A Preamble to Peace: To Bring to an End the State of War Communists and Arabs in Israel's Knesset Prove Nation's Democratic Role HE JEWISH NEWS (-3ommentary, Page 2 A Weekly Review Peace and Its Complications, the Dreams of the Free World f Jewish Events Editorials, Page 4 ■■ • VOL. LXXV, No. 4 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 424-8833 $12.00 Per Year: This Issue 30c March 30, 1979 U.S. Egyptian - Israeli Efforts Now Reaching Solid Ground Begin in Cairo Monday Peace Treaty Summarized NEW YORK (JTA) .— Premier Menahem Begin announced Wednesday that he has WASHINGTON (JTA) — The peace treaty signed by Israel and Egypt at the White invited Theodore R. Mann, chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major.American House on Monday rests in six basic elements: Israel's withdrawal from Sinai, security Jewish Organizations, tb accompany him to Cairo on Monday as the representative of the arrangements between,the two countries, establishment of normal relations, right of American Jewish community. Begin will visit Cairo as the Israeli response to Egyptian passage of Israeli ships through the Suez Canal and the ships of both nations through President Anwar Sadat's trip to Israel in November 1977. each other's territorial waters, Israel's right to buy Sinai oil and negotiations on Palesti- Begin made the announcement while briefing 50 leaders of the Presidents Confer- nian self-rule. ence, State of Israel Bonds and the United Jewish Appeal. The Israeli premier expressed The English.version of the massive document was released by the State Department the appreciation of the people of two hours after it was signed by m5pon - 1'y i A song of Ascents. Psalm 126 Israel for the help and support of Premier Menahem Begin of Is- American Jews during the past rael and President Anwar Sadat year-and-a-half of negotiations of Egypt and President Jimmy ria, v.) -nx mn , 2)v.)2 When tne LORD restores the fortunes of Zion between Israel and Egypt. Carter, as witness, on behalf of we see it in our dreams- :try35nD 1», n He urged continued political the United States. The treaty it- support as well as redoubled ef- self contains nine articles. There our mouths shall be filled with laughter, 2 )ro pinv x5Y3 , tx forts through Israel Bonds and are fourmaps, agreed minutes to our tongues, with songs of joy. 1»vvil the UJA's Project Renewal to four articles, two annexes and wipe out poverty in Israel and six accompanying letters. corn nnx , tist Then shall they say among the nations, continue building the Jewish One of the knottiest issues, "The LORD has done great things for them!" :n5x-oy Invy5 rnn , brnn state, A report from the Israeli Israel's access to Sinai oil, Embassy in Washington Tues- was finally resolved in Wash- »ny mn , 5,-Dn 3 The LORD will do great things for us day said that Egypt had re- ington on the eve of the sign- and we shall rejoice. :co , mov.) » ,, n quested that Begin's visit to ing ceremonies. The timeta- Cairo be postponed one week ble according to which the until April 9: Egyptian various provisions of the 13rnni-nx 11111' flaw 4 Restore our fortunes, 0 LORD, President Anwar Sadat later treaty will be implemented is like watercourses in the Negeb. :a»2 trp , oxp denied that the request had been geared to Israel's phased made. withdrawal from Sinai. man t:Pvitn 5 They 'who sow in tears Israel and Egypt signed Israel will evacuate its mili- shall reap with songs of joy. nna their historic peace treaty on tary forces and civilians from the White House lawn shortly the Sinai Peninsula over a npm 15 , 115n 6 Though he goes along weeping, after 2 p.m. Monday before three-year period. Two-thirds of carrying the seed-bag, yltn –Twn 4,000 spectators. In the the peninsula will be turned ceremony . televised around over to Egypt within nine he shall come back with songs of joy, 11312 the world, Premier Menahem months of the exchange of "in- carrying his sheaves. nr35x NW) (Continued on Page 5) (Continued on Page 8) ws — 00 , :), • Historic Handshake and Words in Washington, March 26, 1979 With an historic handshake for peace on Monday on the lawn of the White House, -U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin marked the beginning of a new era in the turbulent Middle East. The Psalm for Peace, Psalm 126, was read by Prime Minister Begin to mark the historic occasion, and all three leaders referred to the prophetic words of Isaiah (Chapter 2): The word that Isaiah son of Amoz prophesied concerning Judah and Jerusalem. In the days to come, The Mount of the Lord's House shall stand firm above the mountains and tower above the hills; and all the nations shall gaze on it with joy. And the many peoples shall go and shall say: "Come, let us go up to the Mount of the Lord, to the House of the God of Jacob; that He may instruct us in His ways, and that we may walk in his paths." For instruction shall come forth from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. • Thus He will judge among the nations and arbitrate for the many peoples, . And they shall bent their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks: Nation shall not lift up sword against nation; Neither shall they learn war anymore.