56 Friday, June 30, 1978 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS The Eccentric Levys Who Saved Jefferson's Monticello the great champion of re- take to accept a present ter model of one of the capi- ligious freedom). soon shipped out again. (Editor's note: The fol- from a lieutenant "of no par- tals that Jefferson had de- He became a sailing mas- Congress, beset by Civil lowing article is excerp- ticular distinction," and signed for the Capitol — War problems and finding ter in the merchant ted from "The Levys of that Congress should com- with tobacco leaves where the will entirely too compli- marine, and then joined Monticello," written by mission its own statues, but the Greeks used acatithus. cated, turned down the gift. the Navy in that capacity Mary Cable and An- in the ena•he House voted He saw the David d'Angers The executors of the will during the War of 1812, nabelle Prager, which to accept, and the bronze bust and a model of Levy's brought suit for their own serving on a raider in the appeared in the now stands in the Rotunda ship, the Vandalia. Irish Sea. Captured, he The French mirrors were protection as adminis- February/March 1978 of the Capitol. spent 14 months in the trators of the estate, and the edition of American Levy presented a copy of in place in the drawing case dragged on for years, notorious British prison room, and, in the entrance Heritage.) it to New York City which Dartmoor. even becoming a textbook Monticello was saved may be seen today at City hall, Jefferson's specially example for study in law In spite of the considera- from ignominious ruin be- Hall; and to Monticello he designed two-faced clock ble prejudice he had en- schools. In the end the will was back in working order. cause it had the good for- later brought a bust, copied countered, Levy stayed in It told — and still tells — was set aside. One of tune to fall into the hands of from the statue. the Navy. "What will be the Uriah's nephews, Jefferson not only the time but also men who believed that its As soon as he had bought future of our Navy if others Monroe Levy, who had been builder, Thomas Jefferson, URIAll LEVY Monticello, Levy hired a the days of the week. such as I refuse to serve be- a child when his uncle died Levy had restored the was the greatest of all hundred acres (of the origi- local man, Joel Wheeler, to cause of the prejudices of a but who by this time was a ceiling, with its eagle and Amerirans. To these owners nal 5,682 acres) for $7,000, act as overseer and few?" he asked. "There will young lawyer in New York — first, Uriah Phillips with the intention of turn- caretaker, and began to 18 stars, as well as the par- be other Hebrews, in times City, bought out the other Levy, and later his nephew, ing the place into a silk make badly needed repairs, quet floors, marred by to come, of whom America Levy heirs. In 1879 he be- Jefferson Monroe Levy — farm. It could hardly have will have need. By serving renovations, and replant- mounted British troops dur- came the owner of Mon- ing the War of 1812. And he Monticello was a shrine. fallen into worse hands. ings. myself, I will help give them ticello. had preserved the body of a "All my wishes end where Barclay destroyed Jeffer- At the age of 61, Uriah a chance to serve." Like his uncle, the I hope my days will end— at son's lawns and most of his Levy, ever oblivious of two-wheeled gig in which In 1817 Levy received a younger Levy was passion- Jefferson had traveled to Monticello," Jefferson had poplars in order to plant what people might think, commission as lieutenant. ately devoted to the memory the Continental Congress at said. And there his days did mulberry orchards, which But his joy was soon de- married a pretty and viv- of Thomas Jefferson. His end, on the Fourth of July, did not thrive. acious 18-year-old, Vir- Philadelphia in 1775. (All 'first act was to fire the stroyed by three courts- these things are still there.) 1826, at the venerable age Charlottesville records martial, in quick succes- ginia Lopez, who was his caretaker, Joel Wheeler, Throughout the 1850's, of 83, as the nation celeb- show that on May 20, 1836, sion, all arising out of petty sister's daughter. Al- Levy tried but failed to ob- who had allowed the place rated the 50th anniversary for the sum of $2,500, the arguments and misun- though both Talmudic tain another command. But to become a shambles. Not of the Declaration of Inde- house, outbuildings, and derstandings, compounded law and the laws of most in the last few years before only were the house and pendence. He died believing 218 acres of the plantation by anti-Semitism and states permitted such a grounds on the way to ruin, the Civil War, he enjoyed that his most fervent wish of Monticello became the malice. Levy, it must be ad- union, most of Uriah's re- the command of a sloop of but Wheeler had been pick- for Monticello was assured property of Uriah Phillips ded, had a short-fused latives were disapprov- ing up a little extra income war, and even obtained the of coming true: that his Levy, Lieutenant, U.S.N. temper that did not help ing, as were his Charlot- by allowing groups to use rare privilege of taking his many debts would be paid If a remarkable, some- matters. The third court- tesville neighbors. the place fo picnics and par- wife along on a year of and that his daughter, what eccentric house de- Through the 1850's, the martial, in 1819, ended in ties. Mediterranean duty. In Martha Jefferson Ran- served a master of the his dismissal from the May-December couple Under a new caretaker, 1860 he was made a com- dolph, would live in the same description, Mon- Navy; but two years later he spent the summers at Mon- Thomas Rhodes, restoration modore. house. ticello had found him in was reinstated by order of ticello. Years later, Vir- was initiated — a process When the Civil War Unfortunately, while it Uriah Levy, who was one ginia wroter her reminis- President James Monroe. that was seemingly endless. broke out, the Confederate was true that well-wishers of the few naval officers By 1836, the year he cences, in which she told of With the help of Confeder- had raised a fund to secure to have risen from the bought Monticello, Levy her pleasure in being mis- government confiscated ate bills of sale, Levy was Monticello for her, there ranks, and was at that had weathered five tress of "the dear oldhouse." Monticello and sold much of able to reclaim some of the was too little money availa- time the only Jewish of- vanished furnishings ... ble to maintain it. The fol- ficer in the United States • • • - lowing year Mrs. Randolph Navy, He had at that time Jefferson Levy did exten- sold many of the furnish- survived five courts- sive restorative work, but in ings, and soon after put the martial and was to end the 1900s there was an in- place on the market. his career as a commo- creasing clamor for Mon- Besides, Monticello as dore. ticello to be owned by the a family house was some- Born in Philadelphia in public. thing of a white elephant. 