my, July 21, 1979 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ,‘ Lesson of the Hitler Terror eactions to Holocaust Under Scrutiny: The Church, he Nazi Terror and the Toll Exacted by eludenrat By DR. JOSEPH GUTMANN Professor of Art and Art History, Wayne State- University published, the authors, Dr. Joseph Billig and Prof. George Wellers, present the behind-the-scenes de- velopments of the policy leading up to the "Final Solution' — the extermina- tion of Jews — and present eyewitness SS accounts of the gas chambers in opera- tion. One such source is a report drawn up by the SS Inspector of Statistics, who establishes with great precision the number of Jewish losses. These essential reports and letters are appended in the original German. Beate and Serge Klarsfeld, well-known Nazi _ fighters, deserve our heartfelt thanks for pub- lishing this basic book, which should serve as ready ammunition against those seeking to destroy Jewry and democratic institu- tions. The Holocaust was one of those historical events whose significance is not easily obliterated by the -passage of time. Its images remain fresh in our minds. Yet, despite its omnipre- sence in our lives, often its meaning does not serve to remind us of its possible re- currence. DR. JOSEPH GUTMANN It is a story that demands repetition, to be told and re- the official attitude of the told, as there are un- churches to the Jews was scrupulous propagandists lamentable. In general, at work in many countries they approved openly or seeking to rehabilitate secretly the Nazi policy Nazism and make it re- vis-a-vis the Jews. spectable. In order to ac- This in spite of the fact complish their goals they that in 1941 Reichsleiter are attempting to discredit Bormann made the Nazi the Holocaust. position clear when he Essentially, they deny stated, "Nationalist the existence of the gas Socialist and Christian chambers and declare the concepts cannot be number of Jewish victims reconciled." -that were exterminated a , The German Churches When in that same year a Under Hitler: myth. Like the "Protocols of Nazi law made it compul- the Elders of Zion," these Background, . sory for all Jews, including poisonous myths serve ” Struggle and Epilogue Jewish Christians, to wear power-hungry individuals This Wayne State Uni- the Star of David, the and institutions who will versity Press volume, a Church did not rise to even stop at nothing to attain and work of 606 pages, will protect its "own" — Jewish maintain leadership. probably become a defini- converts to Christianity. In- The Holocaust and tive work on how various stead, we find that the fol- Neo-Nazi Mythomania church institutions in Ger- lowing declaration was is- This book edited by Serge many reacted to the Nazi sued: , "From the crucifixion of Klarsfeld (Beate Klarsfeld regime. The resistance to Hitler's Christ to the present day, Foundation) should be a :finite addition to all li- ideology and policies, the the Jews have fought Chris- divisions and conflicts of the tianity or misused and fal- „wary collections. In a series of well- religious bodies are care- sified it in order to reach documented essays taken fully - considered and their own selfish goals. By Christian baptism nothing from irrefutable German evaluated. The book confirms that is altered in regard to a sources, some never before . Jerusalem Street Signs By LAURIE DROSSIN The Municipality of Jerusalem JERUSALEM — This may be the only city Any- where that has a law requir- ing all street signs to be in three languages — Hebrew, Arabic and English. Moreover, the man in charge of the city's street sign and house numbering -department is probably the only municipal employee in the world to have served three different countries — Great Britain, Jordan and Israel — in the administra- tion of the same city. From 1917, when General Allenby captured Jerusalem, through 1948 when the Mandate ended Great Britain ruled Pales- tine. The municipal ad- ministration of the city was carried out by a joint Arab- Jewish city council ap- pointed by the British; when the council failed, a municipal commission composed of British officials took over. Salah Eldin Jarallah's roots in Jerusalem go back to 1187 when his ancestors came here with Saladin. In 1938, fresh out of St George's High School and already fluent in English, Jarallah joined the munici- pality as an Arabic-English translator and general clerk. Working his way up, he eventually became assis- tant to the city manager, secretary to the city council and its subcommittees, and- their translator. Shortly after the di- vision of the city in 1948, the Jordanian govern- ment asked Jarallah to be the city manager of East Jerusalem. "In the beginning, most of my enough food, space or se- curity in the over- crowded ghetto. Czerniakow diligently re- cords his daily tribulations both with his Jewish council and the Nazi hordes. He notes that Jewish profiteers lived a relative life of luxury while the masses starved and the Judenrat mainly represented the well-th- Frequently the Jud, Warsaw Ghetto: - backed their own clasS Prelude to Doom when thQ Nazis demanded This most revealing book selections for the forced on the Holocaust is pub- labor camps. The taxes de- lished by Stein and Day. It manded by the Nazis were is the English translation of imposed on the poor, while the Polish diary of 1009 the wealthy generally were pages of Adam Czerniakow, freed of taxation. Czer- chairman of the Judenrat of niakow's efforts to thwart Hitler vs Roosevelt: the Warsaw Ghetto from such favoritism were not too The