THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 22 Friday, September 1, 1918 Urofsky's Chronicled Story of American Zionism Shows Years of Solidarity Despite Many Conflicts Hight in.Your own Driveway! ik ME 41 - TUNE --- UP MAN _ Certified by the National Automotive Institute of Excellence Comes to your home or &lice with the *Varage-on•wheeis." Valet service that doesn't cost one penny extra • Expert Meant:441c tunwup • embank ensiyest - se .1 9fres Systems • Prokissionally trained mechanics • Perfect moults assured Current speculative dis- cussions about American Jewry's reactions to the policies of the Israel gov- ernment headed by Menahem Begin have dealt with reactions that have often been interpreted as marking sharp divisions in Jewish ranks. Did the "Peace Now" movement in Israel have its effects on American Jewry? Are there really sharp divisions emerging from the ap- DRIVE A CAR or SEND YOUR CAR TO ANY STATE Expanded Services Call Sanford Rosenberg for your car problems I.C.C. License MC125985 DRIVEAWAY SERVICE 398-3605 4713 Horger at Michigan Ave. 6-cyl. cars 531.50 includes EVERYTHING: Labor AND Parts. 4 and a cy. comparatively tow Mastercharge and BankAmelicard I P.O. BOX 1264 Dearborn, Mich. 48126 T.I. 584-5000 Mysteries of the MIN However agonizing the Exciting entertainment for your club or organization. An amazing demonstration of ESP and mind reading with audi- ence participation. 547-2464 Mel Eisenberg ycri x o z present differences of views may be in Zionist Jewish ranks, there were rifts in the past that were far more serious. The internal squabbles be- tween Stephen S. Wise and Abba Hillel Silver in the years that preceded the rebirth of Israel are e tte ,(N detailed by Dr. Urofsky with historical accuracy. The conflict in the American Zionist Emer- gency Council, the role at ERNATIONAL can help you lose weight ... really lose weight! Because were so proud of of our results at IDC we want to make this SPECIAL %PRICE INTRODUCTORY OFFER TO YOU!! STARTING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th, THROUGH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th, YOU CAN MEL eattig FOR %OFF JOIN THE REGULAR $8.00 REGISTRATION FEE•ll '12 week pre-paid plan also available, with 510.00 off while this Special Limited offer lasts! DON'T WAIT! ... JOIN NOW! . . and take advantage of this Special 1/2 Price Offer SAVE MONEY ... LOSE WEIGHT!• • Safely • Simply • Pleasantly Call I proaches to the issues by President Jimmy Carter? Whatever the inner wrangling, the fact remains that American Jewry demonstrates support for Israel. It is implied in the very title of the newest work by Prof. Melvin I. Urofsky. Under the main heading "We Are One!" — note the exclamation mark — he deals with the developing situations and with the his- tory of a long relationship between Israel and U.S. Jewry in his newest work, subtitled "American Jewry and Israel" (Doubleday). The fact that Dr. Urofsky based the title of his book on the UJA slogan of two years ago is an added indication of an aim at giving credence to a basic theme affirming Jewish unity. ■ “I" rlICCI111, ;, Jr.. : 548-7526 . or 963-DIET the time of Dr. Nahum Goldmann, who sought to delimit the activities of American Zionists and to retain a dominating role for himself, are among the experiences detailed in the new and very im- portant Urofsky compila- tion of historical facts about American Jewry and Zionism. Dr. Urofsky, who heads the history department at Virginia Commonwealth College, traces the unity that has developed to the Biltmore Conference of 1942. The drama of that event is introductory to a review of Jewish viewpoints which emerges in the Urofsky-researched study as a history of struggles in Zionist ranks and the view- points that existed in the anti-Zionist ranks which f-ivimmilmiTippna piimmommimmimimmimmws AARGOLIS BUDGET INTERIOR DESIGNS TI SELIG SER TA SEALY DIXIE KROEHLER LA.Z.BOY • FREE Custom Service • Quality Brand Name Merchandise • Substantial Discount Prices HAMMAISY DAYSTROM STIFFEL BASSETT SCHOOITIELD CHARLTON THOMASVILLE HEYCFOODAVAKEFIEL AMERICAN of MARTINSVILLE UNIQUE I II and more! For Free Home Consultation, Call: 559-4796 Get Your Best "DEAL" Then Call Us LAST!!! r710111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111R MELVIN I. UROFSKY later developed into non- Zionism. Dr. Urofsky's resume of approaches to unity both in Zionist and Jewish ranks is especially imbedded in his evaluation of the historic Biltmore Conference. It was held six years before state- hood and the conflict was deep-rooted. American Jewish Committee leader Joseph Proskauer opposed outright declarations and Zionists were not necessar- ily united on the subject of a declaration for statehood. Dr. Urofsky's view is intro- ductory to later achieve- ments and he summarizes: "Within the movement, Biltmore can be seen as a major step on the road to statehood. It defined an Endziel, an 'end goal,' around which all factions could rally, a 'maximum ob- jective' upon which there was near-unanimous agreement. "Before that 'maximum objective' could be realized, however, American Zionism would have to con- quer its own internal fac- tionalization, and even more important, overcome rather substantial opposi- tion within the American Jewish community." Zionism, Israel and espe- cially the partnership of American Jewry and it leads to the consideration of the chief topic of the book. It is the aspect of Jewish unity that is impressive. The for- mation of the Presidents Club and the subsequent Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations