THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 16 Friday, February 9, 1919 New Agreement Israel Embassy Cites Red Cross Report in Denouncing New Allegations of Torture JERUSALEM — The Jewish Agency and the Fonds Social Juif de France red in the Israeli occupation have concluded a new WASHINGTON (JTA) — torture" against Arabs sus- one of the Palestinians cited SAVE! Wr SAVE! agreement, dealing with The Israel Embassy pected of terrorism. in one of her cables," the of the West Bank and Gaza Post said. This "relation- Strip but that this was both increasing the income categorically denied allega- The Israel Embassy, in ship was known to some of neither systematic nor the BUY DIRECT and the division of that in- tions that inmates of Israeli FROM THE come raised by the Appel prisons are systematically its statement, declared her colleagues," the Post policy of the Israeli gov- that "these allegations, said. ernment. Unifie Juif de France. It is mistreated or tortured, as I MPORTER even though they have The State Department The allegations appear intended to create a new alleged in two cables sent by been published from time to be in a pattern de- report being released this SE yrmatut campaign structure to raise a dismissed employee of the to time, are baseless and signed to blacken Israel's week says "there have been KAPLAN maximum funds for the U.S. Consulate in East have been refuted over reputation in an attempt instances" of the use of tor- growing regular budget of Jerusalem. The allegations and Co. and over again. Suspects to offset the terrorism of ture in the occupied areas the Agency; for the based on the cables were re- IMPORTER AND CUTTERS arrested by Israeli au- the Palestine Liberation but the Israeli government community-building and ported in the Washington OF FINE DIAMONDS thorities accused of ac- Organization and bes- flatly denies it. Carter con- -- 30555 Southfield, educational institutions of Post Wednesday. The ca- Suite 100 tual terrorist activities mirch Israel's credibility firmed that the accusation:. the French Jewish popula- bles, the Post said, reported 6454200 including murder, as- in public opinion, in- that have been reportec tion and for Project Re- "the possibility that the use sault and bombings, are formed observers here stem from "accounts given newal. of brutality in the interro- dealt with due process of said. Similar charges after their release by Arabs gation of Arab political law and the International were voiced three arrested for security of- prisoners is a systematic Red Cross is granted ac- months ago by a small fenses." practice, involving the use cess to them within 14 group of members of the The report also says of trained personnel backed days of arrest. that "Arabs in the oc- National Lawyers Guild. up by far-reaching adminis- The president of the In- This group admitted cupied territories,- in- trative support and pro- ternational Committee for their trip to Israel was fi- cluding some who were tected by standard methods the Red Cross, Alexander nanced in part by a actually in custody and of suppressing complaints Hay, in a statement issued source they refused to who have reported they "Best Deal In Town" and blocking their investi- on Feb. 1, 1978, expressed identify and that the PLO have been subjected to gation. WILSON-CRISSMAN CADILLAC his 'satisfaction' that the The Israel Embassy ICRC has the right of 'visit- had invited the group to mistreatment, continue CALL BUS. MI 4-1930 RES. 642-6836 the area and was host to to allege both publicly • statement countered this by • ing people residing in the them in Beirut. The Guild and privately that the declaring: "Israel respects occupied territories impris- report was subsequently mistreatment of de- human rights, does not en- oned for one reason or tainees is a systematic gage in torture and cannot another, after 14 days of repudiated by a member practice. The accumula- of the group which made but therefore come to the their arrest and even after a the visit. tion of reports, some from conclusion that the dis- week in some cases .. . credible sources, make it In addition, such allega- semination of such allega- These people are under in- tions have arisen from time appear that instances of tions through the media terrogation and it is excep- to time and been given wide mistreatment have oc- stem from anti-Israeli polit- tional for Red Cross dele- dissemination despite the curred." Priced Sale of Household Contents ical motivations." gates to be granted access to evidence to the contrary The report charges Israeli A report on human rights detainees during this period from Israelis and others troops and border police prepared by the State De- Conducted In Your Home . . . who have made first-hand have used excessive force in partment in countries with "We have requested and investigations of such alle- quelling demonstrations which the U.S. has agree- received permission for gations, including the In- and restoring order. But, it ments on