2 Friday, November 24, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary Synagogues Less Crowded, Loyaltlet Nevertheless Sustained Packed synagogues are now a memory of a temporary responsiveness. It is always that way. The crowds come for the Holy Days, they dwindle on Sukkot, and the shrinkage lasts for another year, until another season of Days of Awe. That is why a young rabbi, in his sermon on Sukkot, began by_saying, "Sukkat_has no _mazel-----Sukk-ot-has-no luck. He was referring, of course, to his audience at that point of sea_ie 400, contrasted by the 3,000 he addressed on Rosh Hashana. Nevertheless, it is not all tragedy. Loyalties do not van- ish with absenteeism from the synagogue. There is a bond that is strong and unbreakable and it becomes evident in many ways. There is evidence' in a very impressive essay in the New Republic by its editor-publisher Martin Peretz. He wrote as a "Cambridge Dirarist" and he affirmed a faith that is surely embraced by thousands of his fellow acedemicians, even if they do not possess the power of editorial access. On many occasions, Dr. Peretz challenged Israel's and Jewry's enemies. He does so again in. "Cambridge Diarist." He does more: he tells how he adheres to his Jewish heritage, how he observes and how he glories in his iden- tification with his people. Let "Cambridge Diarist" speak for itself. It is because of its importance and impressiveness that it is reprinted on this page. Even belatedly, the Peretz affirmation retains a timeli- ness. It is a message that lends emphasis to the basics in vigilance, never to be silent when a people's fate is endangered and never to hide one's identity. The Remarkable Bill Haber Who Teaches Freshmen at Age 80 Prof. William Haber is so active, even as he approaches 80, that he has become a household word in world Jewry. In the more that 30 years of his leadership in American and World ORT, he has been a factor in strenghtening a great movement which soon will mark its 100th anniver- sary. He plays a leading role as one of America's leading aca- demicians, as an adviser to universities in Israel and as a leading member of the board of the Hebrew University. It's been some years since he had taught college be- ginners. He served as dean of the College-of Literature, Arts and Science at the University of Michigan. As he nears age 80 he must have acquired a desire to begin life anew. He has undertaken the task of teaching a freshman class at the U of M in economics. Remarkable — that after decades of deanship and administrative leadership in the university he be- comes a teacher of youth, a guide anew to freshmen. DR. WILLIAM HABER That's the genius of the great teacher, the storyteller who loves a good joke so much th1-4 he doesn't mind retelling it and laughing with his auaience at his own stories. Any wonder that he and his darling wife Fanny make friends so easily? Both are loved and the message of greet- ings on his 80th birthday will surely embrace a global character. Margaret Mead: An Episode That Occurred in Israel Dr. Margaret Mead, the world famous anthropoligist, whose death occurred on Nov. 15, was eminent in many ways. She also was a sociologist of note. She traveled widely. She visited Israel and was deeply interested in the agricultural progress of the Jewish state. An interesting episode about her and her daughter is related in "No Time for History" by Israel's promi- nent diplomat, Arie Eliav, who is affectionately known as "Lyova" and who is a leader in the ranks of Israeli doves. In his book (it was re- viewed by this commentator in The Jewish News, Jan. 8, 1971), Eliav told of Dr. Mead's concern during a visit in Israel, about Israel's farming and settlement MARGARET MEAD problems. Then he reported ent involvinE her daughter's desire The New Republic Editor's Re-Affirmation of Faith with the Vigilant and His Identification with the Many Defenders of Justice Who Refuse to Be Silent to stay in Israel. Eliav's report of the incident stated: "My daughter wants to see your border settle- ments," the mother sighed, "and, of course the wonderful Nahal soldiers." We went out to the Lakhish outposts, Nehosha and Amatziyah. At the end of the tour, at Amatziyah, I was wit- ness to a fairly stormy argument. Approaching me-then with-her daughter, the mother said: "Isn't it true that it's very dangerous here, and that there are exchanges of fire here practically every night with infiltrators and ter- rorists coming from across the border?" "You see," said the mother to the daughter, "you can't stay here. "It's absurd." "But mother," said the girl, "there are also girl soldiers here. Why shouldn't I stay?" The daughter started getting annoyed. "I'm staying here, and that's that!" she told her By Philip Slomovitz mother. "You didn't ask anyone's permission when you went to live among the head-hunters of Borneo, and I won't ask anyone for permission now. I like the place. The boys are cute, and I'm staying." Margaret Mead left Israel a day or two later. The daughter, however, stayed at Amatziyah not one night, nor two, but many weeks. It would- now be interestirfg-tuyet- the-daughter's reac- tions to the recorded experiences. The fact is that interest in Israel became universal and Margaret Mead was as in- trigued as many of her contemporaries in a reborn nation's heroic efforts to reconstruct life after many centur'. of exile and persecution. Margaret Mead's impressions were summarized when she said to Eliav about Israel: "This is a great human adventure, and may God bless you." To have gained such compliments from the most notable among the world's so- cial scientists is something for Israel to be appreciative and proud of. Cambridge Diarist: On Jewish Loyalties By MARTIN PERETZ Editor, The New Republic These are, for Jews, the Days of Awe, the brief period each year that begins with what tradition teaches is the birthday of creation, Rosh Hashana, and ends on the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur. I went with my children to the Rosh Hashana serv- ices conducted by Hillel, the Jewish student society, at Harvard's Memorial Church. Our youngest, Bobo, observed that each year, at least in her short memory, attendance is greater, and she is right. When I first came here in the late 1950s, Jews would cluster on the high holidays either as self-conscious (and noticed) participants or as hardly less self-conscious bystanders pretending to insouciance just like the other Harvards. These days, still, some people go and others don't. But the wonder of