66 Friday, April 6, 1919 Passover Greetings JOS % FRENKEL CO. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 'Unorthodox Judais m' Essays get Jews to observe Western rules of time and space — not just the rules Detroit, Mich. of the Western world in general, however, but the rules of the Western DONATE upper-middle classes." The essays "To Solemnize TO THE or Not to Solemnize" and BLOOD "Ill Wind or High Tide?" examine inter-and-mixed BANK marriages and the attitude of the Reform rabbinate 1 E towards this issue. Healthy Happy, Prof. Mirsky points out that there are differences of Passover To All opinion among Reform rab- bis regarding this problem. He notes that many rabbis officiate at mixed marriages in defiance of established procedures and policies of the CCAR (Central Confer- ence of American Rabbis). Even rabbis who support the CCAR are "far from re- 1055 W. Maple Rd. solute in their opposition to Clawson, Mich. 48017 J mixed marriages." He says the definition of intermarriage as involving "the conversion of one spouse to the religion of the other" is self-contradictory, since the convert to Judaism is a Jew. Con- sequently, "conversion vir- Perform this Ritual after the Third of the Four Ceremonial Cups, just before the tually eliminates the 'inter' door is opened for the symbolic entrance of the Prophet Elijah. All rise, and the dimension of an intermar- leader of Seder recites the following: riage." "A Rabbi Named Sally" English rendition of the is an insightful study of Hebrew: the first American woman rabbi, Sally p`N. no 1;1 rItt 10'77 15 , 17; 1im ni D'-pi Preisand, and her impact lsy4 ,rtvi- ro nt 2ia; on the Reform rabbinate no 14125 and the members of the .71P1V9 cr01 1;0 Jewish women's organ- On this night of the Seder we remember with reverence and rn izations. r-Pri DO -- Qv t4'n '13?? 671;4110 :inVY The author commences love the six millions of our people of the European exile who with a description of Rabbi 11 /70")tr. D'VP1:11117,1Th11 , ,er1inY1 0'04 D'04 / 73/1-"I t:4 Mtn, perished at the hands of a tyrant Preisand as a rabbinical more wicked than the Pharaoh nit ' 2 1:1 41V prit? t?4"; 326q "NI? 7 911 t6 .1t student and the attitude of who enslaved our fathers in her male counterparts Egypt. Come, said he to --his min- 1 .o.1 trP? is q,. ) 0 0714M DI?* ions, let us cut them off from being toward her. Although they a people, that the name of Israel weren't hostile, they treated ,Dtri Orrp 547 mew Inv? -rptrirrnianp;Inittyp 13 1 rip* may be remembered no more. And her "with an indifference they slew the blameless and pure, ,;11 Itt);? tr:in o 011 or,i;1 ,1v1 owtv -p In??ipriv.) rt - bordering on diffidence." men and women and little onew, with vapors of poison and burned Her ordination won the ad- 1 hc291 arr • 0'1 t?r.1 teli2r,11 12'2;1 wizi`r) ritrP iop them with fire. But we austain miration of Jewish women's from dwelling -on the deeds of the DY D't.4P.tP7 '????Zt organizations, but was re- LITT; D7 11F11; D'4;3141 evil ones lest we defame the image of God in which man was created. ceived with ambivalence by - ` 2oI1in;1 ti- niz7 ntti .lono I n Now, the remnants of our the Reform rabbinate. people who were left in the ghettos "The Vision of Man and camps of annihilation rose up ritt:77,1 ► mg nTO PTP ritt oVIN inrn crmv,PP1 Triumphant" is both a against the wicked ones for the sanctification of the Name, and stror_i commentary on and a re- slew many of them before they capitulation of the history of died. On the first day of Passover All sing ANI MAAMIN ("I Believe. ), the Birmingham Temple. the remnants in the Ghetto of the song of the martyr! in the ghetto' and liquidation camps: The Reform rabbinate of Warsaw rose up against the ad- versary, even as in the days of Detroit, at a gathering to Judah the Maccabee. They were :rreN7:1 T1kt';? n9IN rillok$; which the press was invited, lovely and pleasant in their lives, ti'Ptil? '41 Tr, ; Dv ,7.1Q7 ■ 91:1 T 1717 9k41 once accused the Birming- and in their death they were not divided, and they brought