jews constitute more than two-thirds of the 1,600,000 who went out of their way to declare in the 1970 census that Yiddish is their mother tongue, thus making it a point to indicate indirectly their ethnicity or religious origin despite the fact that the question of religion is, under pressure from some Jewish organizations, eliminated from the questionnaire, and not withstanding the fact that Jews are not included among minorities and ethnic groups which the census lists and covers with statistical data. Many of these Jews are puzzled about the American Jewish leaders who contradict themselves by talking, on the one hand, of the need to strengthen Jewish identity in order to ensure Jewish continuity, while, on the other hand, they fight against the inclusion of the question of religion in the U.S. Census Bureau questionnaire knowing well that Jews in the United States are classified officially as a religious group only, and under these circumstances can be identified in the census only by their religious origin. Many American-born Jews are even more disturbed over the indifference of Jewish leaders to the fact that Jews are excluded from the more than 60 ethnic groups in this country as far as the census is concerned. They resent the fact of Jews being the only anonymous group in the general population on whom no statistics are collected by the cen- sus, as if there were no Jews in the United States. The dictionary, by the way, defines the word "ethnic" as "relat- ing to races or large groups of people classed according to common traits and customs." TIME TO RETHINK: Years ago, when some influen- tial American Jewish leaders insisted on the omission of the question of religion from the U.S. census things were different in the United States. For those leaders it was not so much a question involving the problem of the separation of church and state — the argument which is being ad- vanced now — but primarily a question of "Americaniza- tion." These leaders, mostly German-born, laid great stress on having the masses of Jewish immigrants from East European countries absorbed in the stream of American life and culture. They were considered by nationalistic Jews as "assimilationists" and nicknamed "Yahudim," but were actually well-meaning personalities seeking to bring the Jews into the "melting pot" of the American nation and make them part and parcel of the American people. The march of time has greatly changed this approach. The great majority of Jews in this country are not American-born. They do not need "Americanization." They believe in ethnic pluralism and not in the "melting pot" theory. They search for Jewish identity as does the entire American Jewish community in its anxiety to preserve Jewish continuity. In the light of this fundamental change, many ask the question: Has not the time come for Jewish organizations to re-think and given up their opposition or indifference to the identification of Jews as Jews in the population census? THE MISSING INFORMATION: Jewish demog- raphers and social scientists are of the opinion that it is high time for Jewish organizations to revise their negative attitude toward having Jews counted in the census as Jews. The 1980 census will bring out the dramatic changes that have taken place in American life since the last census in 1970. There will be dabion the changes of family life in general and among minorities. But data to reflect the deter- ioration of Jewish family life — which is now one of the greatest worries of the organized Jewish communities — will not be there since Jews are not identified as Jews in the census. ARE THERE JEWS IN U.S.?: The census will carry statistics on age, sex, marital status, education and occupa- tion of various national minorities, but don't look for such data of Jews. They come as an integral part of the general population in the census. While the data on the various nationalities and ethnic groups is very helpful to their distinct cultural, social and other pluralistic needs, one will not be able to learn from the census of the specific needs of the Jewish population, nor the extent to Jewish participa- tion in the development of the country. Jews are simply- non-existent as Jews in the census. AJC Lashes PLO Linkage to lE.IC Voting Rights Proposal NEW YORK — The American Jewish Congress, asserting that it would con- tinue to support passage of the District of Columbia voting rights amendment, has criticized the action of some Maryland legislators who reportedly asked D.C. Rep. Walter Fauntroy to denounce the PLO in return for their support of the D.C. measure. Henry Siegman, execu- tive director of the Ameri- can Jewish Congress, said: "The D.C. voting rights amendment is supported by the American Jewish Con- gress and most other Jewish community relations organ- izations because it is neces- sary to the democratic proc- ess. "The deplorable action of Walter E. Fauntroy in paying homage to PLO terrorist chieftain Yasir Arafat and joining him in singing 'We Shall Over- come' does not diminsh our support for a meas- ure which we regard as essential to enfranchise residents of the District of Columbia. The misguided efforts of certain Maryland legis- lators to link these two events are distasteful and certainly do not reflect the position taken by the American Jewish commu- nity. The D.C. voting rights amendment should be passed because of its intrin- sic merit, not because of anything Mr. Fauntroy says or doesn't say about the PLO. "When the amendment passes, Mr. Fauntroy will have to stand for the office that is then created. At that point, voters in the District will have the opportunity to evaluate his fitness for office in terms of his whole record, including his regret- table flirtation with the PLO. "Each of these two issues — the D.C. amendment and the PLO — is important enough in its own right to preclude any kind of bar- gaining or trade-off. For our own part, we strongly endorse the D.C. amend- ment. We strongly oppose any approaches to the PLO, including Mr. Fauntroy's." Friday, February 8, 1980 23 _ Will It Never End? By Marty Od It snowed And someone wrote the word -Jew" On the trunk of the car, In the snow, in Big letters. What did I feel when I saw it? Anger!! -Why, God? Why the hate?" Anger!! Because of someone's Stupidity and ignorance! Anger!! Can't we ever be let alone To live in peace? And I felt pity! Yes, pity for Someone who probably doesn't even know why they hate. And I was proud! For someone knew we were Jews! We let it be known that we are Jews! And I am Proud to be a Jew!! SEND THIS. r THE B. MANISCHEWITZ COMPANY, P.O. BOX 484A, JERSEY CITY, N.J. 07303 NAME ADDRESS CITY L STATE ZrP ET THIS-FREE! Israeli Diamond Leader Honored RAMAT-GAN — Bar- Ilan University has pre- sented an honorary docto- rate degree to Moshe Schnitzer, president of the Israel Diamond Exchange and the World Federation of Diamond Bourses. Schnitzer was honored "for his achievements in leading the diamond indus- try to the forefront of the world trade, and as repre- sentative of the 20,000 workers and executives who have made the diamond branch Israel's principal exporter." Manischewitz PASSOVER RECIPE GUIDE Trust Manischewitz to come up with 22 great recipes for Passover' Along with the traditional dishes. you can serve Honey Chicken. Veal with Peppers, Lamb Chops with Prune Stuffing. Orange Glazed Sweet Potatoes. Even a Banana-Nut Sponge Cake! Passover is a happy. festive time and these tshes fit right in with the occasion. Manischewitz gives you detailed recipes plus two Seder menus—so you can start a Passover tradition all your own' VALENTINE SPECIALV--"LOVE WEEK February 8 Thru February 16 30% OFF' ALL 14 KARAT JEWELRY Iry Applegate Square Northwestern Hwy. at Inkster 358-1980 K • 442Idf /0fre s lovers aa er