the broader university community is directed now at those who do not share that which is theirs. The situation started to change slowly after 1967. But it changed most dramatically at one identi- fiable moment, the closing service of Yom Kippur in 1973. • The news had spread quickly of the surprise Arab attack against Is- rael and of the disastrous routings of the kibutzim in the north and the troops at Suez. I had not in my entire life seen such collective anxiety on people's faces. It was as if the vast historic uncon- scious of Jewry had reas- serted itself and brought individual Jews — at just about every level of belief and non-belief, concern and indifference, even cynicism — together, and simply to be together. "Why are you here?" I asked a very bright and really quite engaging stu- dent, for whom JeWish iden- tity, however, had become at best a target of ridicule. "How could I not be here?" he responded with a solem- nity that made me under- stand a good deal more than his answer. The wound in the heart was not altogether absent this year, but it certainly did not suffuse the spirit of the congregation as it had in 1973. Prayers were not of- fered with that rapt devo- tion exacted by immediate fears, as they had been five years ago and have contin- ued to be more or less since then. The very pious, certainly, do not recognize these vari- ables; they may even view them as alien. For the wor- ship knows no greater tem- poral imperative than the ancient commands to do mitzvot (deeds and pe- nance), to pray and to study. But for others the world in- trudes in sorrow or in joy. This year there was a special joy, even exhil- aration, most notably felt during the sonorous He- brew alliteratives of the Shehekhiyanyu, neither so sonorous nor at all al- literative in English translation: "Thanks be to God who has kept us in life, maintained us and enabled us to reach this season." This blessing is pro- nounced at the beginning of every holiday. But it was not simply the days of re- membrances and penitence which were being welcomed on this occasion. So many of us had feared, thought, been convinced that the perils of Israel would be forever. At last to have reached this moment, the dawn of peace — for that, gratitude could not be merely ritual or routine. Electric energy moved through the assem- bly: communion over- whelming. In these very days, it is said, God judges. And smugness is among those of- fenses for which one repents in anticipation of His judg- ment. I am taking my risks. I cannot restrain my smugness that we at TNR were right — have been proven right by events — in our views on the Middle East. First of all we were right in the amount of attention we paid it. "Peretz's obses- sion," clucked those by Watergate possessed, or by Chile or Rhodesia. But it was — and may still be — the most important story of the 1970s. Almost certainly it has been the most poorly re- ported. (Though there are so many contenders for the botch-up honors that, aside from noting the unique malice and incompetence of Time, there is no point in mak- ing a rank list.) Those who have been pro- ven most wrong, of course, are the preachy feuil- letonists who could imagine no scenario for a settlement without the PLO and espe- cially its "moderate" wing, for which please read Yasir Arafat, at the center. Poor Anthony Lewis, after all that print in the Times, his certainty ex- ceeded only by his ignor- ance, the latter hidden under a veneer of detail provided by Cambridge's resident PLO intellectual Wand Shalidi. Poor Tony Lewis, finding that the West Bank Arabs and even many of their brethren in exile may come to run their own lives on their own land without the ministrations of the adepts at terror. Complete sovereignty exists nowhere these days. It is circumscribed everywhere by economic forces and should be limited also by the reasonable ap- prehensions of neighbors. There probably will be other impediments to a final arrangement. But that is mostly because the local population and much of the local leader- ship are still intimidated by Lewis's favorite swashbucklers from join- ing the peace process. What I don't understand is why those who, in just about all other situations, abominate the extremes of nationalism, think that a whole panoply of nationalism is the sine qua non of justice in this situa- tion. Is essential freedom not possible for these Arabs without also their right to wage war? We can expect, I think, a great case of the sulks among those whose upstart prophecies history has refused to vindicate. Perhaps Egypt has taken again to the pharaonic op- tion of its own past, opting out of the chimera of pan- Arabism. But I doubt it will be so simple as that. Once the Egyptians live the bene- fits of peace rather than bearing the burdens of war, their sway among the Arabs is likely to grow rather than diminish. We read in the New Year service of the rift between Abraham's sons, Isaac and Ishmael, and how Ishmael went off and founded a great people. Volatile, impulsive but visionary, Anwar Sadat, one of Ishmael's sons, is groping with another un- likely partner — stern, de- fiant but also visionary Menahem Bagin, son of Isaac — to reconcile the most painful of differences, that between brothers. Each has ultras with whom to contend, more attached to millenial hatreds than engaged by millenial dreams. Both Sadat and Begin may justly claim the plaintive words of the Psalmist: "I am for peace — but when I speak they are for war." By the standards of chil- dren's behavior at long reli- gious services (particularly services at which a foreign language is much in use), my children did very well. Between trying to shinny up the massive columns of Memorial Church and slid- ing down its banisters, they did some good listening. Someone had once told Jesse that the name of Jerusalem is peace (shalom). That was a hard concept for him to under- stand, especially since he'd been there with me on the fourth of July in 1975, when a terrorist bomb killed 17 innocents at Zion Square. Here and there thrmigh the devotionals rec' e words "the peace of Jerusalem." And somehow, perhaps shrewdly, he linked them in his mind with the repeated references to the messianic age and the corn- ing of the messiah. "When will that be?" he asked. And I answered, far from certain myself, but with the reassuring prece- dent of the Hassidic master, Reb Nachman of Bratzlav, who had also lacked full confidence when he re- sponded to the same ques- tion by saying, "The age of the messiah is of this world."