64 Friday, June 8, 1919 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS The Protocols of Elders of Zion: History of a Forgery By DULCY LEIBLER The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion first appeared in Germany 60 years ago. It was published by a group of Russian monarchist refugees in their journal, "The Sun- beam," and almost im- mediately enjoyed worldwide success. The Protocols consisted of 24 chapters which were al- legedly written by a leader of Zion to a secret gathering of Elders. It contained schemes to overthrow all governments — using ter- rorist tactics, exploiting the Jews' so-called monopoly of gold as well as their control of the press — and set forth their proposals for organiz- ing a Jewish world empire. While the specter of a worldwide Jewish conspi- racy aimed at reducing gen- tiles to slavery — or worse — flourished as early as the Middle Ages, it only gained popular credence in 1919. One historian suggests that people felt compelled to be- lieve the Protocols in order to justify such tragic events as the pogroms which took place in Russia between 1918 and 1920. Several editions had been released in Russia between 1903 and 1917. One publisher, G. Butmi, even claimed that his manuscript was taken from the vaults of the Zionist Central Head- quarters. In 1917, Sergei Nilus made an attempt to connect his edition of the Protocols to Theodore Herzl and the Basel Zionist Congress. This forgery became a bureau ofanti-Jewish in- staple of anti-Jewish prop- vestigation and sponsored a aganda in the 20th Century. series of articles devoted to It was translated into every the "international Jewish of the Learned Elders of European tongue, as well as conspiracy" based on the into Arabic and Japanese, Protocols. (Seven years la- and was exploited to suit a ter, however, Ford retracted I O N number of political crises. and apologized for this pub- lication, claiming he had The Protocols is said to been duped by his assis- have been more widely cir- THE MOST DIABOLICAL PLOT IN WORLD HISTORY. tants.) culated than any other book The Protocols were PROOF THAT COMMUNISM IS A JEWISH WORLD PLOT of modern times. It even also circulated in TO ENSLAVE THE GENTILES BY CREATING WARS AND reached the United States England, where they in 1919, when a small group REVOLUTIONS, AND TO SEIZE POWER DURING THE created somewhat of a of reactionaries operating RESULTING CHAOS AND TO RULE WITH THEIR sensation. Once again, out of New York attempted those responsible feared CLAIMED SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE AS THE CHOSEN to mobilize support for the that the British govern- PEOPLE. White Russians. It tried to ment would seek some convince public opinion form of compromise of FULFILLMENT STEADILY PROGRESSES WHILE THE through the Protocols that rapprochement with the GENTILES, AS PREDICTED BY THE PROTOCOLS, SIT the Russian Revolution was Bolsheviks. SUPINELY BY FROM ONE EVENT TO ANOTHER, UN- part of an international in - i921, the Arabs of Jewish conspiracy. AWARE OF THE OVERALL PLAN WHICH IS FAST EN- Palestine and Syria ex- The following year, CIRCLING THEM. pressed opposition to Henry Ford, the motor car Jewish settlement in Eretz magnate, set up a secret Yisrael, and in Damascus an Arabic translation of the $1.00 Protocols appeared. Its ob- vious purpose was to rouse Arab passions against the Jews by suggesting that the Translated from the Russian of Prof. Nilus by establishment of a Jewish equivalent of the Yiddish state would be the first step VICTOR E. MARSDEN words. in an eventual Jewish - Shown is the cover of the first English translation The authors did not select takeover of the world. of the anti-Semitic forgery, "Protocols of the Elders of words beginning with Tof In the same year, an edi- "because all Yiddish words tion of the Protocols Zion," first published in Russia in 1903. which begin with Tof have emerged in Italy at a time It was cited in Spain in Soviet Union and Saudi been taken directly from the when Benito Mussolini's December 1939 a few Arabia. Hebrew. There are no Yid- Fascists were gaining days before Franco's dish words beginning with strength. When all the evidence is anti-Semitic New Year's Sof," it is explained in a pre- In 1921, however, one speech, and emerged considered, it seems obvious fatory note. Philip Graves, the Constan- In an afterword, the tinople correspondent for there again as late as that there was an interna- 1963, probably as an at- tional conspiracy. But far authors state: the Times of London, proved tempt to prevent the re- from being sponsored by the "Yiddish is a full-fledged that the Protocols was in- language with rules for deed a blatant anti-Semitic vision of the Catholic Jews, this all-too-successful conspiracy was one of reac- grammar and an extensive forgery. In the midst of the Church's traditional atti tionaries, Fascists and tude toward the Jews at and colorful vocabulary. furor roused over its au- The 37 words illustrated in thenticity, Graves sent the Vatican II Ecumeni- anti-Semites