THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS South African Jews Urged to Support Human Rights CAPE TOWN (JTA) — 'South African Jews were urged to give a "moral lead" in the achievement of a just society- in their country. Rabbi Norman N.M. Ber- nhard of the Oxford Synagogue Center in Johannesburg, declared in the keynote address to the 1978 Cape Conference of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies that Jews should "take a firm stand in favor of equity and fair play and dignity for every human being in this coun- try" without. fear of conse- quences. ( outlooks and laws is the index of our Jewishness. We have to see how we can maintain our integ- rity in a situation which, without question, is basi- cally intolerable in terms of the attitudes and the ideas to which we are heir." He noted that while he "Dissension itself is not has often criticized the going to cause anybody his living, let alone his life," Nationalist government, he Bernhard said. "You will believed "that the rate of and the conscious not endanger your lives as change of doors by the gov- with Soviet Jewry just opening ernment which it knows can speaking out." never again be closed, are He observed: "We have telling, reliable indications a set of principles and a of the government's inten set of attitudes and a set tion to pursue meaningful of laws to which we are detente within South Af- committed and which rica as well as beyond its make us Jews. The ex- borders." tent to which we are Dr. I. Abramowitz, who loyal to those attitudes, brought greetings from the - 1 RALPH YAMRON'S Orchestra Duo, Trio & Quartet Music For All Occasions -N 968-0021 He said he was disap- pointed that fear of losing popularity and profit and self-protection inhibited Jews from taking a moral stand. Jews are not just free agents but are committed to a set of spiritual and moral values that they must strive to uphold, he stated. r 50 Dutch Righteous Gentiles Are Honored in Amsterdam DISCO FEVER! op= HAVE DISCO FEVER IN YOUR HOME itI3A3A1 DISCO FEVER! AMSTERDAM (JTA) — More than 50 Dutch Right- eous Gentiles received Yad Vashem awards from Shlomo Argov, Israel's Am- bassador to The Hague, in a solemn ceremony Sept. 11 in Amsterdam. It was the 10th ceremony of its kind here. The awards were given Cl, for having hidden or helped Jews during the Nazi occu- 0 pation of Holland. The reci- WITH pients came from all parts of the country. Several were 0 A PROFESSIONAL accompanied by one or more U) DANCE INSTRUCTOR of the Jews whom they had saved. MOSHE Argov recalled that the "MIKE" MISHLER Dutch men and women who had helped the Jews at their Also Available For 0 own peril, provided an Special Occasions, In example of humanity in a Bar Mitzvas, 0 Weddings, Etc. IC world which had 'been 0 m largely devoid of that qual- ity. Not only had the Nazis been determined to exter- minate the Jews of Europe . but the Allies had done very MO M.= NM UM little to save them, he said. This, Argov added, should I THE NEWEST be a lesson for the present and the future of the state of at FINEST Israel. "We can never be con- FOR FALL fident again that anyone else will guarantee us or protect us against an- I SUITS other attack against the Jewish people," the TOPCOATS envoy declared. He re- 1 ferred specifically to the SPORTCOATS propaganda campaign being waged currently SLACKS 1 against Israel, its gov- ernment and its people, by comparing them with IN THE NEWEST I the Nazis. The ceremony was also STYLES & addressed - by Amsterdam gayor Willem Polak, him- COLORS - • 1 self a survivor of the Nazi occupation; Dr. Emmanuel __I Wikler, vice president of the IALWAYS A PLEASURE' Ashkenazi Community I TO SERVE YOU I Council; and, Elisabeth Haars, Undersecretary of the Justice Ministry. IL 352-3320 - . 411 I :HARRY THOMAS: FINE CLOTHES FOR 42 YEARS I 24150 TELEGRAPH at 10 Mile I I Daily to 6 pm-Thurs to 8 pm I SUNDAY 11-4 ,I, Those attending the gathering included repre- sentatives of former Dutch resistance groups, rabbis and members of the First International Jewish Women's Conference, who had spent three ,days Amsterdam studying the ef- fects of the Holocaust on the Dutch Jewish community. More than 100,000 Dutch Jews were victims of the Holocaust. ADL Movement - to Keep Prayer Out of School NEW YORK — The Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith and the Ameri _ can Jewish Committee are urging U.S. Senators to op- pose an attempt by Sen. Jesse Helms to circumvent U.S. Supreme Court rulings outlawing prayer in public schools. At issue is Sen. Helms' amendment to a proposed Senate bill (5.3100) which would modify the Supreme Court's appellate jurisdic- tion. The Helms amend- thent, if passed, would mean that any legal challenges-to the introduction of prayer in public schools could only be heard by state courts. The two national human rights agencies, in 1 a letter sent to all U.S. Senators (dated Sept. 8), ' said they are taking no stand on the bill itself, but "strongly object to Sen. Helms' amendinent, which would remove fre- deral court jurisdiction over constitutional chal- lenges to 'voluntary' prayer in the public schools."' The letter was signed_ b-y -Arnold Fors- -ter,ADL's general coun- sel, and Samuel Rabinove, AJC's legal di- rector. According to the two agencies, the Helms amendment is "of dubious constitutionality." They point out that while some state courts might bar school prayers, others might_ permit the practice, "thus violating the Estab- I ishinent Clause of the First Amendment and the Sup- reme Court mandate against prayer in the public schools." Friday, September 22, 1918 25 Hebrew Literacy Campaign Begun board's executive council in Johannesburg, said that while South Africa faced a difficult period he did not believe that meaningful Jewish life in this country would "just wither like grapes on the vine." He said it was true that many Jews had left and might be planning to leave South Africa for a variety of reasons. But, he believed that in' the foreseeable fu- ture the vast majority would remain. NEW YORK — The Na- tional Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs of the Conser- vative movement has launched a "Hebrew Liter- acy" campaign to develop programs of Hebrew study for every adult man and woman in all Conservative congregations throughout the United States and Canada. The campaign has re- ceived support of the Rab- binical Assembly of America as well as the Jewish Theological_ Semi- nary of America. The campaign aims to prepare anyone to read and follow the entire Friday night Sabbath service after participating in only 24 hours of actual class attendance. SAM BARNETT AND HIS ORCHESTRA 968-2563 DON'T PANIC WE STILL HAVE THAT 1918 PONTIAC YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR AT YEAR-END SAVINGS AL STEINBERG ART MORAN PONTIAC 29300 TELEGRAPH JUST NORTH OF TEL-TWELVE MALL 353-9000 HARRY FISCHEL INSTITUTE — JERUSALEM SEMINARY For Research In TALMUD-RABBINICS and HALACHA. 46-year-old site in Bukharan quarter, Jerusalem a. \ Vt. New Center opposite Mt. Herzl To Be Dedicated Hanuka 5139 Treasurer of Detroit Committee Harry Wilson, 25627 Greenfield, Southfield, Mich. End of December 1918 PRESIDENT Chief Rabbi Shear-Yasha Cohen of Haifa P.O.B. 5199 - Jerusalem 02-286453 Vice Chairman Rabbi 1.E. Ittamar (Wohlgelernter) 28 Sheshet HayaminSt Jerusalem 02-814362 02-818967