Friday, May 18, 1919 15 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Israel, Egypt May Lead Worldwide Cotton Market NEW YORK — The con- clusion of a peace treaty be- tween Israel and Egypt opens up a practical possi- bility for both countries to eventually obtain a strong hold on 'cornering' the world's cotton market. The potential for Egypt to increase her long-time main cash crop, long-staple cot- ton, by annexing the technological expertise of Israel in quality fiber prod- uction could well enable each country to reap large profits. Production of cotton in the Nile Valley surpasses that of Israel, with 400,000 tons predicted as the output for Egypt this year. Al- though this amount places Egypt at a production level of less than 3 percent of the world's cotton, she con- tinues to control one of the major sub-markets in that commodity by producing more than 40 percent of the quality cotton. That cotton-textile production is of major importance to Egypt (providing 45 percent of her export earnings and about 10 percent of her GNP) is not accidental, since Egypt, a tropical country, has long utilized her natural resources of cultivatable land, water and climate to obtain her leadership. Within the span of 25 years. Israel has grown to compete significantly in the global market for quality cotton production, with an 80,000 tons estimated for 1979. Although cotton produc- Medallion Recalls Dubinsky Protest ST. LOUIS (JTA) — Mel- vin Dubinsky, former chairman of the United Is- rael Appeal, received a gold medallion here in recogni- tion of his lifelong service to world Jewry which also was symbolic of the medallion he denied himself by refus- ing to participate in 1936 Olympics in Berlin. Jerold C. Hoffberger, the new UIA chairman, said the medallion was "recognition of an unrealized dream" of Dubinsky — to win an Olympics gold medal. Cho- . sen to join the U.S. ice skat- ing team for the 1936 Olympics, Dubinsky re- fused as a protest against Hitler's Third Reich. The dinner at which the medallion was presented was sponsored jointly by the United Jewish Appeal, the St. Louis Jewish Federation and the UIA. Dubinsky also served as a UJA national chairman and president of the federation. Senior_ Housing HOUSTON (JTA) — The ninth Bnai Brith housing project for the elderly in the U.S. was recently dedicated in Houston. The nine-story Goldberg Towers has 63 ef- ficiencies, 67 one-bedroom units, eight two-bedroom units and 12 apartments for the handicapped. Bnai Brith has five more apartment buildings for the - elderly under construction, in Maryland, Delaware, Il- linois, Massachusetts and Arkansas. tion in Israel is ahead of cit- rus as an agricultural source of revenue, it is actu- ally less than 1 percent of total world production. Quality-wise, (number one globally) Israel produces 1,200 lbs. per acre to Egypt's production of only 674 lbs. per acre. If Egypt, with Israel's as- sistance, achieves the lat- ter's yield per acre, it could double her share of the total world production, adding an additional 10 percent to Egypt's GNP. The benefits accruing to Egypt are self- evident; the benefits accru- ing to both countries under this arrangement are eco- nomically staggering. This people-to-people cot- ton movement could even- tually enable both countries to achieve joint leadership in world production and ex- port of that softest of all goods cotton. mysteries of the mind Exciting entertainment for your club or organization. An amazing demonstration of ESP and mind reading with audi- ence participation. 547-2464 Mel Eisenberg RENAISSANCE JEWELERS 20% to 40% OFF DIAMONDS. and FINE JEWELRY 14 & 18K Gold Expert WatCh & Jewell )/ Repair We also service Pulsar watches Greenfield Plaza, suite 313 968 0450 - 21700 Greenfield, Oak Park 48237 All Bankards Honored Mon.-Fri. 9-5:00, Sat. 9-3 The Detroit Friends of Shaare ledek Hospital in Jerusalem Extend a Cordial Invitation To All Supporters Of This Vital Institution To Their ANNUAL DINNER TUESDAY, MAY 29th, 1979 6:30 P.M. Southfield Sheraton Hotel • Rabbi Morris Talansky Senior Executive Vice President American Committee Rabbi Joshua Sperka President Samuel W. Platt Dinner Chairman Guest Speaker Honoring the "1978/79 FOUNDERS" Mr. & Mrs. Sol Lessman Mrs. Morris Schaver Mr. & Mrs. Louis Cooper and Daniel S. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Krakovits Wegratefully acknowledge the following 1978179 major endowments in the New Shaare Zedek Medical Center - Dr. Herman Poster Mr. & Mrs. Louis Horowitz Office Casualty and Admissions Department Chief Nurses Office in Department of Obstetrics Mr. & Mrs. Morris Music Mr. & Mrs. Sol Lessman Duty Physician's Room 3 Bed Patient Room in Department of Geriatrics Mr. & Mrs. Julius Ring -- --Harold and Samuel W. Platt Families admission Office Patient Room Mrs. Hermine Weber & Family Mrs. Morris Scharer Executive Office in Department of Public Relations The Sidney Lazaroff Dialysis Workshop Mr. & Mrs. Louis Cooper & Daniel S. Cooper X-Ray Archives, Institute of Radiology Mr. & Mrs. David Herczeg Physician's Office in Medical Research Suite Rothschild-Hertz Families Assia Research Project ,, Dedication plaques will be presented to these donors. Kosher Meat Prices Studied MONTREAL (JT-A) — A committee has been formed in the suburb of St. Laurent to investigate the cost of kosher meat. A citizens group has charged that kosher meat in Montreal for years, has been more expensive than kosher meat in Toronto. The group plans to inves- tigate the reasons behind the pricing structure and then try to develop a plan of action. ••• ■■ •• ■■ j Mrs. Herman K. Cohen, Irving Nusbaum, Chairman Special Gift Committee Cantor Hyman Adler Norman Allan Rose Amber Leonard Antel Hugo Apt Dr. Henry Baum Marvin Berlin Gustav Berenholz Ronald F. Berman Allen Charlupski Mrs. Herman K. Cohen Irwin Cohn Louis Cooper Mrs. Julius Feigelman Dr. Michael Fegelman Morris Flatt Rabbi James Gordon Rabbi Eric Greenbaum David Herczeg Dr. Leon Herschfus Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Hertz Rabbi Joseph Hirsch Louis Horowitz Chairman "Save a Life Project" Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Eisenberg Leslie Krakovits Dr. Lawrence Loewenthal Dov Loketch Morris Music Jacob Nosanchuk Max Nosanchuk Pearl Nosanchuk Joseph Nusbaum David Pollack Harold Platt Abe Selesny Rabbi Samuel Prero Jack Shenkman Mrs. Julius Ring Rabbi Joshua Sperka Alex Roberg Max Stollman Ilse Roberg Frieda Stollman Abe Rosenberg Cantor & Mrs. A.A. Rosenfeld Phillip Stollman Rabbi Samuel Stollman Martin Rose Phillip Warren Felix Rosenzveig Rabbi Feival Wagner Pearl Ruch Irving Weiss Marcel Sande! Dr. Arnold Zuroff Dr. Harvey Sabbota For reservations call Alex Roberg 544-8412 or 547-3890