54 Friday, kly 7,1978 THE DETROIT JEWISH US There May Be An OrDa Game in Your Future REHOVOT -- What do a Swedish schoolgirl, an American teenager and an Australian cowboy have in common? An OrDa thinking-fun game. Within a few years, OrDa Industries Ltd., manufac- turer of over 60 educational games and toys for tots, teens and their parents, has reached a delighted clien- tele in the United States, Scandinavia, Iran, Au- stralia, Germany, France, Britain, Holland and Ven- ezuela — in addition to de- veloping into Israel's lead- ing producer of games and puzzles. OrDa games have an im- pressive lineage. The com- pany plant is located in Re- hovot's Industrial Park for Science-based Industries, and products are developed in cooperation with major academic institutions: Tel Aviv and Bar-Ilan Univer- sities, "Yissum" of the He- brew University of Jerusalem, and the "Yeda" Institute of the Weizmann Institute of Science. "Our line is divided into two segments," explains Yitzhak Segal, general manager of OrDa, which is a member of the Koor Food and Consumer Goods Group. "We offer an 'early learn- ing' group of games called "And it should be em- the Growing Up Line. These phasized that we don't have games actually "grow" with the advertising budget of the child's development. our competitors." They are geared for the Abroad, about 50 percent three to six and five to eight of the final price tag of a age levels and are presently game goes for advertising. exported to 14 countries. OrDa has had to seek out "Our Family Line for ages representatives who were eight and up is segmented willing to invest their own into standard and imperial funds and energy. sizes and is distributed in 18 It has been particularly countries. fortunate in the United "We receive hundreds of States and Scandinavia, suggestions for new games where its distributors have every year from all sectors excellent market connec- of Israel." notes Segal. "and tions. we take them all seriously. • We have a special team which examines and de- New Desert Road velops new projects." JERUSALEM — The OrDa games are- con- Jewish National Fund has ceived, created, developed blazed a new 25-mile road and produced in Israel and from Jerusalem to the Dead are pre-tested by psychol- Sea. ogists and children before The road, an alternate going into full-scale produc- route which parallels the tion. Design and packaging existing road at certain are stressed to meet inter- points, passes areas which national standards. were previously isolated This year, Puzzlecar, a from the national road net- wooden puzzle that is "fit" work, such as.the young set- into a plastic chassis to be- tlement of Tekoah, in the At left, an employee at the OrDa toy and game factory checks a "Puzzlecar," Judean Desert, and Hero- come a "moving puzzle", is being introduced. The ini- while at right, two boys play one of OrDa's new educational dian, the archeological re- games. tial placement exceeds half mains of Herod's summer a million units. will be initially introduced palace. thinking games with an Within only a few years, In addition a line of into the latter market, and From there the road runs added dimension of moving OrDa's exports have grown wooden pre-school puzzles, is expected to attract com- playing surfaces, ancient even beyond its own expec- southeast to Ein Gedi and designed and executed in petitive reaction through- games from biblical times in tations. "OrDa's first export Kibutz Mitzpe Shalem, pas- cooperation with one of the out the world. modern presentations, and shipments in 1972, totalled sing through scenic wadis outstanding toy and games New products are also on educational toys not pre- $25,000", points out Murray and canyons near waterfalls sources in the United States the drawing board, such as sently on the market. Grant, the company's mar- which were previously inac- keting manager. "In 1976 cessible. our record was $50D,000." We exported over When a young girl mar- 500,000 games last year ries an old man, he gets By YOSEPH GMAT shepherd. Changing one's At this stage, seven point in favor of their own- alone," Grant points out. younger but she gets older. World Zionist Organization way of life is a long process permanent settlements ership. This has led to many JERUSALEM — Out of a which cannot be achieved are planned for Bedouin clashes with the au- : total of 53,000 Bedouins in overnight." habitation. Thus far, only thorities. Israel at the end of1977,the Plans tosetuppermanent two have been estab- .The last decade has Bedouin population in the living quarters for concent- lished: one east of wrought basic changes in Negev numbered 40,000 ration of the Bedouin popu- Beersheba and another the type of einployment now persons, organized into 25 lation have met with dif- in the Shuval region. sought by many of the Be- different tribes. ficulties due to the =wit- Four thousand Bedouins, douin population, especially The tribes vary in size; lingness of the Bedouins to approximately 10 per- the younger generation. there are eight with over leave theirjands. They fear cent of the Bedouin popu- Many now work in various 4,000 members each. The that the seven areas ear- lation in the Negev, now sectors of the modern natural rate of increase marked for Bedouin settle- live in these two settle- economy in Jewish settle-. among the Bedouins is five ment are nothing but a fu- ments. ments, cities and develop- tosix percent.Inview ofthis ture source of unskilled ment towns far from their fact, the Planning Commis- labor for building and in- The Bedouins are still are house calls own homes. unprepared to forsake the sion predicts that the Be- dustry in the Negev. They are employed in douin population will Despite the gradual na- land on which they have a thing of construction, industry, number over 120,000 by the ture of the transition pro- lived for so many years. transportation and d year 2000. cess from nomadism to Many of the tribes — espe- cal work. Others are the past?? Raising livestock has semi-nomadism to perma- cially those in the studying in secondary traditionally been the main nent settlement, the Be- Beersheba-Arad region — schools and acquiring source of income and subsis- douins — and especially the' demand recognition of their professions. While some tence for the Bedouins, and younger generation — are ownership of the land on have become indepen- OF COURSE NOT! the shortage of grazing undergoing rapid economic, which they live. workers, operating lands is a constant problem, social and political changes. Since they expect no solu- heavy equipment and ag- especially during a drought Nevertheless, despite signs Lion to the land problem or ricultural machinery, the season like this year. that the affinity of the indi- recognition of their claims main form of employ- The El Azama Tribe victual to the tribal in the foreseeable future, ment among the Be- Let today numbers some framework has weakened, the Bedouins are enforcing douins is as hired work- 6,000 members who are the latter still remains the their claims through the ers. There is a constant primarily engaged in most important and inf- construction ofstrong build- rise in living standards, raising livestock. Sheikh luential factor in the socio- ing structures, usually including the increase in visit your home or Farcy recently spoke bit- political behavior of the Be- without permits, likely to construction. terly to Labor Party douins: that of a friend or constitute an additional The process of transition Chairman Shimon Peres, from an economy based on "We must move our , relative each week. - agriculture will continue flocks from the drought . 4 "."1:t r""- :, tilkao• f.,40 - (Rt.. ' rri-d.'-'ajlio. and gather momentum jn - zone to grazing lands in 4' k: To: The Jewish News -* the years to come. The fore- ' - the north and center of Allk 17515 W 9 Mae Rd . Sulte 865 )11 cast for the future envisages g Southfield. Mich. 48075 the country. They de- a mere 10 percent of the Be- wand that we sell our Please send a year's gilt subscription to: douin workforce engaged in flocks and begin a diffe- agriculture and raising rent way of life from that NAME livestock. It remains to he to which we have been seen how the Bedouins will ADDRESS accustomed for many adapt to this new way of life generations. CITY STATE ZIP and what sort of Israeli Be- - "Who knows better than OCCASION:"--- douin would emerge if the you, that both our prophets characteristic black tent FROM. and the prophets of Israel i and the romantic nomad were shepherds. Abrahani, fil512 enclosed t shepherd are to become our forefather, was a i largely things of the past. Israel's Bedouin Are Leaving Nomadic Life The Jewish News