THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Wide Debate Over Palestinians NEW YORK (JTA) — The role of the Palestinians in the Middle East peace process received widespread attention over the weekend. Donald McHenry, named by President Carter to succeed - Andrew Young as U.S. am- bassador to the United Na- - tions, said it is necessary to find some kind of way of in- cluding Palestinians in the search for peace" as the Camp David agreements l_ purpose. Israeli Sephardic Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef said that Israel "should talk v '- the Palestinians." Is- I Deputy Premier Yigael Yadin also said that Israel must talk with the Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza Strip. McHenry indicated indi- rectly that he agreed with Young's assessment that it is foolish for the U.S. to re- fuse to talk with PLO repre- sentatives. However, he was careful not to mention the PLO when he said that the Camp David accords make it clear that the U.S. will have to find some way of including the Palesti- nians in the search for the Mideast peace. MAGICIAN Available For All Occasions 25 years experience MAGICAL MEL 547-2464 On another issue, McHenry, whose nomi- nation must be approved by the Senate, said he hoped his appointment was on the basis of his qualities and not because of his color or as a tactic to ease tensions between blacks and Jews follow- ing Young's resignation. Yadin, in discussing the Palestinians, told Israel Radio that we cannot ex- pect to make any break- throughs on the autonomy plan Or any other plan if we do not speak with the resi- dents living in the areas (West Bank and Gaza Strip) to which the plan addresses itself." But, he stressed, this does not mean we should consent to speak with persons who say they are speaking on behalf of the PLO. On that we have a government decision." * * * Carter Statement on Palestinian State In a related development, Carter told Florida news- paper editors in an inter- view last Thursday in Plains, Ga. that "I have never met an Arab leader that in private professed a desire for an independent Palestinian state. Publicly, they all espouse an inde- pendent Palestinian state, almost all of them, because that is what they committed themselves to at Rabat" in FREDDY SHEYER (Famous One Man Orchestra) Playing All J.C.C. Dances (available for all occasions) • Live Music • Disco Tapes Also Duo or Trio 398-2462 mysteries of the mind Exciting entertainment for your club or organization. An amazing demonstration of ESP and mind reading with audi- ence participation. • Mel Eisenberg 547-2464 DISCO DISCO IS OUR SPECIALITY, HIGH QUALITY OUR PERFORMANCE. OUTSTANDING IN MUSIC, LIal-ITING, TEACHING AND DANCE DEMONSTRATIONS. FOR A FUNTASTICRARTY, BAR MITZVA,WEDDING OR SPECIAL OCCASION Call ART and JAN at JANART DANCE - STUDIO , 852-4477 or 652-9736 Call early for available open dates HEAD 'N HAIR Presents HAIR GALLERY 15607 W. 9 MILE AT GREEN FIELD 9,MILE-GREENFIELD PLAZA 559-2840 Mon., Tues. & Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S FULL HAIR CARE SALON OIL MANICURE, NAIL WRAPPING AND NAIL TIPPING By Appointment 1974 where Arab heads of state acknowledged the PLO as representing the Palestinians. But, Carter added, "the private diplomatic tone of conversations is much more proper than is often alleged by the press and others." Commenting on specula- tion that Saudi Arabia would decrease or halt entirely its oil shipments to the U.S. unless the Palesti- nian issue is resolved, Car- ter stated that no Arab nor any other foreign leader had tried to use oil supply as blackmail since he has been in the White House. Meanwhile, in Jerusalem on Sunday, Premier Menahem Begin told the Cabinet he has rejected a Romanian request. that Is- rael meet with the PLO. The request was deliv- ered by Vasile Pungun, a special representative of Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu. Begin briefed the Cabinet on the meeting in which Pungun reported on Ceausescu's recent talks with PLO chief Yasir Arafat and Syrian President Hafez Assad. Soviet Link to Terrorism Revealed in PBS Broadcast NEW YORK (JTA) -- "The Russian Connection," a documentary that details hard evidence of Soviet in- volvement in the training of PLO terrorists, will be tele- vised Sept. 25 by the Public Broadcasting Service. The television documen- tary, a co-production of KERA-TV, .Dallas-Fort Worth, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corp., will be aired simultaneously in the United States and Canada. "The Russian Connec- tion" features the first pub- lic admission by officers of the Palestine Liberation Organization of their train- ing in the Soviet Union. The program reveals the type of training they received and the names and places of the Soviet KGB camps where ter- rorist training takes place. Three other ter- rorist groups from Africa and the Middle East also receiving training are named by those who trained with them in Rus- sia. The documentary begins with the death of Gail Ru- bin, an American photo- PLO's Aims Are Assailed NEW YORK — Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Yehuda Blum, last week said a stepped-up campaign to destroy the Camp David Middle East peace process has been launched by the Palestine Liberation Organization in collaboration with the Soviet Union. He told a group of 300 na- tional leaders of the Anti- Defamation League of Bnai Brith that the recent Gen- eral Assembly debate on the "legitimate rights" of the Palestinians "should be viewed in the context" of the PLO vow to destroy the Camp David agreements. He said that as a result of this campaign, the "Secretariat has been abused, UN funds wasted, and the worst type of 'Der Sturmuer' propaganda against the Jewish people displayed in the UN build- ing." Blum went on to say that the Committee on the In- alienable Rights of the Palestinian People has been transferred into the "UN arm of the terrorist PLO" and is moving the General Assembly toward the adop- tion of resolutions which call for the destruction of Is- rael. grapher murdered by a Fatah terrorist squad on a beach in Israel in March 1978. Surrounding her death was a web of connec- tions in transnational ter- rorism that reached to the Soviet Union, East Ger- many, Syria and to PLO training bases in Lebanon. Analysis and commen- tary are given by Ray Cline, formerly head of intelli- gence, U.S. Department of State, now director of the Center for Strategic Studies, Georgetown Uni- versity; Brian Crozier, di- rector of the Institute for the Study of Conflict, London; and by Gen. Shlomo Gazit, head of Israeli Military In- telligence, 1974-1979. Wintergreen Publica- tions, an unusual company that publishes all its mate- rial by hand, supplies many congregations throughout the country with religious manuscripts. Among the re- cipients is Cantor Harold Orbach of Temple Israel in Detroit. More than 200 specific prenatal and postnatal causes of mental retarda- tion have been discovered, including German measles (rubella), X-ray damage, lead poisoning, malnutri- tion, meningitis, chromosomal damage, pre- mature birth, and prenatal and postnatal injury. REMEMBER THE BLUE BOX AND EVERYTHING. 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