THE DETROIT 'JEWISH' NEWS 12 Friday, January 4, 1980 Haudetaittanlo Clothier 647-8054 126 S. Woodward, Birmingham Mon., Tu•s., Wed., Sat. 10-6 Thurs. i Fri. 10.9 FOR THE ULTIMATE JN FASHION-RIGHT FORMALWEAR RENTALS & SALES Ceie0fale the occasion with a fresh alp- amacn to torrnalwea, Featuring art exten- si,e seiection The newest styles and daic-s FEATURING Westwood. Newport, Woodstock, Windsor. Tux Toils, 21 Colored Shirts, Flared Ponta, Volore Soots • WEDDINGS • PROMS • CRUISES • EVERY IMPORTANT SOCIAL EVENT Racial Slurs Spark Uproar in Israel Basketball League By HASKELL COHEN NEW YORK (JTA) — The first publicized racial incident during a basket- ball game in Israel took place Dec. 10 in the Yad Eliyahu Stadium where the heavily favored Tel Aviv Maccabi five defeated their arch rival, the Hapoel Tel Aviv team by a score of 90-87. During the game, vocifer- ous Hapoel fans shouted ra- cial slurs at Aulcie Perry and Earl Williams, the black stars of the Tel Aviv Maccabi. It was a home game of the Hapoel club and the pre- ponderance of the fans were from that group's organiza- tion. Perry, who converted to Judaism, understands enough Hebrew to know what the fans were calling him and he passed it on to Williams. The game was a rough one which the Mac- cabis managed to win in the closing moments. Immediately after the final whistle, Perry, hurled a basketball into the stomach of Schmuel Nachmias of the Hapoel team. Nachmias re- sponded by spitting in Perry's face, whereupon Williams rushed to the aid of his fellow- American and a near riot ensued before both teams were cleared from the floor. The Israel Basketball • Shevat 5 740 January 1 9 to February 1 7, 1 980 Jewish atonal und month JERUSALEM (JTA) — An "Open University" for Jewish Studies is one of the ideas under active consid- eration by the Joint Pro- gram for Jewish Education in the Diaspora (JP). Jews in the Diaspora of all ages and every walk of life would be able to take courses, by cassette and correspondence, in a wide- range of Judaica and re- lated subjects under the guidance and tutelage of some of Israel's top aca- demicians. Another idea, on which a feasibility study has begun, calls for three summer-long courses at Israeli univer- sities for Diaspora teachers and educators. The summer programs would be "bridged" dur- ing the academic year by correspondence courses. Upon successful comple- tion, the teachers would automatically be entitled to a significant raise in their salaries. An idea, still on the drawing-board, is a "Sesame Street" type tele- vision series on Jewish life, to be filmed mainly in Israel for screening by TV stations and privately around the world. The JP involves the allo- cation jointly by the Israel government and world Jewry of $10 million an- nually for at least the next four years in the boldest- ever attack on ignorance and apathy in the crucial JNF SABBATH, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 TASKS DURING ISRAEL'S 32st ANNIVERSARY YEAR To avow full solidarity with the State of Israel in its period of stress. To focus attention on 79 years of Jewish National Fund activities in develop- ing the Land of Israel and securing the future of the State of Israel. - To stress the fact that JNF is a major contributor in improving and maintaining the quality of Israel's environment. JNF fights desolation, decay, waste and wilderness. - To reclaim more land for outposts in the most vulnerable areas. --- To insure a Jewish stronghold in the Galilee, an area vital to the future securi- ty and economic self-sufficiency of the State. The Galilee has only a 32% Jewish population. To encourage inscriptions in the Honor Roll of the Jewish People — the Golden Book in Jerusalem. To place another thousand JNF Blue Boxes, the symbol of a nation reborn, in Greater Detroit and Michigan Jewish homes. To plant more trees in Israel. Israel needs more trees. Trees represent the rekindled strength and lifeblood of the land. - To remind Jews to remember JNF in their Wills, thus not only linking their names forever with the land of Israel, but their legacy will help ALL of Israel. And — we as• yo'.. to trip JNF carry on its F,e Year Plan