military supplies Estates Liquidated these interviews to be held ternational Red Cross. The added, "They did not reflect or foreign aid is being made without witnesses." This Post story, by staff writers the policy of the Israeli gov- public by the Senate was a clear reference to the T. R. Reid and Edward ernment." Carter said the Foreign Relations Commit- practice by Israeli officials report submitted to con- tee. The department's re- to allow ICRC interviewers Cody, started on page one gress in no way should alter under a four column head- port last year on conditions to talk with Arab prisoners the U.S. relationship with line: "U.S. Reports Indicate in the West Bank said that Liquidators and Appraisers without the presence of any Israeli Abuse of Palesti- Israel. "We see no reason to it had no evidence that Is- Israelis. nians" and carried over change our relationship 368-4044 rael followed a "consistent 875-7650 "It should be em- with an eight-column ban- with I§rael," he said. - practice or policies of using phasized," the Israeli Em- ner headline over the re- bassy statement continued, mainder of the report which Students Raise "that the International Red occupied most of an inside $12,000 for UJA Cross committee has not page. The Israeli Embassy NEW YORK — During only the right to talk to denial was carried at the the United Jewish Appeal's prisoners during their in- bottom of the inside page. terrogation without witnes- The State Department College Student Leadership ses but that the ICRC dele- said Wednesday that it ap- Mission to Israel on Dec. gates are permitted to be ac- peared "that instances of 25-Jan. 4, 128 students from companied by a physician mistreatment" have occur- 98 American campuses vis- ited the sites of Jewish member of the ICRC team, Agency programs, met with who may physically Israel Predicts MAKE A PERSONAL VISIT TO OUR STORE WHERE key agency officials and -examine the prisoners." pledged $11,896 to the UJA. YOU WILL FIND MANY, MANY "DIFFERENT" ITEMS The allegations in the an Earthquake This figure represents the JERUSALEM (JTA) — Washington Post were TO CHOOSE FROM. WE ARE WELL STOCKED WITH The Ministry of Energy and highest total ever pledged based on two cables pre- Infrastructure may not during a UJA student mis- OFFICE SUPPLIES, FURNITURE FOR OFFICE, pared by Alexandra U. have wanted to cause panic, sion. Of this record total, Johnson, 32, a junior HOME OR ANYWHERE. GIFT ITEMS AND IDEAS but a statement it published $2,905 was earmarked for foreign service officer, who last week was dismissed Sunday was not quite reas- Project Renewal, the $1.2 ARE FOUND THROUGHOUT OUR TWO BEAUTIFUL billion partnership program from the U.S. Foreign Ser- suring. SHOWROOMS, AND OF COURSE THERE'S AL- The ministry told Israelis between world Jewry and vice. She had been "selected out" from the service by a that an earthquake, "at the Israel's people designed to WAYS OUR SALE TABLES FOR EXTRA level that destroyed Safed rejuvenate the lives special panel that reviewed SAVINGS. COME IN in 1837," was inevitable in 45,000 unabsorbed immi 14 MILE her six-year career record. the future. Therefore, the rant families. Previously, she was passed SOON. WE'D LIKE TO SEE Included in the group's ministry said, quoting a sci- over for promotion. Accord- itinerary was a field entific report prepared at ing to the Post, Miss YOU AND DON'T FORGET TO the ministry's order, the study of Kiryat Yovel in Johnson was assigned to LL outcome of such an ear- Jerusalem, one of 160 dis- East Jerusalem to inter- ASK FOR YOUR FREE view visa applicants for thquake depende entirely tressed neighborhoods slated for aid in Project on preventive action. admission to the U.S. That GIFT! Essentially, the ministry Renewal. In addition to was her first assignment wanted the public to be visiting Kiryat Yovel, abroad. During her Arabic- language training in aware of the need for a many students made in- 13 MILE thorough research of the dependent visits to other Beirut, she lived there with possible affects of an ear- Project Renewal her mother and grand- thquake considering the neighborhoods. mother in a Christian area. Other highlights of the present standards of build- She was said to have refused mission included a group an official order to live in a ings. 31535 Southfield Rd. To make its point quite ascent to Masada, and visits hotel near the U.S. Em- clear, the ministry noted to absorption centers in bassy in Beirut. Birmingham (Beverly Hills), MI 48009 tk yolif this was especially impor- Carmiel and Haifa, the While in East Jerusalem Office —the U.S. maintains two tant, considering plans for Golan Heights, Kiryat Telephone: 642-5600 the construction of a nuc- Shmona and the Yamit reg- consulates in Jerusalem — Sat. 9-12 M-F 8-5 ion. BO" she was "briefly engaged to lear power station. \l1I I • 1979 CADILLAC ANDY BLAU • MOVING? EDMUND FRANK & CO. FOR YOUR VALENTINE "DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT" ri = Modern Office Inc II - 91,i. o ffi c e