i't 7- 1 , 1,3!f I 32 Friday, December 22, 1918 ifvf THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS BLOWING FUSES? SHORT CIRCUITED? Call DR. ELECTRIC No Job Too Small or Large Repairs, Violations Corrected 754-7131 Observers Studying-Middle East Affects of U.S. Policy Change on China and Taiwan By JOSEPH POLAKOFF WASHINGTON (JTA) — The impact of the stunning accord between the United States and the Peoples Re- public of China on countries in the Middle East friendly to the U.S., particularly Is- rael, is under intense dis- cussion in view of the changed relationship be- tween the U.S. and Taiwan, an American ally for three Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy Hanuka Congressman & Mrs. Jim Blanchard Authorized and paid for by the Blanchard for Congress Committee, Mark Pittman, Treasurer. decades. The U.S. gave Taiwan a Senate-confirmed treaty, supplied it with weapons, furnished diplomatic sup- port in international forums and made her America's eighth largest trading part- ner with numerous U.S. corporations operating on the island. Under the terms of the Sino-American ac- cord, the U.S. will withdraw its recognition of Taiwan, having agreed with Peking that Taiwan and the Peoples Republic of China are onE country. President Carter, in mak- ing his historic announce- ment last Friday night on normalizing relations with China, stated, however, that within the "context" of the U.S. recognizing "the government of the Peoples Republic of China as trie sole legal government of China," the "people of the United States will maintain cultural, commercial and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan." Sen. Richard Stone (D-Fla.), chairman of the Senate foreign relations subcommittee on the Middle East, said that "the immediate impact" will be on U.S. relation- ships with Iran rather than on Israel. He noted that the Carter Adminis- tration apparently seeks to have the Shah bring into leadership in Iran elements of both "the ex- treme Moslem leader- ship" and some of the Palestinian and Iraqi- supported leftwing groups. "The impact on the Mid- dle East is cumulative and our will power and our firmness in support of our own stated alliance and goals is called into ques- tion," Stone said. "That's the difficulty" in the Washington-Peking move, he observed on the CBS-TV program "Face the Nation" Sunday. Asked whether the accord complicates the American As the menorah lights are kindled once more, may your heart be filled with the special beauty that is Hanukah. Michigan National Banks More Money For Your Money search for peace between Is- rael and the Arab states, Stone replied: "I think it really does. We have to say to Israel, rely on us as a supplier, and as a logistic ally. We will supply you with the most advanced de- fense and, if necessary, of- fensive weapons to protect your situation, and for that you should give up your buf- fer territory and sign off. That is the dimension that always produced the move- ment, and the concessions, by Israel. I am sure that is what produced the great breakthrough that President Carter achieved at Camp David. To the ex- tent that reliability and trustworthiness is lessened, that makes the further con- cessions that much harder According to the CBS transcript, Stone was inter- rupted at that point by a re- porter on the panel who asked whether Taiwan and Israel were not "totally different things" in view of "the American political situation and the influence of Israel and Jewish Ameri- cans in our foreign policy?" Stone replied: "The parallel is in our military reliability. In Taiwan we had a reliable air and naval base with willing allies, even willing to fight on our side with their own people if asked in the recent Asian con- flict. In Israel, we have similarly a reliable air and naval base. We are outnumbered in our Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean, we have to be very careful to pro- tect not only our own but Japan's and Europe's oil interest in the Middle East. With a shaky Iran we have to rely on that re- liable basing and military strength in Israel and so we need to keep that mili- tary alliance. Even if it isn't reduced to a treaty, it is even stronger than a treaty, in force and ef- fect." Energy Secretary James Schlesinger, however, said that "there is a deep con- cern" by the Peking go•(- ernment "regarding the vulnerability of the Middle East" to "the threat of possible Soviet egression" in that area. In this ques- tion, Iran alone was men- tioned. "The events of the last year are not reassuring to them nor are they reasur- ing to us," Schlesinger said without specifying the "e- vents." A source close to the con- gressional delegation that is preparing a report for Congress on its visit to the Peoples Republic of China Nov. 12-24, led by Sen. Ed- mund Muskie (D-Maine), said that the Chinese offi- cials were anxious to per- suade the Americans to block Soviet penetration of the Middle East by causing Israel to agree to Arab terms for a settlement. This source, who accom- panied the delegation on its trip, noted that Vice Pre- mier Li Hsien-Nien told the four senators and five representatives that the U.S. ought to place addi- tional curbs on Israel and give more support to Egypt, while causing Israel to be "more forthcoming," that is, give up occupied territories, extend "rights" to the Pales- tinian Arabs, including the Palestine Liberation Organization. An Arab- Israeli "peace," Li con- tended, would block Soviet influence in the Mideast. At the Institute for Foreign Affairs in Pek- ing, the pre-occupation of Chinese officials with the Soviet maneuvers again was manifested. There the delegation was in- formed by the former Chinese ambassador to Iran who is now the insti- tute's president, that the Israeli-Arab conflict was an ingredient in the Soviet encirclement of Europe. Although they favored support of the PLO and for pressures on Israel, the Chinese leaders considered "there was nothing anti- Israel" about their views, the source told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Rep. James Scheuer (D-N.Y.) and Stone, who were iri the delegation, made "vigorous efforts to make sure the Chinese understood the his- tory" of the Arab-Israeli situation, the source said. Those who came to this land sought to build more than a new country. They sought a new world. — Lyndon B. Johnson ( MANNY . CHUDNOW • S BETTER BUSINESS EQUIPMENT CO. DESIS 21.11 LAU RISISTIII CALCIMINE comrtin 0...i... a • AMIN 14CRINIES 11.1tot end fin. Imirewli•. WANTED... NEW - UfiER ANY USED RENTALS • LEANIS TYPEWRITERS • TRADE-INS WI OUT USID FURNITURE 1°1 AV 548-64041 W. 1,1lik. 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