-5a=zy.n..s"a 62 Friday, Aiidi st THE otniffmiisli *Ws" HAVE "DISCO FEVER' IN YOUR HOME WITH A PROFESSIONAL DANCE INSTRUCTOR. A Religious Interpretation of Jewish History By ALLEN A. WARSEN rejects Arnold Toynbee's spreading the light of the by its army or technology, Rabbi Mendell Lewittes' distorted view of the mean- true faith." but by its ethical image and new book "The Religious ing of "chosen people" as a Profound is the au- humane values ... the es- MOSHE WILL HELP YOU RELAX, HAVE FUN Foundations of the Jewish "conceited claim to racial tablishment of Israel was thor's interpretation of AND BE THE "BALL OF THE PARTY" State," subtitled "The Con- superiority that has passed not and will not be confined cept and Practice of Jewish over into the Christian the idea of "aharit ha- to the setting up of naticoal MOSHE "MIKE" MISHLER yamim." According to Statehood from Biblical and sovereign instruments dogma that 'there is no sal- ... also available for Times to the Modern State vation outside the Church,' him, it implies that "there for the Hebrew nation. Special Occasions, Bar Mitzvas, Weddings, Etc. of Israel" (Ktav) is a worthy and that in turn, has is an end-purpose or ul- Rather, it will find its com- timate goal in history ... contribution to the growing spawned the evil of Western that will eventuate in a plete and supreme restora- number of books on Israel. tion inthe fulfillment of its perfect world." imperialism lording over Rabbi Lewittes com- historic destiny in the re- mences his study with an the primitive peoples of Ben-Gurion expressed demption of mankind." incisive analysis of Moses' Asia and Africa.' the idea of "history's end- Rabbi Mendell Lewittes God-inspired leadership. He Instead, Lewittes avers purpose" from the point of is a resident of Israel and SURGICAL & MEDICAL PODIATRIST then examines the that God chose Israel to be view of the Jewish state in author of numerous books, emergence of the institu- his servant in order "to these memorable words: including "Light of Rede- ANNOUNCES tions of high-priesthood, banish the darkness and "The state of Israel will be mption" and "Beyond the THE REMOVAL OF HIS OFFICES TO THE monarchy and prophets, superstition of idolatry by tested, not by its wealth, not Moon." and explores their roles, functions and evolution to the time of the Babylonian 16000 WEST NINE MILE ROAD - SUITE 107 Exile in 586 BCE SOUTHFIELD, MICH. 48075 LONDON (JTA) — There tion because of its possible held between April 17 and He delineates Jewish life will be no British legisla- impact on U.S.-controlled May 3 in five major U.S. ACROSS FROM PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL in Babylonia and the influ- tion against the Arab companies in England. cities — New York, ence of the prophets "Deut- TELEPHONE 557 - 1340 Washington, Los Angeles, ero (Second)-Isaiah" and boycott in the foreseeable Edmund Dell, the future. Houston and Chicago — in Ezekiel on the exiles. Trade Secretary, has is- A House of Lords commit- which leaders of Arab and The author portrays sued a toughly worded U.S. Chambers of Com- vivdly and impressively tee has decided, after four statement saying that months of public and pri- merce, Organization of Pet- the return of over 40,000 U.S. regulations in- roleum Exporting Coun- exiles to their homeland vate hearings, against sup- fringed upon the jurisdic- 50 years after it had been porting early passage of the tion of the United King- tries (OPEC) officials, and Arab and American conquered by foreign boycotts bill, which dom and could have an is modeled on U.S. anti- adverse effect on United businessmen discussed the Nebuchadnezzar, and problems of doing business points out that Cyrus, boycott legislation. How- Kingdom trade and ever, supporters of the bill, employment. with each other. "To give the returnees a sponsored by Lord Byers, a Although the an- sense of continuity with Officials here stress that Liberal peer, do not regard nounced purpose of the their formerly indepen- the decision as a failure in they are critical only of the session was to "stimulate dent kingdom," ap- extra-territorial aspects of Arab-U.S. trade by bring- pointed as governor of their bid for stronger British action against the the U.S. Export Administ- ing buyers and sellers to- Judea a scion of the ration Law's 1977 amend- boycott. gether," Petro Impact House of David, Zerub- They hope that the com- ment and do not contest the stated, "there was a dis- babel, grandson of King mittee will recommend right of foreign govern- tinct political undertone Jehaiachin, and as high many other measures which ments to regulate activities to the meetings and also a priest Joshua, grandson the government could take of companies in their own rumble of secret deals. of the former high priest countries. short of legislation. They The conferences also Seraiah. In New York it was say British