119 frITP 11 MiIr '1!-:!1.'f i rti 2 Friday, December 15, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary Masada Not to be Equated With Horrors of Cultism; Eleazar Speech in Evidence Masada came to mind for many, not abnormally, when the horrors of the Jones cult and the mass murder in Guyana began to dominate the news. No one equated Masada with the terrible massacre that resulted from the sick mind of the creator of a cult. In every instance when there was a reference to Masada there was the indication that Masada was a rejection of slavery, that the 960 who died on that impregnable mount refused to be taken prisoner and eventually to be enslaved, possible tortured, by the Romans; that they chose death rather than slavery. Josephus Flavius, the historian of that period, provided the facts about Masada. He retained for generations to come the text of the address of Eleazar Ben-Yair to those who resorted to suicide rather than be captured by the Romans whose attacks they resisted heroically. Eleazar was the spokesman for the valiant defenders of the fortress which ceased being impregnable when the Ro- mans reached the top of the mountain. Josephus preserved his. words to his followers when he defined freedom as al rejection of slavery. Thus spoke Eleazar: My loyal followers, long ago we resolved to serve neither the Romans nor anyone else but God, who alone is the true and righteous Lord of men; now the time has come that bids us prove our determination by our deeds. At such a time we must not disgrace ourselves: hitherto we have never submitted to slavery, even when it brought no danger with it. We must not choose slavery now, and with it penalties that will mean the end of everything if we fall alive into the hands of the Romans. For we were the first of all to revolt, and shall be the last to break off the struggle. And I think it is God who has given us this privilege, that we can die nobly and as freemen, unlike others who were unexpectedly defeated. In our case it is evident that daybreak will end our resistance, but we are free to choose an hon- orable death with our loved ones. This our enemies cannot prevent, however earnestly they may pray to take us alive; nor can we defeat them in battle. From the very first when we were bent on claim- ing our freedom but suffered such constant mis- ery at each other's hands and worse at the enemy's, we ought perhaps to have read the mind of God and realized that His once beloved Jewish race had been sentenced to extinction. For if He had remained gracious or only slightly indignant with us, He would not have shut His eyes to the destruction of so many thousands or allowed His most holy city to be burnt to the ground by our enemies. We hoped, or so it would seem, that of all the Jewish race we alone would come through safe, still in'possession of our freedom, as if we had committed no sin against God and taken part in no crime — we who had taught the others! Now see how He shows the folly of our hopes, plunging us into miseries more terrible than any we had dreamt of. Not even the impregnability of our fortress has sufficed to save us, but though we have food in abundance, ample supplies of arms, and more than enough of every other requisite, God Himself without a doubt has taken away all hope of survi- val. The fire that was being carried into the enemy lines did not turn back of its own accord towards the wall we had built; these things are God's ven- geance for the many wrongs that in our madness we dared to do to our own countrymen. For those wrongs let us pay the penalty not to our bitterest enemies, the Romans, but to God— by our own hands. It will be easier to bear. Let our wives die unabused, our children with- out knowledge of slavery. After that, let us do each other an ungrudging kindness, preserving our freedom as a glorious winding-sheet. But first let our possessions and the whole for- tress go up in flames; it will be a bitter blow to the Romans, that I know, to find our persons beyond their reach and nothing left for them to loot. One thing only let us spare — our store of food. It will bear witness when we are dead to the fact that we perished, not through want but because, as we resolved at the beginning, we chose death rather than slavery. Masada as the Symbol of Jewish Resistance to , Tyranny, Determination to Defy Dangers Leading to Slavery . . . The Historic Speech by Eleazar generation which, prior to the 1967 Six-Day War, pro- claimed: "Shenit Matzada lo tipol — Masada shall not fall a second time." This is the spirit of a free people. That is why Masada is not to be equated with the depravity that has just occurred in Guyana. Himelhoch Merchandising Achievement Turns Into Legend An interesting chapter in merchandising, one of Detroit's most significant, is coming to an end. One Himelhoch store is closing and the famous name is turning into a legend. An important story attaches to the name Himelhoch. The store, originally located in a two-story building where J.L. Hudson Co. is on Woodward Avenue, was founded in 1903. Then it moved into what became a famous address for Himelhoch — starting in 1923 — at 1545 Woodward. Wolf Himelhoch was the store's founder. Three sons were in the business, Herman, Moses and Zella. The fourth son, Israel, had gone off to study law at Harvard and to practice in New York. He returned to take charge of the business for some three decades and the flourishing results were linked with the significant communal services of Israel Himelhoch. The story really begins with Wolf Himelhoch. When he started the great merchandising venture, specializing in women's wear, the store was closed on Saturdays. The owner was a religiously observant member of Temble Beth El. The changes in observance affected many other mercan- tile accomplishments and the abandonment of Sabbath ob- servance was not a surprise. Israel Himelhoch's leadership merits special recalling. He was president of Temple Beth El during five crucial depression years. He was an active leader in Allied Jewish Campaigns. He devoted himself to AJCampaign public re- lations as chairman of a committee that included this writer, the late Jake Albert, the late Philip Adler and several others who were prominent at the time in the news- paper field here. The demise of Himelhoch's undoubtedly is part of the changing times which have victimized many projects. The reminiscences are about the earlier generation for whom By Philip Slomovitz adherence to religious duties was a major part of the privilege of freedom in America. The changes_ are not necessarily grist in the mills operated by Jews. There was a time of Blue Sundays when for a store to be open on a Sunday was to invite a jail sentence. Now the most impor- tant stores, food markets and clothiers' establishments, J.L. Hudson and others included, are open on Sundays and holidays. That's how it has gone for all