THE JEWISH NEWS (USPS 275-5'20( Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Jewish News, 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $12 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher ALAN HITSKY News Editor CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager HEIDI PRESS Associate News Editor DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the second day of Elul, 5739, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9. Prophetical portion, Isaiah 51:12-52:12. Candle lighting, -Friday, Aug. 24, 8:01 p.m. VOL. LXXV, No. 25 Page Four Friday, August 24, 1979 EVOLUTION IN EDUCATION 'Population trends, changing social condi- tions, the effects of the lowering birth rate and numerous other related factors receive serious consideration in the education study conducted by the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit. Evolutionary changes have their influence upon the conditions evaluated and the conclu- sions reached undoubtedly will have their ef- fects on the policies to be pursued henceforth. While the obligations now emerging as evolu- tionary are the results of drastic changes that have taken place, the total changing conditions are revolutionary if tested by a time element commencing with the genesis of what had been viewed as the community educational system. When the United Hebrew Schools came into being the families were larger, the Jewish neighborhoods were not scattered but were closely knit, the school week was longer and there were lesser interferences with oppor- tunities for maximum Jewish educational pro- gramming. Through the years there also developed the congregational school systems and another qualified school system came into being on a larger scale, and also with criteria that had a special appeal for parents affiliated with synagogues. In the process of developing day schools, an- other especially effective appeal for maximalized educational processes emerged, offering a new challenge to the afternoon school. The new conditions are closely linked not only with neighborhoods, with the compulsion that arose to reduce the afternoon school from five to three or even two days a week. The low birth rate in Jewish ranks resulted in a decline in school enrollments. These are the developments in the changing times that needed an over-all study of the com- munity's needs and of the changes that must be made due to the drastic evolutions. There were years during which the needs for day schools were considered debatable and there was opposition to them. The competitive spirit between the community and congrega- tional schools also had their effects on the think- ing of the leadership responsible for assuring the best that can be provided in Jewish school- ing. The study, whose results must be applied in the best interests of educational prdgramming, could not and did not overlook the factors affect- ing current conditions. It is evident that all the elements in educa- tional programming are taken into view for fu- ture planning. Day schools now are of major importance, the congregational and communal schools must work cooperatively with them. A new era, al- ready anticipated by the pragmatic, now will hopefully become a reality. Basic to the discussion of these issues is the retention of priorities for the Jewish school. With this in view, the results of the education study, their proper and realistic application, are certain to redound to the benefit of the children and the satisfaction of parents and the commu- nity at large. VOICES NOT TO BE SILENCED American Jewry's voice has never been si- lenced when kinsmen were in danger, when jus- tice for the oppressed demanded action, when bigotry threatened the conscience of men. Perhaps there was a lull in action in the pre- sent critical period in the history of the re- deemed Jewish state. The extent of anti-Israel propaganda in recent months, the brazen spread of poison by pro-PLO supporters in this country, the shocking extent of abuse of Israeli leaders, primarily Israel's prime minister, have awakened the lethargic. The Jewish voice pro- testing legitiMacy for the PLO, under the guise of supporting Palestine, is more resonant now that the tactics of poison spreaders are becom- ing evident. Palestinians are not, have not been, objects of Israeli scorn. Palestinians are Arabs living in Israeli-administered ā€˛territory who are offered autonomy and in whose behalf Israel is negotiating many advantages in the peace negotiations with Egypt. Jews also are Palestinians and the origin of tens-of thousands of them is Palestinian. They lived with the Arabs in Palestine and have be- come Israelis with the redemption of Jewish statehood. The PLO represents the destructive, the ter- rorist and the venomous whose tactics are di- rected at undermining Israel's very existence and in the process would annihilate every ves- tige of decency in the entire Middle East, thereby affecting the freedoms of the Arabs. They have spread their venom world-wide, have affected the security of peoples in many lands with their brutalities and have earned the contempt of decent people everywhere. It is because their poison has enveloped large areas that they must be prevented from attain- ing recognition in this country. It is reasonable to believe that Andrew Young, a life-long libertarian, would not coun- tenance silence when a people's security is at stake. On this score it would be hoped that he would not encourage PLOism, and that he, too, would encourage protest when that is a means of rejecting oppression and genocidal tactics. . Defending his country's latest act in giving credibility to the PLO, Ahmet Ersoy, the Tur- kish press counselor in Washington, claimed that 90 countries have already given recogni- tion to the PLO. All the more reason for concern. All the more reason for action. Therefore, all the more reason to mobilize public opinion, to alert the American people to the dangers stemming from the PLO, to its menacing effects upon the basic American principles of fairness. There- fore, the urgency to let the President, the State Department, all responsible American officials and legislators know that any semblance of recognition for the PLO is a danger to the peace of the Middle East and the entire world and an insult not only to Israel and the Jewish people but to all humanity. 15 Eminent Philosophers Honor Dr. Isaiah Berlin Dr. Isaiah Berlin is one of the world's most eminent philosophers. He has gained distinction in England, has been knighted, labored closely with the leaders in Zionism, wrote extensively on matters relating to Israel. He was the first president of Wolfson College, Oxford, 1966-1975; president of the British Academy, 1974-1978; professor of social theory at Oxford, and held many other important academic positions. On the occasion of his 70th birthday, June 6, 1979, Oxford Uni- versity Press published "The Idea of Freedom," containing essays by 15 noted philosophers, paying him honor for his leadership as an academician, as an author, as a philosopher, liberty always having been the central theme in his writings and lectures. The volume was edited by Alan Ryan, fellow and tutor in politics at New College, Oxford. In his informative essays describing the ideol- ogy of Sir Isaiah's approaches to his teachings, Dr. Ryan refers to his Zionist involvements. He mentions the three important essays by Isaiah Berlin, on Moses Hess, Chaim Weizmann and Lewis Namier. Dr. Ryan calls them "essays of three very remarkable men," and adds: "But they are also studies in the strange phenomena of Jewishness, that is to say, in the sense that a running theme of the essay on Moses Hess is just the way in which Hess' Jewishness defied the rationalist analysis to which he sup- DR. BERLIN posed it must yield. The whole subject of national identity and national character, not simply in its modern Zionist shape, is, of course, another permanent concern of Berlin's work, and one which reflects his willingness to cross the conventional academic boundaries." The contributors to this volume, the 15 .participating philosophers, are: G.A. Cohen, Patrick Gardiner, Peter Gray, Stewart Hampshire, H,L.A. Hart, James Joll, Robin Milner-Gulland, Arnaldo Moniglaino, Larry Siedentop, Charles Taylor, Franco Benturi, Mor- ton White, Bernard Williams, Robert Wokler and Richard Woolheim. The topics of their essays relate to capitalism, the proletariat, politics, the historic lessons of freedom and the libertarian struggles - ( Numerous Photographs, Brier Story in Children's Book "Shabbat Can Be" has more photos than story. In fact, this large book for children published .by the Union of American Hebrew Con- gregations can be read by an adult in less than five minutes. The many pictures provide lots of entertainment for the very young readers. Therefore, the primary role in authorship belongs to the illustrator, Yuri Salzman. The story is by Rabbi Raymond A. Zwerin, the founding rabbi of Temple Sinai, Denver, Colo., and Audrey Friedman Marcus, editor of Alternatives Magazine and past director of education at Temple Micah in Denver. "Shabbat Can Be" a joy commencing with candle lighting, kidush, the many joys of Sabbath observance. The glories of the day of rest are soon learned in the brevity of the narrative. The photos are for the very young and a delight and encouragement for Sabbath obser- vance.