companies served as forums for in- These returnees laid the should be left in no doubt of learned that Arab efforts to tense Arab lobbying ef- foundation of a state that the government's active affect the policies of Ameri- forts against U.S. anti- lasted 500 years, the Second abhorrence of the boycott's can corporations, banks, boycott regulations and Commonwealth. colleges and universities discriminatory effects. for the proposed sale of Illuminating are the au- That this is not the end are continuing at a record fighter planes to Saudi thor's explanations of the of the anti-boycott cam- rate, according to Petro Im- Arabia." concepts "the chosen paign is underlined by pact, a newsletter published The publication also de- people" and "aharit ha- the publication here by the American Jewish tails the current status of yamim" ("End of days"). He today of a book strongly Committee. the effort of former Budget critical of the boycott. In its second issue, just re- director Bert Lance and four Dear Friends, Entitled "The Economic leased, the publication, Arab investors to take con- On Tuesday, Aug. 8th I hope that you will join with us in War Against the Jews," its which reports on growing trol of Financial General authors are Terence Prittie Arab involvement in Bankshares, Inc. — the supporting and voting for and Walter Henry Nelson. American affairs, describes largest bank holding com- The American edition, pub- a series of five meetings pany in Washington, D.C. lished last year, had been part of the evidence consi- dered by the Lords commit- tee, and both men testified at one of its first hearings. WASHINGTON — A vice in the Pentagon con- The book attacks Britain as having been "willing vic- Federal magistrate says the course, a public place, was tims" because of the Foreign "Pentagon Pulpit Program" held in violation of the First Oak Park, and Royal Oak Township Office's readiness to supply of religious speakers, which Amendment guarantees of (a partial listing) negative certificates of ori- was begun by Franklin D. separation of church and gin. They also say British Roosevelt in the early days state. Shiel served eight Larry & Irene Kronin Art & Elsie Tatelbaum companies have deprived of World War H, violates the days of a 30-day term. AI Grant Leon & Adrienne Brill themselves of major con- constitutional separation of Mel Rogott Judge Elson said that, Aaron & Laurie Levine Max Rubin tracts in Israel through fear church and state. while Shiel indeed dis- Sarah Levine Shirley Bloom of offending the Arab Judge Quin Elson ruled rupted the service, the con- Meyer & Minnie Indenbaum Harry Davis that John T. Shiel of stitutional violation re- boycott office. Leo Hersh Shei Millman Meanwhile, the British Washington was illegally ndered his arrest "a nul- Gary & Sue Colbert Ida Hill Lenny & Roz Karr jailed for interrupting a lity." government has launched a Paul A. Flealk Robert Stern I. Fine Ben Bernstein Dora Riblat surprise attack on United speaker on Nov. 23, 1977, Carol Kanat The - Pulpit Program Geralsine Viedrah Mildred Stern States anti-boycott legisla- because the religious ser- occasionally pays religi- Bill Novak • Metropolitan Council AFL-CIO Oscar Kersh Bud Levy ous speakers — who have A.F.S.C.M.E.- AFL-CIO Belle Glenner Bernard Kersh included Norman Vin- Greater Detroit Molly Pfizak Harry & Edith Katz cent Peale, Bishop Fulton Building Trades Council Alien & Jean Ribiat By RHODA ZAHAVIE SHAMES Barak & Esther Rotenberg Don & Nancy Allan Sheen and Billy Graham Morris Gordon "Almighty God his orchestra conducts." Bernard Indenbaum — to come to the Penta- "In his concerto of God." gon. "He demands implores and beckons." "Man's answer responds; to heaven from sod." The government argued "God lifts his baton — no tarrying answers." that the religious services DEMOCRAT FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER "Man is cooperative; each with joyful-noise comply." are necessary because there For well does he know it's his duty." are military persons who "Fulfill God's demands; our purpose, on him rely." work 24-hours-a-day at the Because he will be reachable, Knowledgeable and will work with you • "Yes man's life is an entity divided." building and are unable to and for you! Each segment composes the entire, the whole." attend or participate in a re- Paid for by the committee to elect Norman Goldman County Commissioner. P.O. Box 3846. Oak Park. M,. 48237 Not a solitary drop in a bucket." ligious service of their "A vast sea is God's symphony, man's soul." choice. 352-3320 DR. HARRY M. GALLUP, D.P.M. CLAUSEN BUILDING i UK Halts Boycott Legislation AAA Lawn Sprinklers Residential & Commercial Service & Repairs We install the best • and Service the rest 399-8718 NORMAN GOLDMAN for Oakland County Commissioner Pentagon Religious Services Ruled Illegal by U.S. Judge God's Symphony, Man's Soul Elect NORMAN GOLDMAN