NE DETROIT EWER NEWS 14 Friday, kily 1,1918 MAGICIAN Available For All Occasions 25 years experience MAGICAL MEL 547-2464 5th Bank Branch BOSTON (JTA) — Bank Hapoalim has formally de- dicated its fifth branch in the United States. SAVE UP TO 60% ON DIAMONDS Call Jerry Turken at the The New York Diamond Cutting Company "The Diamond Cutters" 300070.n Center. Southfield. Michigan Out Of Town Call Collect 313-355-2300 4 ,8 • Doctor's Holocaust Memoir a Painful Historical Account By ALLEN A. WARSEN "The Miracles versus Tyranny" (Philisophical Library) by Dr. Izaak Goldberg is composed of five parts comprising the years 1941-1945. Each part is pre- ceded by a brief historical sketch. Thus the year 1941 (6/22-12/31) contains a de- scription of the Hitler- Stalin Pact and the reason for it: "Stalin was very much afraid of Hitler, espe- cially after the German vic- tories over France, Holland, Belgium, Norway in 1940 and Yugoslavia and Greece in the spring of 1941. He de- livered raw materials, food, oil to Germany in order to avoid a German attack." But Stalin, the author states, "failed to take into consideration one trait of Hitler's personality, namely his destructive mind, megalomania, and the schizophrenic mentality AAA Lawn Sprinklers Residential & Commercial Service & Repairs We install the best and Service the rest 399-8718 French-Iraq Arms Deal Set? PARIS (JTA) — France and Iraq are discussing an arms agreement providing for the sale of French-made missiles, helicopters and possibly combat planes. The negotiations for this mas- sive sale of French hardware entered a final phase during French De- fense Minister Yvon Bourges' recent trip to Baghdad. Sources in Paris say Fr- ance will supply Iraq with a variety of Crotale missles, ground-to-air, ground-to- ground and ground-to-sea. The French-made missile is especially deadly for low flying aircraft and has an exceptional accuracy level for near-approach planes. Straight Talk with It o 110-AR 0- 4 9 That's our simple no-nonsense sales policy at Tamaroff Buick-Opel-Honda. And we mean to stick to it with each and every customer. No song-and-dance. No double-talk. No run-around. Just "straight-talk" and really "down- to-earth" prices on Buicks, Opels and Hondas. You get the car you want at the price we quoted. And, you know, it must be working because we're the Buick - sales leader in this area. TaMaROFF i Buick Opel Honda Telegraph Road just south of 12 Mile / opposite Tel-Twelve Mall Phone 353-1300 We lease all makes and models. which all pointed towards nearby with their guns ready to shoot . . . the unparalleled cruelty." Dr. Goldberg relates the strong man . . . out of desp- German bombardment of eration pushed his hands the city of Wolkowysk between the legs of the where he was born and Nazis and threw them out of practiced medicine. He por- the vehicle. The other Nazis trays his parents, relatives, became confused. In the friends, and acquaintances, meantime, the other vic- and records the fate that tims attacked the few Nazis had befallen them. He de- left, including the driver, picts the German invasion and escaped. In spite of their wretched of his birthplace and Rozana where he took refuge. condition, the people didn't lose their sense of humor, as There the Germans or- ganized a ghetto and de- evidenced by this anecdote creed anybody found out- that circulated in camp: side its gate would be shot. "Hitler couldn't cross the He graphically de- English Channel. He gave it scribes life in the Wol- up long ago. Suddenly he kowysk concentration found out that a certain old camp to which his family rabbi knew the secret how and he were relocated to cross the channel. He from Rozana. The follow- summoned the rabbi and ing is a typical illustra- asked him for the secret. tion: All the kitchen pro- The rabbi answered that ducts in the concentra- Moses had a magic scepter tion camp were under to split the sea. "Give me the Mr. Galin's supervision. scepter,' Hitler yelled. 