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March 09, 1979 - Image 26

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1979-03-09

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26 Friday, MarCh 9, 1919' ". I la! DETROIT JEWISH NEWS

Orthodox Convert Has Truce With Army

Danny Raskin's


columns of yesteryears:
APRIL 9, 1965 . . . "Iry
Lachman, popular EEG
technologist, tells of story
making rounds at Sinai
Hospital . . . about two men
greeting the local rabbi who
was approaching with his
leg in a cast . . 'Rabbi' what
happened? Did you break it
skiing?' . . . The rabbi an-
swered, 'I was • in the bat-
hroom reaching for some-
thing-and fell off the corn:
Mode.' . . . The two men ex-
pressed their -sympathy and
the rabbi departed . . . Then
one asked the other, 'What's
a commode?' . . . His com-
panion replied, 'How do I
know? I'm not Jewish!' "
APRIL 16, 1965 . . .
"Jerry Abels is crazy about
his new Buick-Wildcat . . .
and won't let anybody touch
it . . . Coming out of Cong.
Shaarey Zedek recently, he
went out to the parking lot
and found it gone . . . Jerry
immediately called the
Southfield police and dis-
gustedly got a ride home
. . . In the meantime, Ed-
ward Fleishman drove
home what he thought was
his Chevrolet Impala .
drove it all the next day,
until over 30 miles later he
suddenly realized it wasn't
his car . . .
Ed called- Detroit police,
was told to contact the
Southfield cops, who told
him whose car he was driv-
ing . . . Seems he had gotten
into Jerry's car by mistake
and when his Chevy keys
fit, just drove off . . . while
his auto stayed parked - on
the lot all night . . . How
come the keys fit? . Even
Jerry's salesman can't an-
swer that one . . . plus the
fact that Ed couldn't tell the
OCT. 4, 1944 . . . "In
Germany following VE
Day, Sgt. Bobby Friedman
got his furlough . . . went
with a buddy to the Nice
Country Club on the Rivi-
era in France and at 8 a.m.
were the only golfers on the
course .. . . Completed six
holes and on the seventh tee
noticed someone on the
bridge shouting and waving
. . . Couldn't understand
what he.was yelling out so
went right on playing .. .
When their ninth hole was
completed and they reached
the bridge the same fellow
was-there . . . he was an
Army lieutenant .. .
`Who gave you the
authority to play this nine?'
the officer asked, wiping his
brow . . . 'Nobody, sir,' re-
plied Bobby, 'but we
thought it was - our
privilege!' . . . 'Privilege!'
exclaimed the officer. 'Do
you call playing nine holes
of golf on a mine-filled
course a privilege?' . . . P.S.
The boys meekly replied,
`No, sir.' "
NOV. 16, 1945 . . . Bobby
Miller was the choice of the
five judges for first place in

Pease Air Force Base, a doc-
ALBANY, N.Y. (JTA) — tor who wore a kipa at all
Tony Litwin's U.S. Army times was told to take it off
uniform isn't exactly like in the mess hall. "They were
most other enlisted men's . going to court martial him,"
because he proudly wears a Rapps said, "but COLPA re-
kipa on his head at all solved the problem before it -
times. "When I first arrived came to court."
"I shaved voluntarily,"
at Fort Sill, Okla," he said,
"my superiors asked me he said, "but I still wear a
what .I had on my head and kipa and arba kanfot
told me to take it off, or I'd (fringes), and I also daven
get kicked out of the army. and wear tefilin. I get
But we finally came to a some `flack' but when I
friendly agreement."
explain that I'm an Or-
Litwin, who converted to thodox Jew, officers usu-
Judaism a year ago, studied ally seem to understand."
for five years and was • Now stationed at Fort
"turned down" by several
rabbis. He finally completed
an Orthodox conversion in
New York City.
Litwin, 26, a Vietnam
War veteran, re-enlisted
immediately after his con-
version, complete with
beard and payot. His cur-
rent status is Spec. 4, work-
ing with computers in Fire
Direction Control.
According to Dennis
Rapps, executive director
and +general counsel for the
National Jewish Commis-
sion on Law and Public Af-
fairs (COLPA), a group of
volunteer attorneys that
represent Orthodox groups,
the wearing of kipot in the
army is part of a larger issue
that includes beards.
COLPA has had several
cases against the U.S. Air
Force, he said.
Several years ago at


Personality Contest, con-
ducted with the Julius
Rosenwald Post of Ameri-
can Legion — with 66 votes
out of a possible 75 . . . Beth
Weiner was second with 60
. and Florence Eisner
third with 55 . . . Other girls
selected for the finals
through their pictures sent
via the column were: Mary
Gray, Frances Shulman,
Rita Kalman, Dora Tkatch,
Dorothy Wolfe, Helen Plot-
nik, Maureen Levitt, Ber-
nice Glaser, Marsha Lam-
bert, Mildred Bronstein,
Lenore Pickman, Ilene
Sklar, Roslyn Sparge, Mar-
jorie Glasier and Renee
Smith . . . Judging for the
lovelies was held in person
. . . Over 50 photos were
DEC. 15, 1961 . . . "After
having dinner at the Pump
Room in Toronto's Lord
Simcoe Hotel during their
trip to the Canadian shores,
Detroiters Sol and Sylvia
Waldman, Sam and
Dorothy _Shepard and Don
and Gertrude Nusholtz
found themselves being ch-
ased down the street by the
head waiter in a long red
coat and knee britches and
waving their check . . . Sol,
who was handling all the fi-
nances for the trip, was
main target after errone-
ously short changing the
eatery by $10 . . . The cur-
rency exchange had gotten
Sol a bit befuddled . . . but
the man in the long red coat
and knee britches didn't
want to know from nothing
. . . he just wanted his
DEC. 22, 1961 ... "Be-
rnie Kerner, Darby host
laughingly tells about inci-
dent that happened to sister
and brother-in-law, June
and Aaron Kahn . . . They
have five children, and on
one occasion their youngest,
Merrill, eight-months-old
now, cried for his feeding in
the middle of the night .. .
Half-asleep, papa Aaron got
up to 'do his duty' . . . A
large doll was also in the
crib with the baby, and after
getting the bottle, he tried
giving it to the doll until
June came in and saw he
wasn't burping the baby ..
There was Aaron in the den,
his eyes closed, trying to
feed the doll."
WEEKEND . . . tomorrow
night, 7:30 p.m. . . . Las
Vegas Night by Cong. Bnai
Moshe Men's Club.

Bragg, .N.C., Litwin said
that with the exception of
chaplains, he has never met
another GI with a kipa.
"Most Jewish soldiers I
meet are young Reform
Jews who don't follow ritu-
als," he said. "I try to instill
a little `Jewishness' in
them, but they don't seem to
The kipa and beard
questions both have to be
discussed in the context
of what constitutes a
proper_ uniform, Rapps
continued. "In one case
involving the beard of a

Jewish Air Force chap-
lain, Rabbi Michael Gel-
ler, we won in the Federal ,
District Court in Wash-
ington, D.C."
With this case setting a
precedent,. COLPA is now
handling a similar court
proceeding concerning an-
other bearded Air Force




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