faiths — that the most cherished religiously are not the duty of many. Per- haps this is as saddening as the knowledge that a great merchandising establishment like Himelhoch's is disap- pearing. Spain and the Testing of. Erasing the Past Echoes of an anxiety in Spain to "erase the past" poses many question relating to another past. At present the desire is to remove the stains of a Franco regime. In an earlier age there was much more to atone for. The Inquisition is an unforgettable era. Can it be erased, could its terrors be forgotten, is there a complete forgive- ness? For generations, after the inquisitorial horrors, there were vows that Jews would never return to Spain. But in the past half-century there was a minimal "return." A synagogue functions in Madrid, with the government's blessings. There are now 11,000 Jews in Spain. In view of what had occurred, and the herem, the excommunicative spirit in Jewish ranks towards the Spain of the time of the Inquisi- tion, this is an incredibly large number. Now the question arises how Jews could have returned to Germany, whether a herem on where the Nazis ruled could be considered more tolerable for Jews. There are about 25,000 Jews in Germany. Many returned to subsist on pensions. There are very few young people, there are few births and therefore also few Bnai Mitzva., Equally tragic is the agony of Polish Jewry. Of the more than 3,000,000 who lived in the land of the new Pope, there are fewer than 7,000 Jews left in Poland, all old people. Such is the tragedy of the ages. It is never erased, it cannot be forgotten, how can the horrors be forgiven? Guide Discusses Religion in Public Schools NEW YORK — The tent that such display is a prived of makeup oppor- ticipating in religious ob- American Jewish Congress necessary or integral part of tunities for religious ab- servances contrary to his has published two docu- the study of some subject in sences "or pressured to belief or of standing exposed ments — both calling for the curriculum: eg., art, his- choose • between school as odd and non-conformist," public schools to be "reli- tory, etc., and with no intent attendance and religious the American Jewish Con- asserts, adding: giously neutral" — which to indoctrinate. observance," the Massachu- gress report "Easter programs in the • The presentation of setts guidelines declare. illustrate what can be achieved to help eradicate religious music, except to Both the Long Island and public schools present an sectarian activities in the the extent that such music Massachusetts guidelines even more serious problem is presented for its musical stress the responsibility of to the Jewish child. public schools. "It is frequently said The first, "Suggested content only, rather than as the public schools to teach that the most important brotherhood and respect for a devotional exercise. Guidelines for the Public The guidelines also take all individuals and all be- single cause for anti- Schools Concerning Reli- Semitism has been the the position that "the sub- liefs. gious Holidays," was formu- Christian charge of In the words of the Long lated by the Long Island In- stitution of the 'winter sea- .deicide against the Jew. guidelines: terfaith Council, consisting son' celebration for a reli- Island "Teaching in the public If there is one place of Protestant, Catholic and gious observance is a profa- schools may take cogni- where this dogma should nation and secularization of Jewish representatives. zance of the fact that reli- not be repeated or rein- According to those what truly is a period of gious holidays are ob- forced in any form, it is religious significance for guidelines, "the celebration served differently by surely the public school." of religious holidays in the Christians and Jews." The American Jewish different religious The second document, public schools has often Congress added, "It is groups. Such teaching, if been the source of fretful ir- "Guidelines for the Public appropriate for Jewish ritation among major reli- Schools Concerning Reli- presented, should be fac- communities to review the gious groups, creating need- gious Holidays," was issued tual and not devotional, situation in the public less religious offense. by the Massachusetts De- and avoid any doctrinal schools which their children impact or any implica- Rather than promote inter- 'partment of Education. While the importance tion that religious doc- attend and to take appro- faith understanding, these priate action where they celebrations have fre- of religion in history, cul- trines on which such find that an unacceptable ture and the arts "should holidays are based have quently brought about divi- have a place in educa- the support of state situation exists." sive religious tensions. For copies of "Religious "The public school tion," the Massachusetts authority." The American Jewish Holiday Observance in Pr' guidelines declare, the should be religiously what is Congress "Guide for Corn- lic Schools: A Guide neutral. By this is meant definition of rests on munity Action" which in- Community Action," write appropriate not only that the school whether the purpose or cludes both documents as- Nathan Z. Dershowitz, the should show no prefer- serts that while religion in American Jewish Congress, ence for one religion over effect of such practices is the home, church and 15 E. 84th St., New York the advancement of reli- another but also that it synagogue "serves incom- 10028. should refrain from the gion. Under these guidelines, parably to enoble the spirit promotion of any and all Parkway Honors religions. Consequently, music having significance of mankind," religion in the for a particular religion public schools "serves only Late Humphrey no religious holiday cele- brations should be held (such as Christmas carols) to harass, hurt and dislocate NEW YORK — A delega- would not be performed in children of minority faiths in the public schools." school during the holiday and to impair wholesome tion of communal leaders The guidelines define and supporters of the classroom relationships." period. "religious celebration" as: During festivities and Jewish National Fund of The possible effects of • A worship or religious . celebrations which take up America from all parts of service of any kind, regard:- religious holidays on a major part of the school the nation will be in Israel attendance should be con- In a war with Rome, a few fighting the mighty, the less of whether or not con- sidered in planning school- program during December, Jan. 5 for the dedication of response was as courageous as the words of the leader. ducted by a clergyman. year calendars, and no stu- "the Jewish child is left with the Hubert H. Humphrey Religious exhibits or • Slavery was unacceptable. dent be penalized or de- the cruel choice of par- Parkway. Now the message of Masada is a clarion call to a new displays, except to the ex-