Pitting Carter and Goldberg One U.S. Answer for Sadat Anwar Sadat's attack on Israel's Prime Minister Menahem Begin, in a Cairo speech on Sunday, calling him "the only obstacle" to peace, raises the question of the attitude of Israeli and American Jewries to the man who heads Israel's government. Some polls show that Begin would overcome opposition if there were a new election in the immediate future. The attitude of American Jewish leadership is evidenced in a full-page advertisement that appeared in the \ Jerusalem Post supporting the Israel government under Begin's leadership. • Egypt's President Anwar •Sadat re-opened the Six-Day War on Saturday with an attack on the then U.S. Ambas- sador to the United Nations, Arthur J. Goldberg. In a speech in Cairo on July 11 he said : "If Carter had • been in power in 1967, without Arthur Goldberg, the Zionist, we wouldn't have suffered what we are suffering today." He was referring to Goldberg's diplomatic activity following the June 1967 war. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, in an Issues and Answers TV interview Sunday, defended Goldberg and confirmed that Goldberg expressed the State Department attitude in the preparation of Resolution 242. The statement, which includes the signatures of Max M. Fisher, Rabbi Joseph Sternstein, Raymond Epstein, Rabbi Israel Miller, Rabbi Alexander Schin- dler and many others very prominent in American Jewish activities, asserts: The former Supreme Court Justice and Chief U.S. Delegate to the UN acted on behalf of the State De- partment during the crucial discussions of the Middle East developments after the Six-Day War. "We, the undersigned American Jews currently visiting Israel, wish to express our strong support for the Israel government in its search for a just and durable peace. In doing so, we believe we represent the sentiments of the overwhelming majority of American Jewry, and we also believe it would be a serious misreading of reality for any- one to suggest that the American Jewish community does not today, as it has for the past 30 years, stand solidly behind the duly elected officials of Israel, or that there is division or disharmony within the American Jewish com- munity on the issue of support for Israel." A Senatorial Dissidence of Inconsistency • Mayor in Shadow Terrorism • A Knesset Rumpus in Sad Background Commentary, Page 2 MENAHEM BEGIN ARTHUR GOLDBERG Secretary Vance volunteered his comments in a lengthy tribute to Goldberg. It could be interpreted as much a re- buke to Sadat as it was an expression of admiration for a distinguished American ambassador to the UN. On Wednesday, President Carter awarded Goldberg the highest U.S. civilian award, the Medal of Freedom, in rec- ognition of Goldberg's efforts in drafting Resolution 242 (See Page 9). Goldberg's interpretation of the controversial UN Resol- ution 242 appears on this page. THE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review of Jewish Events Lebanese Voice of Reason Outlawing the Hijackers Editorials, Page 4 Per Year: This Issue 30' July 28, 1978 VOL. LXXIII, No. 21 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 424-8833 $12.00 A U.S.-Israel Rapprochement Seen in Dayan Self-Rule Plan Anderson Gains Support in Effort to Move Olympics A campaign started by U.S. Senator Wendell R. Anderson (D-Minn.) to move the site of the 1980 Olympics from Moscow because of the prejudiced position of the USSR towards Western nations and the media, this week gained .support with four other U.S. Senators co- sponsoring his Senate Resolution No. 519, which calls for U.S. action. Sen. Anderson's resolution states: "That in view of the recent actions of the government of the Soviet Union in prosecuting political dissidents, its failure to abide by the Helsinki Accords, its attitudes and actions toward members of the news media from the United States, and the uncer- tainty of what its actions will be toward rep, resentatives to the Olympic Games from Israel, Taiwan, and certain other nations, it is the sense of the Senate that the United States Olympic Committee should and is hereby re- quested to immediately take such measures as may be necessary to have the International Olympic Committee select a site for the 1980 summer Olympic Games outside the Soviet Un- ion." ANDERSON Sen. Anderson's resolution was co- sponsored by Sens. Muriel Humphrey (D-Minn.), Charles Percy (R-I11.), Malcolm (Continued on Page 5) By DAVID LANDAU Western diplomatic observers say that Foreign Minister Moshe JERUSALEM (JTA) Dayan's announcement to the Knesset Monday that the Cabinet has endorsed his proposals for future negotiations with Egypt "seemed to provide the responsiveness that Washington sought" when it presented Israel with questions last spring on the future status of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Dayan said the government's position now is that Israel would be prepared to discuss the sovereignty issue in those territories after a five-year period of "self-rule" and that it would be ready to discuss a territorial compromise if one is proposed. In its response to the American questions last month, the Cabinet would say only that Israel was willing to review its relation- ship with the parties after a five-year interim. That response was widely criticized abroad and in Israel as evasive. Sources close to Dayan said that the latest shift could be regarded as a softening of Israel's position. They explained that it was made possible by the fact that Israel's peace plan had been on the table at the foreign ministers conference at Leeds Castle,England, last week along with Egypt's proposals and that both were discussed in good faith and in a business-like manner although the vast gap between them was not bridged. — The sources noted that when the Cabinet replied to the U.S. questions in June, the Israeli plan had never been discussed at the negotiating table and there was no Egyp- tian counter-proposal. Dayan, however, made no commitment or even a hint that Israel was shifting away from its basic stance on the sovereignty issue — namely that it would never permit the West Bank and Gaza Strip to fall under foreign sovereignty. Sources here stressed that Dayan had said only that Israel would be ready to discuss the issue after five years. Dayan told the Knesset that he had offered this position to Secretary of State Cyrus Vance at the Leeds Castle talks on his own initiative and then sought retroactive approval by the Cabinet. According to one report, Dayan (Continued on Page 6) Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg Interprets UN Resolution 242 Former Supreme Court Justice Arthur J. Goldberg was U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations during and after the 1967 Six-Day War and helped draft Security Council Resolution 242. His interpretation of 242 which follows was excerpted from the June 8, 1977 issue of Near East Report: "Resolution 242, in most explicit terms, rejects the long-asserted claim of the Arab countries of the existence of a state of bel- ligerency against Israel. The resolution recognizes that belligerency cannot coexist with peace. "The resolution calls for respect and acknowledgment of the sovereignty of every state in the area. Since Israel never denied the sovereignty of its neighboring countries, this language obviously re- quires these countries to acknowledge the sovereignty of Israel. "The resolution, in dealing with the withdrawal of Israel's forces, does not explicitly require that Israel withdraw to the lines occupied by it on June 5, 1967, before the outbreak of the war. "The resolution speaks of withdrawal from occupied territories, without defining the extent of withdrawal, except that it is clear from the debates that less than total withdrawal is contemplated on all fronts. And the notable presence of the words 'sec- ure and recognized boundaries' by implica- tion contemplates that the parties could make territorial adjustments in their peace settlement encompassing less than a complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from occupied territories." Goldberg goes on to quash the Arab claims based on the resolution's wording on "the inadmissability of the acquisition of territory by war." Goldberg points to the Arab states' acquisition of territory as a consequence of the 1948 war, contrary to the UN Partition Resolution. (See Commentary, Page 2)