f) 2 Friday, July 21, 1978 +07 - '1.1,; !! THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary Kremlin's Legacy: Continuing Anti-Semitism in Russia No matter how widespread the protests against Russian. suppression of dissidents and the persecution of Jews who seek exit visas to settle in Israel, the Soviet prejudices are being enforced unabated. They can be expected to continue. The reason is obvious. There is a legacy from the Czars and it has not been erased. On the books there is legislation outlawing anti-Semitism. In practice the prejudice con- tinues. That's the tragedy not to be overlooked. The current condemnations of the Communist persecutions are mere echoes of the public sentiments that had been expressed hundreds of times from the earliest years of the present century. The Communists do not resort to mass murders. There haven't been the pogroms of Czarist times. But in the process of prosecuting and persecuting individuals there are no differences: they are pogroms nevertheless. Did the Russians inherit the prejudices? They were to have been eliminated under Communist rules and legisla- tion was adopted to underscore it. But the laws have not been enforced and the situation is even worse when the Soviet Union copies the Czarist doctrines by making anti- Semitism and the hounding of dissidents government pol- icy. This is exactly what is being experienced in the USSR at this time. An entire volume containing the American protests against the Kishinev program of 1904 was published by the Jewish Publication Society of America under the title "The Voice of America in Kishinev." A similar volume could be compiled now. Will it bring results? The protests were not too effective in 1904 and they may not bring results now. But world public opinion must be mobilized at all times so that the record should be one of condemnation of what has happened and continues to be enforced in Russia. `Test Case for the World' Mrs. Anatoly (Avital) Shcharansky realistically judged the situation, while her husband's trial was in progress, by calling it "a test case for the world." Indeed, the conscience of the world is being tested. A Cold War is in progress and related to it is an arms race which pits nation against nation. How long can it go on? Endlessly, it is to be sup- posed, because there is no- thing new under the sun and power politics predomi- nate. In the process the human issues are being sac- rificed. So, the battle for jus- tice at least gives comfort to those adhering to the need for justice that they have not given up the struggle for AVITAL SHCHARANSKY decency. World Public Sentiments, Carter and the Pope in Lead, Uphold Human Rights Principles Anatoly Shcharsky had a message to the world. He is reported to have said at the conclusion of the farcical trial: "leShana Haba B'Yerushalayim . . Next Year in Jerusalem." This is the theme that should have been adopted by the many who expressed their outrage over the secret trials for him and for Alexander Ginsburg. It is a slogan that should serve as a rallying call for the freedom lovers who condemned the Kremlin tactics. Mrs. Shcharsky commenced her appeals in behalf of her hus- band from Israel where she has been making her home for the past two years. Now her appeals are being heard in this country and it is heartening to know that both President and Mrs. Carter have joined in backing her efforts for her husband's release. This effort applies to the other dissi- dents, to the Jews who are being persecuted for their de- mands for visas to go to Israel, and the sentiments in de- fense of the Israeli ideal must symbolize the efforts to help the oppressed and to defend the craving for visas to Israel. At last there is unanimity in defense of the oppressed. President Carter played a leading role in condemning the Russian tactics. Congressingal sentiments match the most ideal of the expressions for human rights emanating from Washington. Sentiments like those uttered by Senator Donald Riegle lend encouragement to the tasks in defense of the humiliated and of those seeking exit visas from Russia for havens in realms of freedom. The fact that Pope Paul did not wait too long to express his condemnation of the secret trials also is an encouraging factor in the movement for freedom in the Soviet Union and for human rights everywhere. Perhaps some good will develop out of this evidence of libertarianism. The Testing of Humanism in the Drummed-Up Charges Against Convicted Jewish Dissidents in the USSR . . . Continued Plotting Against Israel P.M. Menahem Begin • NOBEL URGED FOR DISSIDENTS WASHINGTON (JTA) — With only one vote in oppo- sition, the Senate adopted a bipartisan resolution urg- ing the Nobel Peace Prize for 1978 to be awarded to the Helsinki Act monitors in the Soviet Union. Ninety Senators voted last Thursday for the resolution au- thored by Sen. Henry M. Jackson (D-Wash.). The lone opponent was Sen. James Abourezk (D-S.D.). He cast his negative vote without comment. The resolution, backed by the leadership of both major parties, urges the honor for dissidents of all faiths and nations in the Soviet Union upholding the Helsinki act, Jackson said. He has identified 58 dissidents as deserv- ing the award, including Anatoly Shcharansky, Ale- xander Ginsburg and Vladimir Slepak. "In persecuting the Helsinki monitors, including Ginsburg and Shcharansky," Jackson said, "the Soviets have violated both international law and their own laws by conducting improper searches, prolonged pre-trial detentions and a denial of procedural rights to defen- dants on trial. "These brave men and women have placed their free- dom at risk because they believe individual rights and free information are directly related to peace among nations." A Clique Against Begin: Mass Sentiments Ignored Just because two U.S. Jewish Senators have spoken harshly of Israel's current policies does not call for interpre- tation of Diaspora Jewry's role as being antagonistic to Israel's role in the disputes currently in progress. Because a chief rabbi has charged intransigence does not mean that world Jewry accepts his verdict. An attempt is being made, especially in