• 56 Friday, January 12,__1979 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS • Two Rothschilds and the Land of Israel' By ALLEN A. WARSEN 6 Chaim Weizmann, Is- rael's first president, in his autobiography "Trial and Error," wrote, "Shortly be- fore the First World War he (Baron Edmond de Rothschild) paid a visit to Palestine . . . -I met him, soon after, in Paris . . . I asked him for his im- pressions of Palestine, and he answered me simply and honestly: 'Without me the Zionists could have done nothing, but without the Zionists my work would have been dead.' " Edmond de Rothschild's laconic statement is the theme of "Two Rothschilds and the Land of Israel" (Alfred A. Knopf), authored by Simon Schama, a fellow of Brasenose College, Ox- ford, and lecturer in modern history. Schama begins his narra- tive with an historic review of the political status of the Russian, Romanian and French Jews in the 18th and 19th Centuries. In 1791, he writes, Catherine the Great created the Pale of Settl- ment. The same year, the Constituent Assembly con- ferred on the French Jews full rights of citizenship. Almost 100 years later, Romania, after it had gained independence from Turkey, deprived its Jewish population of its citizenship rights. Hence- forth, individual legisla- tion was required each time a Jew applied for Romanian citizenship. In 1882, Alexander III promulgated the infamous Temporary Regulations that forbade Jews to reside in the rural areas of the Pale. The same year, Baron Edmond de Rothschild began his historic Jewish EDMOND deROTHSCHILD colonization activities in Palestine that continued for 80 years without interrup- tion. No wonder, Baron Ed- mond became known as "Avi Hayishuv" (Father of the Settlement) and "Hanadiv" (the Benefactor). Thorough is Schama's analysis of the living condi- tions of the Palestinian Jews in 1882 and the years preceding it. In Jerusalem alone 20,000 out of a Jewish population of 23,000 lived off"haluka" (charity); 3,000 were tailors; the others were ritual slaughterers, butchers, phylactery and prayer-shawl makers. Schama's biographical portrayal of Baron Ed- mond's family is impres- sive. His father, Baron James, presided over the Consistoire Central and the Consistoire de Paris until his death in 1869. His brothers, Alphonse and Gustave, respec- tively succeeded their father in these distin- guished positions. The youngest of the Rothschild children, Ed- mond, also "took his seat on the Consistories." The Rothschilds sup- ported charitable and reli- gious organizations, and patronized scholarly and literary projeCts, such as the "Societe d' Etudes Juives." Edmond's mother, Baronne Betty, was "the uncrowned empress of the Paris salmis." His cousin and wife, Adelaide, was a devout and observant Jewess. Is it surprising that Edmond became in- terested in Jewish col- onization in Palestine? This interest, moreover, was intensified by a con- viction "based on a read- ing of what he judged to be present and future realities in Europe and the Middle East." There were also other fac- tors that influenced Ed- mond's attitude toward the "Yishuv." Some were his visit to Jerusalem at the age of 10; his parents' support of various institutions in Jerusalem; and, most of all, his association with men like Rabbi Shmuel Mohilever, the great "Khovev Tsion" (Lover of Zion) and the Grand Rabbi of France, Zadoc Kahn. In their early history, the settlements had to over- come many difficulties, in- cluding poor farm land, primitive methods of farm- ing, and, most of all, the hostile and 'obstructionist policies of the Ottoman authorities. Ottoman Jews were permitted internal migration in Turkish con- trolled territories but Rus- sian, Romanian and Bulga- rian Jews were not allowed to enter Palestine. The Turkish officials sus- pected that the Jewish farms were disguises for some other "ulterior stratagem." Thus the con- struction' of a dormitory at Zikhron Ya'akov produced a rumor that a fort was -being built by French soldiers. Similarly, "the use of fire torches to create irrigation canals at Rosh Pinna im- mediately drew from the local authorities in Upper Galilee the accusation that artillery had been secretly introduced into the region by the farmers." As a result, the Baron counselled the settlers to be cautious in their dealings with Turkish bureaucrats. At the same time, he demanded that the settlers work effi- ciently. To enforce the working regulations, he established a bureaucra- tic hierarchy which he authorized, inter alia, "to Prof. Weizmann in "Trial •4 and Error" relates the Ba- ron's endeavors: "With one •• alone was it a passion, and. that was Baron Edmond or" Paris. A dozen men of his stamp and his capacity to help would have changed the history of Palestine." NI The baron's son, James (the future Baron James), and daughter-in-law, ■ ., Dorothy, worked just as devotedly for Jewish statehood in Palestine. In 1 London where they re- sided, they hac141Itn P4 "canvassing op , : n,„ winning friends and in- fluencing people in the" tortuous road which led eventually to the Balfour Declaration." Significantly, in the to 1920s James assumed lead- ership of the Palestinei, Jewish Colonization ASSO -4; JAMES deROTHSCHILD ciation., exercise a discretionary In 1957, the year Baron prerogative over the James died, the family be- right to marriage." queathed the Rothschild Is- Nevertheless, he insisted" raeli enterprises to the state that the settlements have of Israel. In addition, the synagogues, rabbis, ritual family provided the finan- slaughterers, ritual baths cial means for the construe-144 — "the complete parapher- tion of the Knesset nalia of traditional Or- This gift symbolized both thodoxy." But he opposed Rothschilds' "concern that the observance of "shemita" the Jewish state should re- (the agricultural sabbatical main within the tradition of year) in his colonies. Western political society." . When World War I broke At the Knesset opening in out, the baron became an 1966, Mrs. Rothschild re- - ardent advocate of a Jewish_ ferred" to it as "setting the state in Palestine, and seal on the work done by his actively worked for its (her husband James') father realization. 