THE JEWISH NEWS (USPS 275-520) Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association Published every Friday by The_Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Jewish News, 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $12 a year. CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher ALAN HITSKY News Editor HEIDI PRESS Assistant News Editor DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 14th day of Sivan, 5739, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Numbers 4:21-7:89. Prophetical portion, Judges 13:2-25. Candle lighting, Friday, June 8, 8:48 p.m. VOL. LXXV, No. 14 Page Four Friday, June 8, 1979 HEBREW SCHOOLS AT 60 Sixty years of United Hebrew Schools serv- ices provide an historical background of so many contributions to the development of this community, such a vast field of involvements, that the anniversary now being observed marks one of the major interests in Greater Detroit Jewry's record of influence and achievement. A number of the country's most noted schol- ars were in the cast that provided nobility to the creative cultural achievements attributed to the communal school system here. Thousands benefited from the educational processes of the local schools. Hundreds are in the ranks of the graduates. Many of Detroit's community leaders re- ceived their Jewish education in the United He- brew Schools, and the inspiration that stemmed from their association with the Hebraic and re- lated studies made many of them more valuable to the civic function, to the nation and to the basic American ideals. The experiences of the past 60 years suggest guidelines for the future. The community has changed. American Jewry is no longer an immigrant-based element. The overwhelming majority of the p6ople now are native born. Therfore, the children must draw upon Ameri- can records of Jewish creativity as an indelible part of world Jewish history. The rebirth of Is- rael now is part of the lives of the new genera- tion of Jews. It is different from the world of their parents who were called upon to be among the builders of Zion. This, too, is a factor in current educational planning. Much has happened in the six decades of communal changes. The teaching staffs have experienced evolutions comparable to those in the student body. There are more native-born teachers than in the past and they relate to the student body. The changes also affect enrollments. The number of children declines with the differing birth rates. These are matters that have their influence upon the schools. With traditions of prideful results to be judged by, the United Hebrew Schools now enter upon the seventh decade of existence with an inspiration rooted in a past marked by noteworthy achievements. Leaning upon them, the community surely entertains the hope of a continuity meriting the legacies provided by the educational tasks of parents and students dedi- cated to the major obligation in Jewish life, that of teaching by the elders, learning by the chil- dren. In this spirit go forth the greetings to the United Hebrew Schools on 60 years of knowledge-providing to a great community. 'MAKING MANY BOOKS' Continuing as a reality expressed in Ecclesiastes 12:12, that "of the making of many books there is no end," the current experiences gather new encouragement. A variety of subjects currently are enriching the results of many publishing houses. The Holocaust certainly - has not been ignored. The subject is being thoroughly reviewed and it is heartening to know that the tragic occurrences are not being forgotten, that history is kept alive for the sake of preventing anything like genocide from being repeated. _ Biographical studies also have a role in the tasks to advance interest in books, and this, too; is heartening. Knowing people leads to under- standing occurrences in life and viewpoints, especially when they encourage differing opin- ions, and are valuable in a civilized society. Especially noteworthy at this time is the in- troduction of a series of children's books by the Jewish Publication Society of America. This is an especially encouraging realization that the major Jewish publishing society, the non-profit JPS, takes into -account the importance of juveniles. Many problems can be solved with knowledge and the parent has an obligation to the child to direct him or her to proper reading. _ The reading of Jewish books is a special need, and by starting the child on the proper road in the selection of books the parent can be the better home-builder. While giving recognition to the consistency with which the Jewish Publication Soviety has made possible the publication of many classical works, credit is due, for similar efforts, to the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and the Hebrew Union College, the Rabbinical As- sembly and the Jewish Theological Seminary, Yeshiva University and all on a non-profit basis. The works issued by these organizations and religious movements could not possibley be best-sellers. They are, however, the results of research, of scholarship, of the need to enrich learning. On occasions, publishing houses with profit motives also produce works of merit for schol- ars. These can be encouraged only when there is a readership. Support of publishing houses that produce the best in Jewish reading material is vital to the needs of all who are concerned about building a good Jewish life. PATIENCE IN M.E. Nothing could be more confu s . ing about the continuing negotiations between Israel and Egypt than the endlessly changing viewpoints in the press and among commentators. The slightest incident is exaggerated and the serious ones like the violence that broke out between settlers in North Sinai refusing to leave the farm they had nurtured and the Is- raeli soldiers is treated as if it were a civil war riot. There are differences of opinion among Is- raelis and that is natural in a genuine democ- racy. It takes time but matters eventually are adjusted. They may not heal, but in a civilized society concessions are understood and ac- cepted. Similarly, there are vast differences between Sadat and Begin, but the confidence of a Henry Kissinger in the eventual coming-to-terms is more real than that of a commentator who looks for faults in order to sensationalize. 4.171-A Dr. Solomon B. Freehof's Commentary on 'Jeremiah' Dr. Solomon B. Freehof has gained the distinction of being the outstanding authority on "Responsa" in world Jewry. The "Responsa" bookshelf is rich with the many volumes he has by-lined. On behalf of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, publishers of the series that expanded with the publication of "Jeremiah," Dr. Freehof is acclaimed in an introductory comment by Rabbi Daniel Syme, former Detroiter who is now in an executive capacity for UAHC in New York. Rabbi Syme paid honor to Dr. Freehof on his 85th birthday. In his commentary, Dr. Freehof reviews Jeremiah's experiences, his exile to Egypt, his sermons-and projects. He describes the activi- ties of Jeremiah's secretary, Baruch, and the role of the latter. Dr. Freehof makes a thorough study of the personal- ity of the Prophet Jeremiah. This is his interesting descrip- tion of the prophetic work: "The Book of Jeremiah is by far the richest of all biblical books in biographical mate- rial. There is a record of the actual events as they occurred: Jeremiah put into the stocks, put into a cell, put into a muddy pit; Jeremiah dictating his sermons to his friend and secretary, Baruch; the text of the scroll, cut up and burned in the presence of the king; Jeremiah dictating to a larger text of his prophecy; Jeremiah buying land in his hometown of Anathoth; the method by which -he preserved the legP1 papers involved, his convei tion with the general of SOLOMON FREE HOF conquering Babylonian army; his being virtually kidnapped and taken away by the Judean refugees to Egypt." Magnificent in its brevity, this description gives an excellent account of the Jeremiah whose Jeremiads have left their impact on the history of the Prophet's time. The career ofJeremiah anti the nature-of the commentary receive due attention. As commentator, Dr. F-reeliof also emerges as the scholar who has mastered his theme and analyzes it historically. The tragic life and career ofJeremiah receive thorough study and includes this descriptive commentary by Freehof: "Of course much of Jeremiah's inner sorrow was the reflection of his outer miseries; and much that made his life miserable might never have happened to him in another period of history. He was charged with being a traitor because of his opposition to what he considered a futile revolt against the mighty military powers. He was hated. He was imprisoned. He was saved. His works were burned and written again and preserved. "The last king of Judah, Zedekiah, summoned him to seek his help and sought to protect him against his enemies. He was bef- riended by the Babylonian conquerors when Jerusalem was destroyed in 586. Then there was a murderous revolt among the remnant left in Judea, and he was taken by the refugees into Egypt, where appar- ently he died and vanished from history." --