the media, to make a case against Menahem Begin. Israel's prime minis- ter is the direct target in the criticisms that are being leveled at Israel. It is he who is said to be at fault, and he is portrayed as the villain in a case which the unknowing would judge as solvable the Sadat way if only the Israel P.M. would yield. The facts are simpler than the case being built to make heroes of Senators Ribicoff and Javits. There is serious disagreement on the issue of settlements. Begin has yielded too much to the religious extremists in permitting the set- tlements to become a priority in Israeli thinking. But in matters affecting the peace of the area Begin remains the acknowledged leader. Facts speak for themselves. The important issue at pre- sent is the negotiating process with the Egyptians. On that score sentiments are undivided. Except for the five Com- munist Knesset members, most of them from Arab areas, there isn't a single Jewish legislator who would approve of the Sadat proposals. The opposition leader, Shimon Peres, who was defeated for the premiership by Begin, did not endorse the Sadat plan and he said so on his visit with Sadat in Vienna. This being the case, and recognizing the devotions of world Jewry to the need of pursuing policies for Israel's defense, any attempt at emphasizing divisiveness in Jewish ranks can be interpreted only as an effort to create splits among Jews. Actually, the concerns over existing situations retain anxieties over American policies. The average Jew unques- tionably endprses the editorial opinions expressed in the Near East Report, listing this bill of complaint: By Philip Slomovitz leaders, such as Carter's statement that President Assad of Syria has been "a major force for peace in the Middle East for many years;" • Undermining of Israel's negotiating position by calling for Israeli withdrawal to pre-1967 bor- ders with only "minor adjustments; • High-level leaks from the White House ques- tioning the desire of Prime Ministers Rabin and Begin for peace; • Endorsement of "the legitimate rights of the Palestinians," traditional Arab code words for the dismantling of Israel; • Making overtures to the terrorist PLO — in- cluding a recent incredible game of condemn- ing virtually every part of the PLO but refusing to condemn the organization itself. • Weakening anti-boycott legislation both in the Congress and in the implementing agencies of government. • Involving the Soviet Union actively in Middle East diplomacy by the U.S.-Soviet agreement of Oct. 1, 1977 (to the chagrin of both Egypt and Israel); • And, most recently, threatening to reconvene the Geneva conference or turning matters over to the UN if the talks between Israel and Egypt are not resumed. As a result of these actions, which the President makes clear he wishes to be held responsible for, Israel's American friends have reason to be un- happy with Carter's performance. " These are the basics in the situation affecting the Middle East at present. Is it too much to ask that the record be treated with respect, that responsible leaders deal with the facts rather than with personalities? It is reasonable to believe that the overwhelming senti- ments in Jewish ranks are in support of the Israeli prime minister, in spite of the attempts to make him the scapegoat in the international arena. The concern extant is that making Begin the scapegoat should not result in harm to Israel or interfere with the processes to attain peace in a war-torn area. The Stab in the Back Exposed in a Cartoonist's Realism The stab in the back aimed at Menahem Begin is really the symbolism of an attack on Israel. It had been denied that there was a plot in Washington to encourage the ousting of Begin from the Israeli premier- ship. Still, rumors about such a plot are endless. From Strassbourg came a report last week that while Anwar Sadat was meeting with Ezer Weizman and Shimon Peres, he would not talk to Begin. Ther term "undercut" was used in the attitude apread against Israel's P.M. Perhaps the accompanying cartoon tells the story better than any reply to such plotting: "Stop that man, he's carrying a knife!," and the knife is in his back. Marshall in the Toronto Star placed the situation in an aspect of realism. Would that more people could be witnes- ses to the realities of the Middle East by seeing the accom- panying cartoon: It is always more appropriate to analyze and criticize policies rather than personalities, but it is difficult to escape the conclusion that Carter's Middle East policies have also been "very disap- pointing" to many Americans. Since the begin- ning of the Carter Administration there have been a number of disturbing developments: • The sale of lethal sophisticated American weapons, such as F-5E jets to Egypt and F-15s to Saudi Arabia, in advance of peace with Israel or even the resumption of negotiations; • Denial of new weapons systems for Israel and deletion of Israel from a category of friendly na- tions enjoying a preferred arms-supply relation- ship; • The showering of excessive praise on Arab Another Salute to Israel . . . Not With Guns . . . With Music! On her 30th anniversary, Israel was accorded many salutes. There were musical events and cultural commemora- tions. A musical event in which internationally famous artists participated was broadcast last week for American audiences. The eminent orchestra leader Zubin Meta, the East Indian, conducted the Israel Symphony Orchestra. The noted Jewish violinists, Isaac Stern and Itzhak Pearlman, gave expression to their esteem for the Jewish state. Mstislav Rostropovich, the Russian, the world's most famous cellist, shared in the glory of a great event. Soprano Leontyne Price, the pride of this country, sang to the glory of Israel. The experience provided by this salute gave pride to all friends Of Israel. It was a message to the world and of course to the Arab neighbors of Israel that an anniversary, the rebirth of a nation, can be marked by music, not by guns. " Would that mankind could appreciate this event to reach an understanding that Israel aspires for the great spiritual values and that they can be attained without gunfire!