V 1 ;, 71 " q ! 1 't THE DETROIT• JEWISH NEWS Levins Cited for JNF Service, Inscribed in Its Golden Book Readers Forum) Materials submitted to the Readers Forum must be brief. The writer's name will be withheld from publication upon request. No unsigned letters will be published. Materials will not be returned unless a stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed. Nordau Biography Corrected Editor, The Jewish News: been abrogated yet; what In my father, Max Nor- existed was a decision made dau's biography, which I by the Spanish government was very happy you pub- -- under the reign of King lished, an unfortunate mis- Alfonso XIII — to tolerate take was made about my places of worship of reli- father's stay in Spain and gions other than the the opening of the first Catholic, including synagogue in Madrid since synagogues, provided they 1492, the year of the expul- were not conspicuous. sion of the Jews under the The actual abrogation reign of Ferdinand and was discussed in the Isabel, the Catholic Spanish Parliament only in monarchs. 1966 and was decided and Permit me to correct the enacted in 1968! It is only Percy Kaplan, left, executive director of the Greater 'Detroit Jewish National Fund Council, presents a cer- dates. When the synagogue since then that synagogues tificate to Mr. and Mrs. William (Belle) Levin attesting was inaugurated in 1917, have officially been opened the law of expulsion had not in Madrid and Barcelona IP 'to their inscription in the JNF Golden Book for their and that the Jewish religion i80 years of service" to the fund. Young Gymnasts is recognized. * * other communities. Detroit Entertain Aged Paris, France Gymnastics students Mayor Coleman Young and the Council honored him at from the Jewish Commu- nity Center of Metropolitan a luncheon. Levin has drafted Detroit recently put on a Dance for Seniors The Jewish Community many zoning resolutions tumbling demonstration at and published many arti- the Prentis Manor Jewish Center's senior adult de- cles on the subject. He Home for Aged in South- partment will host a dance 8 p.m. Sunday at the 10 Mile was a special state assis- field. A total of 15 girls partici- Center branch. tant attorney general and Freddy Sheyer will pro- served on the county pated. The gymnasts, who range in age from second to vide music for dancing. board of supervisors. "The William and Belle seventh grade, are coached There is a charge, and re- Levin Woodland" was es- by John Croll, and are all freshments will be served. tablished in their honor by students in Croll's girls' For information, call the 10 the Landsmanshaften gyinnastics classes at the Mile Center, 967-4030. Jewish Center. Societies of JNF. The girls demonstrated Mrs. Levin has held every office in Detroit Women of a warm-up routine and DRY JNF, including serving two then went through a CLEANING SERVICE terms as president and five variety of tumbling 4WOCOMUMMX:n04 years as fund-raising stunts and combinations. Fast Pick-Up and chairman. She is on the na- Croll explained various tional JNF board and on the aspects of tumbling and Delivery national JNF speakers gymnastics. Dry Cleaning, Laundry Croll teaches beginning bureau and vice president of Leathers, Reparis, and intermediate girls' the Detroit JNF Council. classes, boye gymnastics Drapes Reweaving and gymnastics for pre- schoolers. For information, Call contact Croll at the Center, 341-5025 at 661-1000, ext. 182. Camp Young Judea, the includes specialists in the Hadassah-sponsored sum- fields of dance, drama, Is- r-mer camping program of raeli culture, music, sports, Hashachar-Young Judea, nature, scouting, and arts the you cannot afford to twill move to the Camp and crafts. In addition,there jahelu camp grounds in is a doctor and a certified health director living on the - 10rtonville this summer, ex- w panding to two four-week grounds at all times. The kitchen is completely sessions. h _ Jeffrey M. Simon is camp kosher and is supervised by a mashgiakh. ndirector. For information; contact - The new CYJ -campsite spans 120 acres, including a Jesse Rosenbaum, 66 61- 1038. 0 -newly-developed 40-acre SEATING nature center, complete "'with trails connecting var- Needlework Unit ious ponds and a wooded Focus Is Judaica en me_nt .n Other Natalie Victor has fac Ws include the large founded the Thread of Gold 4akefront, sandy beach, Judaic Needlework Guild towboats and canoes. and will act as president. In addition to the 24 The guild will hold r4:abins, the camp has monthly and football and softball seminars meetings and is open to * fields, tennis and basket- ball courts, horseback anyone interested in Judaic Ividing facilities, a needlework. - The guild will hold its in- ,_neWly-built dining hall, a "Fecently-renovated rec- augural meeting 8 p.m. reation hall, a large, arts Tuesday in the 10 Mile and crafts building, and a Jewish Community Center, Room 12. six-room infirmary. Example - Other officers are Mona The staff, which is almost Reg. Price 7 pcs. $2713.00 entirely comprised of youth Cohen, vice president; Bar- orkers who lead bara Victor-Gittleman, sec- now 41ashachar-Young Judea retary; and Toby Golop, clubs throughout the year, treasurer. MARCIE'S Camp Young Judea Moves, :Sessions Will Be Expanded - SALE modular by window beite I I c '1818" 301 on name decorator blinds: • Save evergy • Control light • Versatile verticals, woods, custom shades, 1" decorator blinds and shutters 968•070I THIS IS THE SALE EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT! STOREWIDE C LEARANCE . ENTIRE STOCK OF GIRLS' WINTER COATS NOW I off 2 SIZES 2 to 14 OUR ago. PRICE 1#010E- STOMOV SOYV AND 4111.5* ENTIRE STOCK BOYS' & GIRLS' WHOM.' SNOWMOBILE SUITS JACKETS • sizEs4%-ixisolitlik. Reg:. $24:to $30- SIZES 2 TO 14 REG. $36 TO $55 Now UP • TO NOW 1/3 off ow *Etc teilklioss arms cofitt -** F TM • YE 4 AI Tv is. . . ‘S, .•.'tist .,;:s s e Jon .1iLttior Master Cha e VISA miss! ' UP TO THAYER COGGIN SAVE Friday, January 26, 1919 41 Save up to Maxa Nordau Mr. and Mrs. William ,..(Belle) Levin have been in- scribed in the Golden Book - 9,f the Jewish National Fund in Jerusalem "for -their 30 years of service to JNF and Women of JNF." The Levins were pre- sented with a certificate at- , 'testing to their inscription by Percy Kaplan, executive la director of the Greater De- troit JNF Council, prior to making their home in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Levin, an attorney and „Detroit zoning specialist, has been honored by the De- o troit city government, which he has served for ; many years as executive secretary of the Detroit 0 -13oard of Zoning Appeals. The Detroit Common Coun- .•cil passed a resolution citing him "for outstanding serv- -ice to the city of Detroit" and if REDUCTIONS SPECIAL ORDERS 10% to 20% off Sotheriet Mall 643-0500 A STEP UP TO ELEGANCE