• THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 18 Friday, November 16, 1919 Chabad Leaders Call Settlements a Necessity mipatutotko%. Chabad-Lubavitch lead- ers have joined forces with the defenders of Gush Emunim in urging that set- tlements in Israel should be considered a vital necessity for 'Israel's security and survival. WU Rolex Fredrick 't,; Jewelers f, of BLOOMFIELD HILLS 646 0973 V I 869 West long lake Road Mon thru Sat 10 to 5:30 kl Thur• to 9 pm Apprai•alo b. Appointment Detroit Chabad leaders have aligned with the forces that seek support for the While You Walt.:;a*,,:,: Mon.-Fri. 10 AM-4 PM By appointment , HOME-CARE PODIATRISTS FOOTCARE IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME TEL. 968-1626 Specializing in: Corns, callouses, ingrown nails, minor foot infections, and diabetic foot care. Licensed and Hospital-trained new settlements. They point to Chief Rabbi Pin- chus Hirszprung of Montreal, who has ex- pressed his chargin and alarm at the fact that there are those who state that e`e KIAMESHA LAKE, N.Y. (JTA) — Rabbi Alexander Schindler accused the Car- ter Administration Monday night of exploiting the American Jewish commu- .. nity for political reasons and declared that he will not work for the re-election of President Carter whose handling of the Andrew Young resignation, he claimed, was a form of "political anti-Semitism." Schindler, a leader of Re- form Judaism who is President of the Union of • American Hebrew Congre- gations, participated in a . s \Lea , N ‘ Ne el - C o 1% ‘10‘d* tiloc‘g dialogue before 2,000 dele- gates to the biennial con- vention of the United Synagogue of America, the congregational arm of Con- servative Judaism. He said he believed he was the first Reform leader ever invited, to a United Synagogue con- vention. Schindler contended that the Carter Administration had long wanted to drop Young and that the former UN envoy's talk with the Palestine Liberation Organization was a perfect opportunity to force his res- ignation and deflect black sv ei- . 6 p Ai> .0 ' 0