Undeclared September 1939 to July successful. Naval War 1942. He was also vexed by This book by Thomas Penetrating introductory Jewish extortionists and in- Bailey and Paul Ryan (Free essays by Raul Hilberg, formers and poured out his Press) contributes nothing Stanislaw Staron and Josef wrath against them. new to our knowledge of the Kermisz add to the value of During the first year, Holocaust. This work is es- this pitiful story. he tells us, Jews were sentially a well-known re- The diaries contain im- kept alive by Jewish in- counting of the deteriora- portant information not genuity, as they de- tion of German-American found in other known veloped large-scale relations from 1933 on, and sources. As Czerniakow had production facilities in may be of interest to stu- daily contact with German the ghetto and smuggled dents of naval history, as it- - and Polish officials, he lit- the goods out to Aryans. details the encounters of erally held the bare threads Unwilling to sign the de- German submarines with of Jewish life in his hands. portation orders for concen- American destroyers and He compares himself to tration camps demanded by supply ships. a captain of a sinking the Nazis in 1942, Czer- The attempts of the ship who requests the niakow preferred death at authors to document the band to play in order to his own hands. "bitter personal feud" be- raise the morale of - the His diary is a moving tween Hitler and Roosevelt passengers. Trapped in document of a man in hell is not convincing. Clever the net of Nazi brutality who refused to the end to propaganda tied in with and deceit, he was pain- surrender his own sense of state actions is here con- fully aware that his human dignity in a time fused with personal animos- achievements were small when most everybody had and "phantom victories," abandoned any thread of in- ity. Roosevelt's and Hitler's as there was never tegrity. Jew's racial separateness, his national being, and his biological nature. "A German. Evangelical church has to care for and further the religious life of German fellow countrymen; racial Jewish Christians have no place or rights in it." The epilogue to this vol- uminous book points out that some German chur- chmen, like Martin Niemol- ler, have sought forgiveness for the Christian attitude toward Jews and have openly recognized the gap that existed between Chris- tian ideals and official ac- tions in Nazi Germany. policies with regard to the Jews was not discussed ex- cept for the incident where Hitler accused "the President of being under the influence of wealthy Jews." Hitler's propaganda machine, it must be added, accused anyone who failed to agree with its policy as being under the influence of Jews. . and a Dedicated Public Servant time was devoted to writ- ing the new municipal ordinances and by-laws relating to every function and department of the municipality. Later on, as the city recovered from the efforts of the 1948 fighting, I oversaw all the municipal departments." Jarallah admits that ad- ministering East Jerusalem was no easy task due to con- stant . friction with authorities in Amman who wanted to deemphasize Jerusalem in favor of Jor- dan's capital. Like most of his col- leagues, he maintained a low profile in the days im- mediately after the June 1967 war. "We had heard terrible propoganda that the Israelis would massacre all of us. It was quite a sur- prise when they invited me • to meet with their munici- pal officials." Along with all the other East Jerusalem municipal employees, Jarallah was invited to resume working for the West Jerusalem municipality, now respon- sible for the entire city, and not just the western half. For a man from a very re- spected and established Arab family, this could not have been a simple decision. Jarallah's attitude, how- ever, has won him much re- spect from all sides. "I don't work for an Israeli or Jewish munici- pality. I serve a city in which my family has lived for centuries. My job is to render services to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. I -am simply a public servant who al- ways keeps in mind that without the tax-paying public, I wouldn't have a salary." Today, the Jerusalem municipality employs 6,034 men and women, of whom 1,030 are Muslim and Christian Arabs. Much to his surprise, when Jarallah returned to the Jerusalem Town Hall, he found that he had been given the very same office he had occupied until 1948, surrounded by many of the same people with whom he had worked until then. Mayor Kollek promptly as- signed him to head the municipality's street sign and house numbering de- partment, and to oversee maintenance of all Jerusalem signs and their proper-lighting from dusk to dawn, as required by law. It was quite fitting that Jaral lah received a job that re- quired complete fluen,..y- three languages, and a thorough knowledge of the city and its history. The signs within the Old City walls are painted on colorful Armenian pottery, specially hand-made by a third generation Armenian family famous for its beauti- ful work. Street signs in the rest of Jerusalem are made of navy blue enamel plates produced by a Tel Aviv fac- tory which won a municipal contract. A public' committee of 17 Jerusalem residents determines the names of Jerusalem's byways. This group meets every two weeks to name or re- name boulevards, streets, lanes and alleys. Jarallah's other tasks are perhaps his most interest- ing. Not surprisingly has become the unoil address at the municiliality for Jerusalem Arabs. ads A Jerusalem street sign in Hebrew, Arabic and English.