'I Unaware of the "German must have it. Where is the order not to buy anything scepter? Quick answer!' The from the Germans, he rabbi responded calmly, "In took a little benzine for the British Museum in the kitchen use from a London.' " German whom he paid The author explains the the asked price." The reason the Jews of towns Gestapo found out, came like Rozana, Lyskovo, Wol- to his bunker, and beat kowysk were not murdered him severely with sticks by the Germans locally, as and chains, and shot him. was the case with the Some people, the author Jewish people in Slonim asserts, in spite of over- and Lida. This happened whelming odds resisted the because the Jews in the tyrants. For instance, in former towns were under Ostrov-Mazowieck, Jews, the jurisdiction of the Gen- including two of the au- eral Government of East thor's relatives, were forced Prussia. The Jews there into a truck to be taken to an were first transported to extermination place. "In the concentration camps, such first row was kneeling a as Auschwitz, and extermi- man known for his strength. nated afterwards. The Jews Two Nazis were standing in the latter towns were under the jurisdiction of the Einsatzgruppen (Special Extermination Groups) that operated in the East. The Einsatzgruppen also murdered Russians and White Russians. The author describes impressively and at length the extermination camps of Treblinka, Au- schwitz and Birkenau. He reminds us of the re- volt at Treblinka that took place on Aug. 2, 1943. On that day, the prisoners who had ac- cumulated weapons ob- tained from the camp armory surreptitiously revolted against the camp authorities killing 25 Germans and 60 Uk- rainian guards. How- ever, of the 1,000 rebelli- ous prisoners only 600 managed to escape to a nearby forest. There, they were surrounded and decimated by armed bands of anti-Semitic Poles and Ukrainians, as well as by Germans. Only 40 escapees re- mained alive. Had it not been for these survivors, the world wouldn't have known the story of the heroic uprising at Treblinka. "The Miracles versus Tyranny" is an effective ac- count of a Holocaust sur- vivor. It includes his post- war experiences and care- fully reproduced photo- graphs. Dr. Goldberg studied medicine at the Univer- sities of Prague and Italy. He is on the medical staff of Bronx-Lebanon Medical Center. Women's Military Exemption Jewish Officials Meet NY Police May Cause Aguda to Bolt for 'Rap' Session JERUSALEM (JTA) — offered in the wake of a Agudat Israel's Council of 72-30 vote in the Knesset Sages met this week to de- Tuesday night rejecting an cide whether the ultra- opposition motion of no con- Orthodox party should con- fidence in the government tinue as part of Premier because of the exemption Menahem Begin's coalition bill. government if a com- The blanket exemption promise is adopted to amend was one of the conditions the government-sponsored agreed upon by Begin be- bill that would exempt fore Aguda joined his young women from military Likud-led government. service simply on their The Democratic Move- statement that they are re- ment for Change voted with ligiously observant. The compromise, worked the government Tuesday out by a coalition commit- night as did all coalition tee, will require that the members, but the DMC said women declare that they do it will vote against the not travel on the Sabbath exemption bill when it and eat only kosher food. comes before the Knesset The compromise is being unless changes are made. Hearken All By PAUL ELDRIDGE Cease your frantic clamor False and brazen fools: "THE SIX MILLIONS HAVE NOT PERISHED!" Cowards, I, the Great Champion of Christendom, I, the Great Fuehrer of the Mighty Rage, I, a clown wielding a paper sword? Hypocrites and traitors, Out of my mouth Gushed cataracts of blood, Out of the breasts of my people Broke storms of jubilation, AND THE SIX MILLIONS DROWNED! Hallelujah! Shouted the sons of Jesus, Allahu-Akbar! Shouted the sons of Allah, AND THE SIX MILLIONS PERISHED! NEW YORK (JTA) — Representatives of a wide range of Jewish organiza- tions met with officials of the New York City police department in what was termed an unprecedented effort by the police officials and the Jewish community leaders to educate each other about their special problems and to explore areas of mutual concern. The meeting, herd at police headquarters, was called the first of its kind in the city's history by the Jewish Community Rela- tions Council of New York. Peggy Tishman, chair- man of the police liaison committee, said the confer- ence developed from a series of recent discussions bet- ween the liaison committee and police officials dealing with crime in Jewish •neighborhoods, declining Jewish representation on the city police force and re- lated issues. Re-Election Told TEL AVIV (JTA) — The board of governors of the Haifa Technion unanim- ously re-elected Evelyn de Rothschild of England to another one-year term as chairman.