rede- ham Temple's Rabbi Sher- mption to the name of Israel win Wine of being an through all the world. A-ni ma-a-min be-e-mu-no sh'le-mo atheist and demanded an And from the depths of their explanation. affliction the martyrs lifted their B'vi-as ha-mo-shi-ah, v'af al pi voices in a song of faith in the Rabbi Wine declared, comong of the Messiah, when jus- "If by atheist you mean a She-yis-ma-mey-ha, im kol ze a-ni ma-a-min tice and brotherhood will reign person who denies the among men. existence of a Supreme I believe with perfect faith All sing ANI MAAMIN ("I Being existing in time the coming of the Mes- in Believe"), and space and having the siah: the song of the martryrs attributes of a human be- And though he tarry, none in the ghettos and liquidation the less do I believe! -- ing, then I am an atheist." camps: Rabbi Wine's definition, Prof. Mirsky notes, can be equally applied to "every theologian from Philo to Til- lich." The volume "Unorthodox Judaism" presents a ANI sociological and psychologi- 141t4 — no • V- vi- • PS 6► ,,0-51v0A cal commentary on Jewish MAAM I N non-Orthodox beliefs and philosophies. "I Believe" The author, Norman B. Mirsky, is associate profes- Moo -7 4r411 . LIA === sor of contemporary Jewish 11W11111 ■ • all,"1111F. studies at Hebrew Union maa-min WAP- U imaa• stivt College-Jewish Institute of Ritual of Remembrance Issued by Seder Ritual Committee, 15 East 84th Street, New York 28, N. I' Religion in Los Angeles. 1221 Twelfth St. By ALLEN A. WARSEN Prof. Norman B. Mirsky's "Unorthodox Judaism" (Ohio State University Press) is a collection of es- says dealing with Reform versus Orthodox practices and beliefs. The essays include "Evolution and the Stork," "To Solemnize or Not to Sol- HANDLEMAN COMPANY emnize," "Ill Wind or High Tide?," "A Rabbi Named Sally" and "The Vision of Man Triumphant." "Evolution and the Stork" traces the beginnings of the Reform movement to the in- troduction of rules of de- corum in certain German synagogues early in the 19th Century. In Wurtten- berg, for instance, the rules prohibited leaving "one's seat in order to kiss the Scroll of the Law" during the service, and knocking "during the reading of the Book of Esther on the feast of Purim." The emphasis on de- corum in Reform synagogues, Prof. Mirsky explains as follows: "All the regulations concern- ing order and decorum from 1810 until the pre- sent, we see attempts to Seder Ritual of Remembrance for Six Million *Jews Who Perished at the Hands of the Nazis and the Heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising , MAY THIS PASSOVER GREET PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD WITH PEACE AND FREEDOM ACE WIPING- CLOTH CO. 7601 Central, Detroit, Michigan 48210 Phone: 313-834-4000 The Laker's. the Parr's and Rubenfaer Passover Greetings BLUE FLASH CHEMICAL CO. A Happy Holiday to All Our Relatives Friends and Patrons BRADY TRUCK PAINTING & LETTERING CO. Our Specialty Truck Painting and Lettering 923-2210 Superior i-----------------• r 3569 Holiday G reetings I I I I The Walter Carroll Company ; PAINTERS — DECORATORS SINCE 1907 ' 537-4466 0 I 1390 Blackstone ImmomIlmmei•miummossioNwommlimmommei Happy Passover to Our Friends and Pa _ trons COHEN & SON Kosher Meat & Poultry-- -Market LI 7-4121 26035 Coolidge Passover Greetings DESMOND PROCESS SUPPLY • CO. Silk Screen Colors — Supplies — Equipme -nt 862-111 6340 Fenkell 5 Ns N. Passover Greetings to All Amsterdam Press Millard Press and White Color Card Co. Established 1890 259 - 3910 - 259 2309 120 Mt. Elliot - Holiday Greetings BERRY' & SEYBURN Property llatiageweut 28th Floor, Fisher Bldg., Detroit 48202 871-6700 Lee & Jerry Gurwin Wish All Their Friends & Customers A Joyous PASSOVER GURWIN'S ALITOBODY KLINIC COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE INSURANCE CLAIMS MARTIN AND SUE WEISS STEVE & LORI OF MODERN BAKERY 13735 W. 9 Mile Rd. — Oak Park and 26060 Greenfield Lincoln Shopping Center WISH ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A HAPPY, HEALTHY AND JOYOUS PASSOVER