1792, Uriah Phillips Levy Levy, who was elected Jefferson had built it to was the descendant of shop- to Congress, finally of- Monticello is shown after the Civil War (left) and after it was restored again by his own, very personal keepers who had immig- Jefferson Levy near the end of the century . fered Monticello to the taste. Not everyone rated from Germany before U.S. for $500,000, which would share his en- She wrote that her husband its contents at auction. the Revolution. From early courts-martial, but had he estimated was half the thusiasm for two, nar- childhood he was down at been without an assign- had "delighted in donning Commodore Levy, now over price of the restorative row, cramped staircases 70, offered his services to an old hat and coat and ment for several years. This work he had done. instead of a single main the docks watching the equipping himself with a President Lincoln, who, was not necessarily a reflec- The government_ balked one; or for a meter bed- great ships come and go; pair of shears and going out perhaps with a quiet smile, room where the bed was and at the tender age of 10 tion on him, for in those at the price, World Wail in- appointed him to the to prune the shrubbery." tervened, Levy's fortunes rather oddly wedged in he ran away to sea, first in- days there were always She went on: "We were Court-Martial Board. reversed a bit and Mon- an opening between bed_ forming the captain who more officers than assign- The Commodore had al- overrun with sightseers at finally sold to the signed him on as cabin boy ments. During these years was a ticello room and study, with Monticello, and sometimes ways said that he consi- he had invested shrewdly in Thomas Jefferson Memorial tiny clothes closet above that he would have to be these people would come ac- dered himself "a temporary it, reached by steep back in two years, in time to New York real estate and Association in 1923. ross him in this garb and tenant" of Monticello: "Af- prepare for his Bar Mitzva. had become a wealthy man. The Jefferson family stairs. In later life, Levy de- He had also traveled say that they had come to ter my death I will give owned Monticello for 91 in the The kitchen was the see the sights and the ser- Monticello to the people of din- scribed himself as "an abroad. While in France, years, and the Levys had basement, far from second American, a sailor and a aware that there was no pentine (one called it 'tur- the United States." He died owned it for 87. Jefferson ing room; and on the the bed- Jew." He was all these statue in Washington of pentine') walk and ask for in March, 1862, and left it , Levy died less than a year floor, the becls in all in al- things with deep dedication. his hero, Thomas Jeffer- as he had promised — but Captain Levy. after the sale. • rooms were recessed He would reply that the with a few typically eccen- son, he had commis- In 1954, Monticello un- arrange- Most citizens of the early coves — a pretty in sum- Republic were intensely sioned David d'Angers to walk was there but that the tric strings. It was to be an derwent a complete restora- ment, but very hot stairs patriotic, but Uriah felt an make a heroic bronze, Captain had gone to town, agricultural school "for the tion and the dormer win- m Because the added emotion: a heartfelt which he would then pre- but he would be pleased to purpode of educating as dows and other Levy altera- were so narrow, all sizable devotion to that part of the show them through. H4 took practical farmers children sent to the nation. When tions were removed. But for objects such as baggage, Constitution that ordains the statue arrived in pleasure in regaling them of the warrant officers of the nearly a century this U.S. had to be , hoisted to the sec- freedom of religion, and to America the following with the supposed history of United States Navy whose national shrine was saved ond floor by way of the dal- the man who had cham- our family portraits. fathers are dead." year, Levy went himself by the devotion of the Levys. cony that overlooked the en- pioned that cause, Thomas to the docks at Norfolk to "The painting of a dark If Congress should re- trance hall, or through the beauty in court costume fuse this gift, then he left escort it to Washington. Jefferson. windows. with a number of feathers it to the people of the Congress seems to have Although the boy's The following year in her hair (an aunt of state of Virginia; and fail- been bewildered by such a (1831), one James Barclay, family and friends urged largesse. Some members Uriah's) he told the vis- ing that, to the Por- of Charlottesville, bought him to give up the sea and itors was the great tuguese Hebrew Congre- argued that it was a mis- take to shopkeeping, he the house and a few Pocahontas. gations of New York, and "When I remonstrated Philadelphia, with the Captain for deceiv- Richmond — as an ag- ing these people, he said rieultural school for their they had come a long dis- children whose fathers tance to hear and see some- were dead "and also Hirai- thing and that he sent them lar children of any other home happy." denomination of Hebrew A visitor in 1853 wrote of or Christian" (for clearly being shown about by Levy. there could be no sec- He mentioned seeing a pies- tarianism in the home of