Curing *hid. , it will prepare. arrong many other fonts of reclamation 150 000 clunarrs ot waste and rocotiancl for intens,e farming laying the foundationS for the construCtiOn of 15 000 new production units and 7.500 nor es In' rural settlers to drain and prepare 50 000 dunarr S tor agriculture to out 2.000 kilometers of roads in outlying areas and tnrough 'orests to plant 150 000 dune- s of frees for pion, areas La:riding grounds and recreation arses its Our power to re voe the ver y cad!, said Ben-Gunon Tn.s holds true today — and ton' On, Athlete of Decade A JNF BOX i n every Jewish home JEWISH NATIONAL FUND =1 r--11 F 27308 Southfield Rd. • Southfield, MI 48076 • 557-6644 • All contributions to JNF are tax deductible The irony is that Maccabi represents Israel in the European Cup play and has been performing beauti- fully in the elimination tournaments that will end some time in April. Both Perry and Williams are former pro- fessionals. Last year, Williams played 23 games for the Boston Celtics. Perry was a steady per- former for the Virginia entry in the ABA and had been working with the New York Knicks prior to signing on with the Mac- cabis two years ago. After he converted to Judaism, it became possible for the Tel Aviv Maccabis to latch on to Williams who was approved by the Feder- ation of International Bas- ketball Association, permit. ting him to revert to amateur standing. Diaspora Jewish Education Focus of New Joint Program Tu B'SHEVAT, New Year of Trees, February 2 nrvp Federation's arbitration board held a hearing that lasted 11 hours. The board subsequently ordered Perry and Williams suspended for the next 10 league games. Nachmias was suspended for the next four Hapoel games and the Hapoel organization was fined IL 15,000 ($485) because the game was played at its home court and the crowd was unruly. Sports writers in the Is- raeli press were disturbed by the severe penalty im- posed on the Maccabi team which could conceivably lose enough games without the aid of the black stars to drop them to last place. This would eliminate the Mac- cabis from the National League and relegate them to what is referred to as the First League, the American equivalent of the minor league. 1:1 1 TEL AVIV (JTA) — Maariv has named Tal Brodie, the American-born basketball player as its Is- raeli athlete of the 1970s. Brodie, from Trenton, N.J., immigrated to Israel after participating on the U.S. basketball team in the 1965 Maccabia Games. He was an all-American at the University of Illinois. Maariv said its world athlete o£ the decade was heavyweight boxing cham- pion Muhammed Ali. area of Jewish education in the Diaspora. Five million dollars of t h e fund is to be spent in Israel for Diaspora Jewish educa- tion, and $5 million is to he added annually to the Pin- cus Fund, initiated by the late Louis Pincus, chairman of the World Zionist -Organ- ization and Jewish Agency Executives. The Pincus Fund, es- tablished after Pincus' death, provides money for educational projects abroad. It is run jointly by the government, the Jewish Agency, the Joint Distribution Committee and the WZO. The unique nature of the JP in which the government and the Jewish Agency alone are involved, is that all of its funds must be spent in Israel. To a large extent. it is the brainchild of the present Jewish Agency chairman Leon Dulzin. Emigration Up JERUSALEM (JTA Some 2,817 immigrants ar- rived in Israel in November. Yehuda Dominitz, director general of the Jewish Agency immigration and absorption department. told the Agency Executive. Most of the immigrants are Rus- sian, but the dropout rate last month was still 65.3 percent, he said. Some 34,500 immigrants. arrived during the first 11 months of 1979. By the end of the year, Dominitz pre- dicted, the number may reach 38,000, an increase 50 percent compared to ILHt year. There was a slight ris• November in the number immigrants from Frame and Great Britain, com- pared to a drop in the number of immigrants from South Africa and Argen- tina, Dominitz reported. llf Some 17,000 immigrants were in the absorption cen- ters of the Jewish Agency. an increase of 1,000 com- pared to October, he said.