united in their our book can only hint at the word to his editors that he cal Council. Recently, the attacks first against Jews richness and variety of this had been given a book by a Protocols have turned up and ultimately against language which once served Russian in Constantinople, in such places as the democracy. as the chief means of com- who had obtained it from a munication for over 10 mil- former officer of the Czar's lion people. That vast political police. Graves was number was depleted by the struck by the similarity be- combination of the emigra- tween this volume and cer- tion from European ghettos, tain sections of the Pro- NEW YORK — "By Spe- thentically Middle Eastern. the choice of Hebrew as the tocols. cial Request," the first Also included in the album official language of the state He became convinced of Israel, and, tragically, the that the little book — album with both Israeli and is Abanibi, an Israeli song Arabic music since the which won the 1978 Eurovi- Holocaust. Dialogue Aux Enfers "For a while it seemed entre Machiavel et Mon- Egyptian-Israeli peace sion Song Contest. as though Yiddish would tesquieu, by Maurice treaty signing, has just been Appearing on the record survive only as the lan- Joly — had served as released by the Messengers cover itself are "Salaam, guage of television com- basis for the Protocols. In Orchestra, a local musical Shalom, Peace," the words ics and delicatessens, but Joly's book, Machiavelli group specializing in Israeli for peace in the three lan- somehow, the innate dig- explains, to the dismay of music. guages of the Egyptian- nity and beauty of the Montesquieu, how easy it In honor of the historic Israeli peace treaty. language have survived would be to overcome a peace-treaty, copies of the "We're not politician and Yiddish is enjoying a modern democratic state album were sent to political people. We jus new vitality." and to establish absolute President Jimmy Carter of in our hearts that peace 14...s The book's producers be- control over it. the United States, Prime finally come. And so, we lieve the book will be espe- Minister Menahem Begin of wanted to make a musical Nevertheless, in spite of cially useful for the youth. Israel, and President statement about peace — There is no doubt that it will Graves' testimony — and Anwar Sadat of Egypt. - Israeli and Arabic music to- suits and various other law be an inspiration to all lov- "As Jews, we felt a sense gether, on the very same re- exposes which took place in ers of Yiddish and to all who of euphoria when the peace aspire to see the language the early 1920s — the Pro- treaty was signed," ex- cord," said Isaacs. "What's most interesting gain strength and being put tocols were continuously plained Yehuda Isaacs, employed all over the world. is that the words of the into use. executive producer of the "The Yiddish Alphabet In 1925, Adolf Hitler record. "And as musicians," Arabic tunes mean "I want Book" was published by praised the publication in he continued, "we wanted to to get close to you."' We P'Nye Press, at the Printer's Mein Kampf, and indeed express our feelings in the were told it is the plea of one Shop, 4047 Transport, Palo during World War II this universal language of lover to another. But poetic became an implicit justifi- license — and the recent de- Alto, Calif. 94303. cation for the genocide of music." velopments in the Middle "By Special Request" is a East — allow us to inject our the Jews. long playing album featur- own meaning: "I want to get In 1935, it was used by anti-Jewish members of the ing an Israeli hit, Sim close to you," reflects the de- Shalom (Grant Us Peace) sire of both Jews and Arabs Gray Shirt organization in and a medley of three to live together in peace." South Africa, who spread Arabic hits. The medley the story that a document The album is available outlining a plot similar to contains Arabic, Druze and Middle Eastern Oriental from M.O. Records, 517 that described in the Pro- el - ' 11 _Pd., Far Rocka- melodies. tocols had been discovered There is -a The arrant) -- _a—synagogue in Port _ conternr PROTOCOLS 'Yiddish Alphabet Book' a Joy for New Linguists or Scholars Bonnie Stone and Fre- tated in this remarkable derica Postman, two San book, there are the Francisco Bay area explanatory definitions, loyalists, believe Yiddish is translations, translitera- very much alive. Else they tions and impressions at- would not have produced tached to each letter of the their attractive and alphabet. The alphabet is, of beautifully-illustrated "The course, the same as in Yiddish Alphabet Book." Miss Postman wrote the Hebrew. To each large text and Miss Stone is the letter of the alphabet are added the transliteration illustrator. As the accompanying re- of the letter, a word or production of the Hey, words in Yiddish, a trans- which is representative of literation of the Yiddish the entire alphabet anno- words and the English 11171 Peace Recordings Feature Israeli and Arab Medleys hoyz house arm heym home hey Yoputtrizz4 1 nntrivipyliba .