THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS NAACP Asks U.S. to Negotiate With PLO NEW YORK (JTA) — The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has called on the Carter Administration "to re- examine" the pledge given to Israel four years ago bar- ring the United States from negotiation with the Pales- tine Liberation Organiza- tion until the PLO recog- nized Israel's right to exist. The appeal tb the Ad- ministration was part of a statement issued Monday at the conclusion of the NAACP's fall board meet- ing. "The NAACP." the statement declared, "calls upon the U.S. government not to proscribe or limit the participation of any bona fide Middle East entity in the pursuit of a just and humane settlement of the conflict or causes of conflict in the region. "Four years after former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger entered into a secret agreement with Israel barring direct negotiations by the U.S. with Palestinian officials until the PLO recognized Israel's right to exist, the NAACP finds it impera- tive to question the con- tinuing wisdom of such an arrangement given present developments and realities." The NAACP, however, rn»nl ad its call to the Carter administration with a call on the U.S. "never to relent in its commitment to the permanent existence of Israel with secure and rec- ognized borders." The statement added that NAACP supports the right for "self-determination and a homeland for the Palesti- nian people." Recalling the meeting of black leaders in New York on Aug. 22 where they de- plored the "double standard" used in judging Ambassador Andrew Young's meeting with Zehadi Labib Terzi, the PLO observer at the UN, and U.S. Ambassador to Austria Milton Wolf's meet- ing with a PLO official in Vienna, the NAACP board said it fully endorsed the statements adopted by the black leaders. The board's statement also endorsed an Aug. 22 statement which supported "the right of black Ameri- cans to participate in the development and execution of U.S. foreign policy." The NAACP also supported the right of the Southern Chris- tian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and black citizens and organizations "to eng- age in dialogue with indi- viduals and groups whose actions have serious conse- quences for them." This was reference to the meetina SCLC leaders held with Terzi b prior to their meeting with Israel's am- bassador to the UN, Yehuda Blum. Continuing, the board - statement declared: "The NAACP notes with grave concern the unending reality of warfare and violence in the Middle East. This continuing de- struction of life and property daily not only threatens to engulf the region once more in full- scale warfare, but it also poses a severe danger to the economies of the U.S. and its principal allies and to world peace. , "The NAACP condemns violence of whatever source and calls upon those di- rectly involved to begin immediate, direct contacts and negotiations in search of peace. In this pursuit of peace in the Middle East, the NAACP will, as in the past, work directly with the U.S. government and its representatives in promot- ing the interests of this na- tion and its people." Benjamin L. Hooks, the NAACP's executive direc- tor, said, however, that while .his organization had "no intention of initiating talks with the PLO, we would urge the State De- partment to talk with the PLO." Meanwhile, Hooks an- nounced that steps were under way to initiate dialogue between the black and Jewish communities under the aegis of the Kivie Kaplan Human Relations 'Institute. The Institute was jointly established by the NAACP and the Union of American Hebrew Congre- gations with a grant from the Kaplan Family Charity Trust started by the late Kivie Kaplan, a Boston industrialist who served as national president of NAACP from 1966 until his death May 5, 1975. The board's statement, I Bring A Sword! By PAUL ELDRIDGE (Editor's note: Poet Paul Eldridge believes this poem is as timely today as when it was written in 1945.) To the beasts preying upon my people To the hyenas mocking their grief To the hounds barring their gates To the ostriches burying heads - To the crocodiles shedding tears To the snakes hissing malignities To the monkeys chattering diplomacies To the asses braying profundities To the cocks crowing prophecies To the owls hooting defeat — I BRING A SWORD! Friday, September 14, 1979 25 New Director LENNY NEW YORK — Lynne LIEBERMAN which endorsed the be able to pursue the goals Ianniello, former executive Orchestra dialogue, urged that of equal rights in manager of the communica- 559-0844 Young's "resignation not strengthened cooperation." tions division of the Anti- Quality Music * * Defamation League of Bnai be permitted to become a Disco Dance Instruction Brith and editor of the vehicle for the increase of Floor Show tension. To this end, we Jackson Invited "ADL Bulletin," has re- (audience participation) joined the ADL as -director urge President Carter to to Meet Arafat of the division. ALL IN ONE immediately give a full NEW YORK — Rep. Paul and clear explanation of the reasons for the ac- R. Findley (R-Ill.) has deliv- THE SOURCE FOR ALL WINDOW COVERINGS ceptance of that resigna- ered an invitation to black With Competitive Prices On Quality Products leader Jesse Jackson to tion. And A Reputation That Speaks For Itself meet with Palestine Libera- "The NAACP feels that Since 1952 FREE ESTIMATES tion Organization chief existing differences are not Yasir Arafat. insurmountable. With con- 559•8209 Findley said the invita- scientious effort and mutual CUSTOM DRAPES VERTICAL and SUMLINE BUNDS respect, both groups would tion "showed new Flexibil- PLASTIC VIEW "SEE THR " SHADES - WOVEN WOODS ity" by the PLO. HURTIG INTERIORS May the NewYear bring you and your loved ones all the blessings of Peace Good Health and Prosperity