are reviewed in tracing the struggles in leadership ranks and the subsequent over-all achievement of the unity emphasized in this volume. Is there a future for Zionism? What form does Jewish unity assume? Even when in a state of flux, is the partnership of American Jewry with Is- rael endangered? The "We Are One!" slogan appears to be the Urofsky answer but it is marked by an evaluation well worth quoting in a con- clusion that serves as guidelines by the author who asserts: "There has been and con- tinues to be hope that Israel will provide the ballast keeping Judaism in America stable, an anchor holding fast against the strong currents of assimila- tion. But can Israel, by it- self, accomplish such tasks? For one thing, one can be a strong supporter of Israel." He asserts: "Ideally, the Zionist movement might have be- come the chief instrument of communication and mediation between Israel and American Jewry, but the deliberate sabotage of the American organizations after 1948 practically de- stroyed this opportunity. "David Polish and others still hope that Zionism might yet become 'a meas- ure by which the Jewish state and the Galut will test one another's achievements in terms transcending poli- tics or immediacy.' But whether Zionism can be- come, once again, a potent force in American Jewish life is debatable. of communication between Israel and American Jewry. "Such a conduit, however, is desperately needed, for a lasting and fruitful partnership between Israel and American Jewry cannot be built on support during crises alone. "A partnership, and that is what American Jewry has always envisioned, needs stabil- ity, trust, and, above all, honest and at times criti- cal dialogue. It also re- quires respect of the peculiar problems and traits of the other. "And most important, there must be a willingness to recognize not only the ties that bind each to the other, but also the problems that separate them. Only then can partners begin to deal with their differences and, if possible, resolve them." Of the many bookshelves of volumes dealing with Zionism and Israel, Dr. Urofsky's current "We Are One!" and his earlier book, "American Zionism, From Herzl to the Holocaust," combine to offer one of the most thorough historical studies of the major topic on the agenda of Jewish life. The present book is an enrichment of a serious ef- fort that commends Prof. Urofticy among the most brilliant of the Zionist- Israel-Jewry's historians. Jewish Tradition Anti-Gambling By RABBI SAMUEL FOX (Copyright 1878. JTA, Inc.) Jewish tradition frowns on gambling. There are generally two basic reasons The subsequent events, why Judaism is against the analyzed by Dr. Urofsky, practice of gambling. provide a history of One reason is that this negotiations, internal practice represents a waste disputes, differing ideas of time that could have been and attitudes that mark spent in positive, productive chapters in both Zionism efforts that would have be- and American Jewish re- nefited both the individual lations with Israel, all and society. The time allot- leading to the viewpoint ted to one's life is considered that "We Are One!" which valuable and to waste it is gives emphasis to the tantamount to sin. current unification of The second reason is that "But if Zionism cannot purposes. The internecine strife al- serve as the instrument of the loser in the pastime of gambling is not freely giv- ready referred to had its dialogue neither can any climax with an emerging other American or Israeli ing up that which he lost with a full measure of free unity at the end of the war agency now in existence. and the struggle against The United Jewish Ap- will. The winner's stakes British obstructions to peal is certainly striving are somewhat considered as Jewish immigration and to develop into that type illegal acquisitions, border- the settling of survivors of instrumentality, with ing upon thievery. Compulsive and regular from Nazism into Palestine. an increasing part of its The immense role played by resources going toward gamblers are actually dis- qualified as witnesses, ac- American Jewry in the lob- Jewish education. "Begun by the UJA cording to Jewish law. bying as well as construc- tive efforts that led to the Young Leadership Cabinet Menahem Begin: "The Partition resolution at the more than 15 years ago, the government and people of UN and the accompanying program now has more than Israel heard with great tasks of mobilizing public 35,000 young Jewish men shock of the bringing to trial opinion are extensively out- and women in development of Anatoly Shcharansky on lined in the events seminars, training sessions, charges of treason and spy- and courses. chronicled by Dr. Urofsky. ing. Such a trial clearly "Irving Bernstein, execu- The militancy of Dr. Abba threatens the life of a man Hillel Silver and David tive vice president of the who has been libelled by the Ben-Gurion is especially UJA, believes that before Soviet regime through false emphasized in the analyses. the 1967 war, the campaign and terrible charges. - Statehood and the accom- was used to raise funds; now "All of enlightened hu- panying problems and it is used to raise Jews. But manity knows that Anatoly achievements as well as the while the UJA may he tend- difficulties encountered ing in the right direction, it Shcharansky is innocent of all charges. His one wish could well serve as a volume still has a long way to go was to emigrate to Israel all its own. It assumes sig- before it can or will be ac- ..." nificance in the story of cepted as the major means