THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Expert's Example of Soviet Repression By ABRAHAM KATSH (Editor's note: Dr. Ab- raham I. Katsh, president emeritus of Dropsie Uni- versity in Philadelphia, is the only known Western scholar who was granted permission by the Soviet Union in the 1950s and 1960s to examine and microfilm important Jewish documents and manuscripts in the Soviet Union.) On my first trip to Russia in 1956, my colleague, the late Prof. Christian 0. Arndt, and I visited the then deputy minister of educa- tion, A. Arsenyev. During our discussion about the government's interest in fostering national lan- guages and cultures, I re- marked that I was certain there were some Soviet citi- zens who did not have an opportunity to study their own language and culture, because the study of He- brew and Hebrew culture was officially forbidden, al- though the study of Yiddish was once allowed and was still recognized as the offi- cial language of Birobidjan (the proposed region of Jewish settlement—ed.). I also mentioned that I knew that Soviet law pro- hibits the teaching of any religion until the age of 18 except by parents. Private bilingual schools, such as are common in the Western world, too, are for- bidden to function; there- fore Jewish youths, up to the age of 18, have no oppor- tunity to study the lan- guage, culture and the civilization of the Jewish people. I mentioned that the Soviets recognize the Jewish nationality but do not give Jews a chance to study their language and culture. I then asked: "Could not Hebrew be taught in at least some 10-year schools in the manner Hebrew is taught in U.S. public schools?" The de- puty minister's first reac- tion was that the same principles apply to the Jewish nationality as to all other nationalities. He suggested that the He- brew language and cul- ture could be fostered in Birobidjan. I called to his attention that Birobidjan is not con- sidered a separate republic and that the distance from Leningrad and Moscow to Birobidjan would make it impossible for Jews from those cities to study Hebrew in Birobidjan unless they settled there. Arsenyev then cited the Soviet law which provides that if 10 or more parents request that their national language be taught to their children in any 10-year school, then the authorities must comply with the re- quest. When I asked whether this law applied to the teaching of modern Hebrew as well as to Yiddish, his an- swer was an emphatic "yes." Moreover, he said, this law applied also to culture, cul- ABRAHAM KATSH ture meaning literature, history, and music. We then asked if he would give us this state- ment in writing, so that we could quote him accu- rately. Arsenyev readily agreed and on the follow- ing day we received this official statement: "I am communicating to you the answer to the ques- tion as to whether people of Hebrew nationality can study their native language in the USSR. "According to the Soviet law, every parent is given the right to put his child in a class in which the instruc- tion of all subjects is con- ducted in the native lan- guage. For the organization of such a class in any school, only 10 parents of studnets who wish their children taught in the native lan- guage are necessary. This right is quite applicable to people of Hebrew origin. "In addition, in schools where instruction is carried on in the language of a union or autonomous repub- lic (Russian, Ukrainian, Tartar, Bashkir, etc.), addi- tional studies of other lan- guages, or national litera- ture, history, and music may be organized according to the wishes of the parents. "If 10 pupils wish to study these subjects, the teacher is paid from the account of the school. "With the respects of the Assistant Minister of Edu- cation of the USSR." (signed) A. Arsenyev I showed the letter to the late Chief Rabbi of Moscow, Rabbi Sh. Schliffer, who was well regarded by the government. It was he who succeeded in getting permission to es- tablish a yeshiva in Moscow (in 1956) for 30 students. He also secured permission to publish the first siddur printed in Soviet Russia. Rabbi Schliffer's first re- mark was, "We need people like you here." I replied: "If I lived in Moscow, I doubt that I would have received this kind of letter." At any rate, when some Leningrad Jews tried to act according to the let- ter, some of them were imprisoned for making such a request! USSR is confronted with many problems connected with Jews. The Soviets can- not admit that Communism has failed to solve the Jewish problem. It is faced with the Stalinist fallacy that the Jewish people are not a nation. The Russians had hoped that the Jews would assimi- late into the new society. This failed because no ef- forts were made to educate the non-Jews and to grant the rights of the constitu- tion to the Jewish national- ity. We Make Our Own Glasses HEADQUARTERS FOR LATEST DOMESTIC AND ...../111.41PORTED FRAME FASHIONS • PRESCRIPTIONS FOR GLASSES ACCURATELY FILLED • DESIGNER FRAMES • Immediate Repair • Reasonably Priced ROSEN OPTICAL SERVICE 13720 W. 9 MILE nr. COOLIDGE OAK PARK, MICH. LI 7-5068 Mon. - Fn. 9:30.6 Sor. 'til 5 Closed Wednesday E#1WAY TO SEE FLORIDA. $69 A WEEK. Get a subcompact from Hertz. 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Or call your Florida with Hertz. travel agent. • ` WHERE WINNERS RENT: The government of the The difference between coarse and refined abuse is the difference between being bruised by a club and wounded by a poisoned ar- row. Jews being ubiquitous in Russia are an anomaly and an anomaly breeds trouble. The Russian government refuses to admit that there is anti-Semitism in the USSR. Anti-Semitism to them means Tsarist anti- Semitism, i.e., pogroms. To the Jew, however, a spiritual pogrom is tan- tamount to a physical pog- rom. It is true that not only Jews want to get out of the "Communist paradise," but no other group is denied its group rights in the manner Jews are being deprived. Friday, February 8, 1980 13 HERTZ RENTS FORDS AND OTHER FINE CARS • US C ,-EFirZ SY5 ,E. NC .80