THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 6 Friday, February 9, 1919 ADL Documents PLO Terror; Ambassador Young Is,Repudiated (Continued from Page 1) kidnapping gangs." He said the record includes 308 bombings in 28 countries; 261 attemp- ted bombings, bomb threats and plots in 26 countries; 180- shootings in 11 countries; 18 assas- sinations — including American diplomats — in 11 countries; 19 hijack- ings in 14 countries or the skies above them; six at- tempted hijackings and 29 other assorted acts of terror in 12 countries. "Despite this bloody pattern which persists to this day, Greenberg said, "a new mytholo gy about the PLO emerged and to which Ambassador Young has given credence — a mythology that the PLO is 'moderate' and made up of 'very intelligent, de- cent human beings!' Greenberg said that in the face of such develop- ments, it is understandable that the PLO would remain intransigent about its insis- tence upon the destruction of Israel. He pointed out that "PLO chieftain Yasir Arafat recently declared publicly that 1979 will be a year of 'fire and brimstone' and recent terrorist depra- dations have gone far to bear him out. 77 PEARL SCISSORS BUCKLES UNLIMITED FREE BUCKLE! WITH EACH PURCHASE OF $25 OR MORE HAND CRAFTED TOOLED $7 & $9 LEATHER BELTS DRESS LEATHER BELTS BUCKLES 3 FOR Sll PEARL SCISSORS TiF1 $6 EACH OTHERS AT $5, $8 AND $10 'TIE BUCKLE LADY" WHOLESALE TO STORES, SHOPS AND DEALERS LARGEST BUCKLE DISPLAY IN MICHIGAN STYLES 2240 COOLIDGE Monday thru Saturday 10-6 Ey: BESR;aN 5 BLK OF4811 MI . FREE PARKING MILE 6885 5 745 0 - U.S. May List, Chastise Countries Washington, In Senators Abraham Ribicoff (D-Conn.) and Jacob K. Javits (R-N.Y.) said they will re-introduce a legisla- tion that would require the U.S. to "publicly list and condemn foreign countries that aid ,terrorist ac- tivities." . The bill, which failed to reach the Senate floor dur- ing the 95th Congress, after being favorably considered by four committees in the Senate, is expected to have a companion measure in the House where it had been under consideration by three committees before the session ended. The Senate measure last year had some 30 co-. sponsors. A bipartisan bloc also introduced a compan- ion measure in the House. Under the terms of the Ribicoff-Javits legislation, the President would be al- lowed to stop foreign assis- tance, sales of defense materials, commodities of potential military applica- tion and duty-free treat- ment to any foreign gov- ernment on that list. Meanwhile, in New York, former Begin adviser Shmuel Katz told a meeting of Americans for a Safe Is- rael that millions of Ameri- can tax dollars are indi- rectly aiding the PLO through charitable organi- zations which are aiding the defense of residents of Judea, Samaria and Gaza who defy Israel. Katz charged that U.S. religious and charitable groups are distributing funds earmarked by the U.S. Congress for humanitarian programs in this manner. Louis Berry Will Receive. Hebrew U. Prizell Louis Berry will receive the highest communal serv- ice award of the American Friends of the Hebrew Uni- versity of Jerusalem at a tribute -banquet of the Michigan Chapter 6 p.m. May 16 at Cong. Shaarey Zedek. Berry's post-World War II efforts to fashion the United Jewish Appeal into a power- ful resource for Jewish sur- vival is recognized world- wide-. He was one of the driv- ing forces and founding chairmen behind the estab- lishment of the Israel Bond Drive in Detroit. He has been the recipient of the Louis Marshall Award from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, the Human Rela- Louis Berry, center, is congratulated by Erwin C. Ziegelman, left, president of the Michigan Chapter of the American Friends of the Hebrew University, and by Dean William Haber of the University of Michigan upon his selection as the recipient of the highest communal service award by the AFHU. tions Award from the American Jewish Commit- tee and the Fred M. Butzel Award from the Jewish Welfare Federation of Greater Detroit. He is chairman of cash mobiliza- tion for the Allied Jewish Campaign and serves on the national boards of the United Jewish Appeal Campaign Cabinet, the Jewish Theological Semi- nary, the Weizmann Insti- tute of Science,. the Ameri- can Joint Distribution Committee, the American ORT Federation, the De- velopment Corporation of Israel and the United Serv- ice for New Americans. A long-time member of . Bnai Brith, he is on the board of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation. He also is on the_boards of Sinai Hospital, the Jewish Home for the Aged, Cong. Shaarey Zedek and the Clover Hill Park Cemetery. He has served as president and chairman of the building fund of Cong. Shaarey Zedek. The tribute dinner com- mittee is headed by Max M. Fisher, honorary chairman; Daniel M. Honigman, chairman; W.13. Doner, David B. Hermelin and David B. Holtzman, co- chairmen. Erwin C. Ziegelman is president of the Michigan Chapter, and Dean William Haber of the University of Michigan, is chairman of the Hebrew University Academic Advisory Corn- . mittee. For information and reservations, call Diane Shekter, AFHU representa- tive, 851-0320. ORT-Israel is the largest network in the global ORT vocational system. Hebrew University Official Will Speak Here on Behalf of Israeli Institution SAVEIgkir Sale ends March 4 Choose from over 5,000 beautiful patterns, textures, and designs—One perfect for every room in your home—Wall-Tex, Imperial, United, Astor, —All first quality wallcovering from America's leading manufacturers. EVERYTHING'S ON SALE! Hurr up! SPRING wallpaper savings at: Eliyahu Honig, director, department of information and public affairs, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, will be the guest of honor at a reception hosted in behalf of the Michigan Chapter, American Friends of the Hebrew University, 8 p.m. Feb. 18 in the home of'Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I. Klein, 5180 Ponvalley, Bloomfield Hills. Active in the Australian Zionist movement, Honig was the Australian repre- sentative competing in the 1950 Maccabia games in Is- rael. He returned to Au- stralia to carry on his studies at Melbourne Uni- versity, later working in the poultry science division of the agricultural training department and, sub- sequently, in the adminis- tration at Melbourne Uni- versity. He realized his Zionist ambitions in 1955 when he left Australia to im- migrate to Israel, joining turer on Jewish and allied topics, traveling from the Suez Canal to the Golan Heights to speak to IDF units wherever they are stationed. JWV Leader Backs Military ELIYAHU HONIG the administration of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem a year later. He has been associated with the university ever since, serving for many years as director of the department of informa- tion and public affairs. Honig serves in the edu- cation corps of the Israel De- fense Forces reserves and does military duty as a lec- JEWISH NORFOLK, Va. — Dur- ing a recent tour of the Nor- folk Navy Shipyard and the nuclear-powered cruiser USS Texas, Nathan M. Goldberg, national com- mander of the Jewish War Veterans, decried U.S. cal backs in military strenglw Goldberg said that only through U.S. military strength will a peace treaty be assured in the Middle East and he expressed un- happiness with the Carter Administration's decision to eliminate a nuclear- powered aircraft carrier from the budget in favor on a conventionally-powered carrier. . nnTionm. Funo rlP rm " '27308 Southfield Rd. 557-6644 Smithfield, Mich. 48076 .11r