80 years ago." 1948 Memorial Statue Had Same Fate as Raoul Wallenberg (Editor's note: A con- tinuing campaign to dis- . cover the truth about the 1945 disappearance of Raoul Wallenberg at the hands of the Russians has uncovered a new WALLENBERG MONUMENT chapter concerning a Budapest monument. Wallenberg, a University of Michigan graduate, saved an estimated 20,000-50,000 Jews in Budapest from the Nazis by issuing false papers and setting up "safe houses" under the Swedish flag. (The Soviet Union con- tinues to deny sporadic reports that Wallenberg is still alive in a Russian prison, saying he died in 1952. Persons wishing to participate in the cam- paign to find out the truth 'about Wallenberg should write to Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lantos, 5850 Cameron Run, Apt. 809, Alexandria, Va. 22303.) The following account was reported in the Swedish newspaper Expressen on June 15, 1964: "A Wallenberg Commit- tee was formed by his sur- viving Jewish proteges. One of the aims was to honor the memory of their savior. "A collection was started to raise a monument to the disappeared Swedish dip- lomat, whose fate was un- known, except for the fact that he had disappeared in Russian imprisonment. He was, however, already mis- sed as dead. - "The great sculptor of Hungary, Pal Patzay, who is in particular famous for his equestrian statues, took on the task to create a worthy monument, without payment. "The Jews even gave their golden heirlooms to the collection. "Pal Patzay did not lack inspiration. He was perhaps the best of all artists in Hungary to understand the task. He had personal ex- perience of the humanita- rian efforts of Raoul Wal- lenberg. "One day the sculptor was informed that a friend of his was among the Jews who would be deported from Budapest. They had already been loaded into the railway cars. The artist decided to alert quickly Wallen- berg, whom he knew. Wallenberg rapidly came to the spot and managed to get the friend of the against violence and sculptor and .15 other Nazism. It was a figure of Jews ,out of the cars and St. George fighting a ser- save them under the eyes pent. of the German SS men. "The great day for the in- "It took two years before auguration of the monu- the monument was ready. It ment arrived. The cere- was a composition six mony had been planned in meters high, with a bronze detail. The .president of the figure on top _of a support. Wallenberg Committee, Dr.. On the support Patzay had Gynta Simon, should give a. made a relief with Wallen- speech and hand over the berg's face. Underneath monument to the mayor of there was a poetic text in his Budapest, Jozsef Bognar. "The ceremony was to honor. It talked about Wal- lenberg as a nobel, brave take place on a Sunday in and humane man, who had April 1948 in the vast become - a legendary hero in Scent Istvan park, which RAOUL WALLENBERG a dark time. 'This monu- had been planned in• ment' it said 'is our silent memory of the first king a shock. The monument and eternal gratitude to of Hungary (St. Istvan) had disappeared. Only him and should always.re- who died in 1034. The ar- part of the support was mind us of the eternally tist, the whole Wallen- left. lasting humanity in_an in- berg Committee, repre- "Witnesses could report human period.' sentatives from the that the Russians had dur- "On top of the support the Swedish legation and ing the night with ropes and artist had created a high other invitees came to the horses removed the monu- symbol in bronze of the suc- park for the ceremony. ment. Nobody knew w e cessful fight of Wallenberg What they saw gave them they had taken it." 6 • Zionism Contest Called Success JERUSALEM (JTA) — The winner of this year's held in the Jerusalem The first international quiz was 17-year-old Yoav Theater. youth quiz for Zionism was Reisman of the Herzliya Competing in the finals held last week and its suc- High School in Ramat Gan. were 31 youngsters from 18 cess inspired World Zionist Runner-up was Hanna countries. Each had won in Organization Executive Yerusolinski, also 17, of local contests to reach the chairman Leon Dulzin to Uruguay, who studies at the last round in Jerusalem. pledge that it will become "integrated" Jewish high Dulzin urged them to an annual event, along the school in Montevideo. The realize Zionism themselves lines of the world youth margin between them was by making aliya and per- Bible quiz held on Indepen- one point: Yoav attained 87 suading their friends and dente Day. of a possible 100; Hanna, 86. families to do likewise. The Zionism quiz final The subject of this first The idea was catalyzed by will be held in the future on quiz was "One Century of the United Nations General or about the 28th of Iyar — Aliya, and Land Settle Assembly anti-Zionism vote "Jerusalem Day." merit." The finals were of 1975. - . 4