Important Lesson From the Media: When Insistence on Facts Establishes Truth THE JEWISH NEWS Commentary, Page 2 A Weekly Review of Jewish Events Second Camp David in Offing Lessons of Nazism and the Inerasable Past Editorials, Page 4 - VOL. LXXIV, No. 24 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 424-8833 $12.00 Per Year: This Issue 30 Feb. 16, 1979 Savon's Plea to Iran's Jews: 'At Least Send the Children' Dayan PLO Statement Raises Political Furor JERUSALEM (JTA) — Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan said Tuesday that Israel could not deny the PLO's political role in the Mideast conflict and its status in the peace-making process. His statement, revolutionary in terms of established Israeli positions, immediately sparked a furor in political cir- cles, with Prime Minister Menahem Begin trying to soft- peddle the remarks as a slip. Dayan said, "The PLO is not a state (but) we cannot deny their position or their value in the conflict and eventually in order to reach an agreement. It isn't just the terrorists or the terrorist organization. It's also the civilian part of it, that is to say the Palestinian refugees. No one, and certainly we do not think that a final settlement of the conflict in the Middle East can be achieved without a settlement of the refugees, (or) that they can go on living in refugees camps in Jordan, in Lebanon, even in Gaza . ." While the Foreign Ministry sought frantically to "interpret away" Dayan's bombshell statement, pressure against the minister mounted Tuesday within the Likud. The usu- ally moderate chairman of the Likud Knesset faction, Liberal Party member Av- raham Sharir, called pub- licly for Dayan to resign — if what he had said indeed represented his thinking. Labor Party chairman Peres said Dayan's remarks would make the "national MENAHEM BEGIN consensus regarding the PLO most fragile, if not smashed outright." Peres said Dayan's statement would "sow confu- sion" in the Israeli public and deplored its timing, just be- fore "Camp David II." Peres said the Labor Party's fears had been aroused back in September when the Camp David agreements were signed. These agreements envisaged negotiations involving repre- (Continued on Page 10) MOSHE DAYAN JERUSALEM (JTA) — President Yitzhak Navon issued an im- passioned plea over the weekend to Iranian Jewry to send at least their children to Israel if they were reluctant to come themselves. "There is a warm home waiting for them here," Navon said, noting that there are some 20,000 Jewish children estimated to be living in Iran. Some 500 Iranian Jewish children have been sent to Israel during the last several months, and most have been absorbed into youth aliya schools and villages. In New York, Leon Dulzin, chairman of the ;World Zionist Organiza- tion and Jewish Agency Executives, disclosed that about 8,000 Iranian Jews arrived in Israel during the last few months. 1,000 of whom intend to remain as citizens, while 5,000 more left Iran for other countries. He estimated that there are still some 65,000 Jews in Iran. "We will take and absorb in Israel as many Iranian Jews as come," Dulzin told a press conference at Jewish Agency headquar- ters in New York. He said the situation of Iranian Jews is a matter of concern because "they might face danger." Asked why Iranian Jews did not leave en masse, Dulzin said, "We used every possible way in the last four months to convince Iranian Jews to come to Israel." He did not elaborate but said he hoped there still was time "to save as many Jews as possible" in Iran. Some 1,000 Iranian Jews have settled in France since the rioting began in Iran. According to news reports, the Iranians in France and other Western European countries are taking a "wait-and-see" attitude and will consider returning to Iran "once things calm down." (Continued on Page 5) YITZHAK NAVON LEON DULZIN Brown Assures Israel Sees Military Sites TEL AVIV (JTA) — U.S. Defense Secretary Harold Brown declared on his arrival in Israel Tuesday that the U.S. and Israel share a common strategic goal which is to maintain stability in the region. He reiterated America's commitment to ensure Israel's security. Brown, who has already visited Saudi Arabia and Jordan on his first tour of the Middle East, flew to Egypt from Israel. Brown spent three days in Israel visiting the Golan Heights, the West Bank and Israeli military installations. The Israelis had hoped to impress him with their defense requirements. The recent political changes in Iran and the impending military alliance between Iraq and Syria have heightened Israeli fears that a hostile new power bloc will rise on its eastern front. Israel is especially concerned that Iran, with the most powerful military machine in the region, will join the Arab rejectionist front against Israel. Israel prepared a revised list of its future weapons requirements to present to Brown because of the regional developments. The new list is reportedly smaller but no less costly than an earlier one inasmuch as Israel is seeking some of the latest and most sophisticated electronic weapons syetems. There were differences with Washington over Brown's itinerary. The Israelis considered it essential that Brown tour the West Bank. They wanted to impress upon Brown Israel's view that the West Bank is vital to security and believe this can best be done if he sees for himself the vantage points from which Jordanian guns once menaced Israel's coastal plain. HAROLD BROWN Knesset Repudiates Charges of West Bank Torture • JERUSALEM (JTA) — The Knesset on Wednesday approved by a massive major- ity a government statement repudiating recent charges of torture on the West Bank published in the Washington Post. Justice Minister Shmuel Tamir revealed that the state attorney in person is required, under new regulations issued by Premier Menahem Begin, to investigate each and every case in which an allegation of torture has been made and is not immediately re- jected by the International Red Cross. Tamir said the IRC had visited in pri- vacy with more than 1,200 prisoners who had alleged torture, but in 94 percent of the cases nothing was found to back up even the mere allegation. "There is no system of torture in Israel," Tamir declared. "We reject torture as crim- inal and loathsome — not because of the public relations consideration, but because of the adverse effect it would have on our interrogators and on our entire society of which they are part." Tamir rejected calls from Shai, Hadash and Sheli Knesseters for a commission of inquiry, under a Sup- reme Court justice, to be set up to in- vestigate tbe torture charges. Sheli's Uri Avneri said such a commission would clear the air and disprove the charges once and for all, but Tamir was not impressed by that argument. The call for a commission of inquiry was made earlier this week by Jerusalem Post staff correspondent David Krivine in an article. Krivine spent months last year in- vestigating the torture charges published in the London Sunday Times. Krivine wrote that in his view torture was not practiced, certainly not as a sys- tem. But there was some violence (slapping and the like) sometimes used, apparently when interrogations were urgent and in- formation could save lives. In any event he wrote, a commission of inquiry ought to be appointed by the government "if only to clear the air." Premier Menahem Begin expressed "amazement" over the publication of the Washington Post story. He told reporters that the allegations, derived from reports to the State Department by a former em- ploye of the U.S. Consulate in East Jerusalem who was involved with Palesti- nians, were "totally baseless." Begin recalled that similar allega- Lions were proven "inventions of our enemies." He blamed "great papers like the Times and Post" for publishing such accounts. Tamir invited international jurists and representatives of "fair and neutral coun- tries" to come to Israel to see for them- selves that there is no mistreatment of prisoners. He said that American Congres- sional committees, judges, lawyers and other "people of standing" would be wel- come to study prison conditions in Israel. Tamir denounced the allegations in the Post story as "evil slander" and declared that "there is no torture in Israel's prisons and there never has been." He said he took a very grave view of the Post story because the facts could easily have been verified. (Continued on Page 6)