THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 64 Friday, April 6, 1919 Sadat Mourns 'Lost 16 Months' of Negotiations WASHINGTON (JTA) — Egypt is proposing that El Arish, the capital of Sinai which Israel is to vacate in nine weeks, serve as the site of any future negotiations between Israel and Arab MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC HAL GORDON parties that want to talk peace with her. President Anwar Sadat made the proposal at a news conference he gave at the Egyptian Embassy in Washington last week for Israeli and Egyptian jour- • nalists. Sadat mourned the "lost 16 months" that had elapsed between his visit to Jerusalem and the signing of the peace treaty. "If ev- erything had gone on in the spirit of my initiative," he said, "we could have had an Israeli ambassador in Cairo and an Egyptian ambas- sador in Tel Aviv months ago . ." This remark came in The Management & Staff of Gage Oldsmobile inc. 21710 Woodward, 6 Blks N. of 8 Mile Ferndale, Mich. 399-3200 Wishes The Entire Jewish Community A HAPPY PASSOVER response to a question, on his feeling about Pre- mier Menahem Begin's handling of the peace negotiations. Sadat was careful to avoid any more direct or pointed criti- cism than that of the Is- raeli leader. Noting that this was his first appearance on Israeli television, Sadat said he wanted to take the opportu- nity once again to -praise "my ally, the Israeli mothers" for their role in making the peace possible. "I salute the Israeli mother," he said smilingly. Pressed on the Palesti- nian question, Sadat warned that it was "the crux and core Of the conflict" and that without its solution there would be no "perma- nent and comprehensive peace" in the area. But he sidestepped saying specifi- cally that Egypt demanded the creation of a Palestinian state. "What I want Israeli pub- lic opinion to know," Sadat said, "is that Egypt always has certain responsibilities, certain commitments to its Arab colleagues" = what- ever those "colleagues" were presently saying. The Camp David "framework for peace" was "the proper channel to start with in solving the Palestinian problem," he said. "What I am asking is ■■•■•■■•••••■A The executive committee and members of Businessmen's Group City of Hope ask you to rejoice with them in the blessings for a this: the Palestinians should determine their own future. I can't speak for them; they should speak for themselves. Let us start with the full au- tonomy. According to the Camp David framework, after a few years we will sit with the Palestinians" and negotiate the perma- nent status of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Sadat noted. Despite the Palestine Liberation Organization's present recalcitrance and terrorism Sadat said, Is- raelis should realize that "these people are desperate, since they were ill-treated." This did not mean, he stressed, that he agreed with the PLO's "views" or with its actions. There "should come a time," he said, when Israel would be able to sit down and talk with the PLO. Sadat disclosed that the Soviet Union proposed in 1972 that he meet with then-Premier Golda Meir at Tashkent. "Would they have attacked me if I had agreed to meet her then?" Sadat asked, vigorously re- butting Soviet criticism of his present peace initiative. He said that "for sure the late Mrs. Meir would have tried to translate our defeat in the Six-Day War into a _ treaty then," thus appear- i ng to confirm the thesis that Egypt spurned direct peace contacts before 1973 because it felt that any negotiations would be engaged in an hour of weakness. Sadat told reporters that Jerusalem should be ruled by a combined council of Israelis and Arabs and should never be divided again. He said that at the Camp David summit -meeting with Begin and President Car- ter, "I agreed that Jerusalem shall not be divided again by barbed wire. But this shall not cancel Moslem rights, the rights of 700 million Mos- lems. Sovereignty in Arab Jerusalem should return" to the Arab popu- lation. Strike Hampers Israel Airport TEL AVIV (JTA) — A strike by ground personnel paralyzed Ben-Gurion Air- port for four hours Sunday, stranding more than 1,000 passengers and delaying the departure of the Israeli advance party and press planes for Cairo which Premier Menahem Begin visited. The wildcat strike was called to protest a court order enjoining the workers committee not to call a strike in support of wage demands, Special permis- sion was finally granted for the official planes to take off for Cairo. When the strike was fi- nally called off, the flights ol took off in rapid succession. m e• A k . ti A , 1. 7• • - TV- 44V' , ^it 44 ".P. "ft Lights! Action! MACK PITT He did not explain how the combined council might work or the duration of the proposed council. He also did not answer a reporter's question about whether Jerusalem should remain the capital of Israel. q afrize , Orchestra And His DISCO MACHINE Stereophonic Dolby - - Sound! Pop-Soul-Top 40 c2 358-3642 & P 69 444 41 Pa, d 4, 41 eit sANdy FRiEdmAN pliffroqRAphy 968-0808 cANdvds • moviEs• pORTRAITS i ral•serms.....mmwearm .smiT HAIR REMOVED FOREVER: 1 I Men & Women Short Wave Method Fast • Safe • Permanent Any Part of Body Free Consultation Dorothy Stofer I Formerly of Northland Center 647-3432 16231 14 Mile Road (Betw. Southfield & Greenfield) I I. an Num I. HEART DISEASE? CANCER? ANYONE, up to age 80, can now qualify for up to $25,000 of whole life insurance. 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