2 Friday, Joe 23, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary Authoritative Investigators Refute Anti-Israel Brutality Charges Israel Upheld on Terrorist "Brutality" Allegations . . . Admonition Against Forgetting the Many. Horrors of the Holocaust . . . An Oil Spill on U.S. University Campuses Holocaust Library. In an introductory essay to the Korczak "Ghetto Diary," Igor Newerly wrote: This is the first printing of a typewritten copy, As has already been expressed, the Sami Esmail case was the only one saved, of the manuscript which was a deplorable one. Would that the Israeli courts had tackled handed to me under Korczak's will a few days the incident quickly, thereby avoiding what had developed after his deportation to Treblinka together with into a scandal. all residents of the Children's Home. Nevertheless, the facts regarding charges made against At that time I did not consider my apartment at Israel during that case should be studied carefully. If Israel Zoliborz a sufficiently safe place for this valuable tortures prisoners her system must be condemned. If the document, so I asked Maryna Falska to hide it charge is untrue the facts should be established. somewhere in Our Home at Bielany, and I man- Two qualified students of judicial procedures did study aged to pass it to her before my arrest. Wladys- the case thoroughly, and their conclusions, absolving Is- law Cichosz, an employee at Our Home, following rael, must be recorded. Monroe H. Freedman and Alan M. Falska's instructions, bricked it up in the attic of Dershowitz, professors of law, respectively, at Hofstra Law the orphanage building. School and Harvard Law School, made a thorough study of After the war the papers were recovered and the case. In a N.Y. Times Op-Ed Page article, under the passed on to me when I returned from the con- title, "Israeli Torture," they gave a complete analysis of the centration camps. Esmail case, listing all details, all charges. They turned to Korczak wrote his "Diary" in the ghetto mainly the accusations of torture leveled at Israel and they rejected between May and August 1942, although for some the charges, asserting: time, from 1939, his growing sense of desolation had made him anxious to leave a final testament. Mr. Esmail's case does appear "typical" in at "Not so much an attempt at a synthesis as a grave least one important respect: In virtually every or attempts, experiments, errors. Perhaps it may case in which a suspected terrorist is arrested in prove of use to somebody, some time, in 50 years Israel, there are allegations of systematic torture, . . . In view of the deliberate and demonstrable lies in He wrote the first pages in January 1940, then the Esmail case, therefore allegations of systema- put the work aside. Two years later, in the face of tic violations of human rights by Israel must be approaching extinction, he resumed, and carried viewed with more than a little skepticism. on more or less systematically to the end. We do not mean to suggest that abuses have In order to understand and properly evaluate never occurred in Israel. Among those people in them it is necessary to visualize the place, time any country who choose police work, there is a and conditions of their being written. given percentage who are inclined to brutality. Thus — the ghetto, a relatively small district of The test of a society is not whether violations of the capital, increasingly constricted by walls, human rights occasionally occur. but how they packed with over half a million Jewish popula- are dealt with by the authorities. In Israel, tion from Warsaw and nearby towns. "The dis- policemen have been removed from office and trict of the damned!," Korczak calls it, and imprisoned for mistreating prisoners. Unhappily, elsewhere in the "Diary" he writes: "The appear- there are cities even in the United States today ance of the district changes from day to day: A that do not have as good a record. prison — a plague-stricken area — a lunatic On the basis of direct observation of the Israeli asylum — a casino. Monaco. The stake — your criminal-justice system, including this highly sen- head." sitive case in which charge§ have been made of Famine and typhus were decimating the popu- systematic violations of human rights, it is our lation. People dropped dead in the streets. Pin- conclusion that Israel's system, though subject to kert's Last Service could not keep pace with the particular criticisms, is one of the most highly removal of corpses. Cleared in the morning, they civilized and refined in the world. piled up again by the evening. Normal. Children This certainly is not an issue to be ignored. It so happens played on the sidewalks, among bodies covered that the charges striking at Israel's integrity were con- with newspapers — unnoticed, meaningless as cocted primarily by two Israelis, attorneys known for their the notice on the wall: Communist affiliations and their venom linked with their "Always keep your body clean. Dirt breeds lice; political machinations and hatreds. According to the pro- lice, typhus!" fessors: Time — in the sense of a normal perspective of Closing arguments have been delayed, how- days and months — did not exist. There was an ever, because of a death in the defense attorney's ephemeral present instant — and eternity. Lying family. In the meantime, that attorney has been in down to sleep, nobody was sure that he would not the United States raising funds for the Committee be wakened by the sound of a prison van—or shot to Defend the Human Rights of Sami Esmail. dead in bed. Going out, nobody knew whether he Anyone who knows and understands the Israeli senti- would return or be rounded up in the street and ments sees through the machinations of the Communists. find himself in a cattle truck. In this district re- The Israeli public would not tolerate brutalities. As indi- sembling a sprung trap, the dread of death om- cated in the study by the two professors, whenever there are nipresent, there existed only the possibility of charges of misconduct the army and the courts in Israel act smuggling an existence from one instant to the promptly to stem injustice. It is well that the truth is next, or of utter resignation — the fusion of life in demanded, as it is in the findings by Profs. Freedman and some extrapersonal great existence. In something Dershowitz. having eternal meaning and dignity: Struggle — truth and beauty — God .. . Memoir About the Ghetto, In the ghetto were gathered large numbers of Korczak and Holocaust Diaries the intelligentsia, including many creative work- ers. They sought to the very last to sustain human In a recent speech in Berlin, at a conference at which he life on remainders of contemporary knowledge introduced his book, "The Jewish Paradox," Dr. Nahum Goldman said: "The Germans can not be allowed to forget and culture: Scholars and artists were engrossed the crime of the Holocaust, and the Jews can not forget." in their work. Young people flocked to clandes- tine schools and courses, lectures by professors in HoW can the Holocaust horrors be engraved in historic memory so that the worst of crimes may never again find an specialized fields Drama studios, artistic troupes, echo anywhere on earth, among all peoples regardless of exhibitions, concerts, meeting with authors, lec- tures by eminent scholars attracted large audi- race or religion? So many inhumanities are now being enacted that the ences. In this district of superimposed contrasts, lessons of the Nazi era must serve as emphases for vigilance under conditions endlessly macabre, the abso- against the uncivilized. Has the Holocaust story been told properly? lutely normal — so it seems to me and I should like One must read the chronicled stories of the occurrences to to call attention to it — was non-existent. No one could suffer the atmosphere of a ghetto and an be able to pass them to the oncoming and to future genera- Auschwitz and emerge unflawed. Everyone, vic- tions. Would that the martyred could guide all historians as tim and henchman alike, was left inevitably with they record the stories so that the actualities might be some psychical taint. When he was writing the "Diary," Korczak was engraved on human minds! 64, his constitution ruined, succumbing to the There is an instance to be guided by. Only three days burden of full responsibility for the fate of more before he and the children who were in his 'b arge were to be than 200 children and adolescents, from seven to marched to their doom in the Treblinka death camp, Janusz 17-18 years of age, including a considerable Korczak, the hero of the Warsaw Ghetto who would not number of former residents who turned to him for abandon the children but went to his death with them, protection and shelter. turned over his diary to Igor Newerly. Igor, too, was Who could possibly fail to be moved by this brutal marked for death, but he escaped. He resurrected the Korczak memoirs and they are now part of the Schocken realism? How can a human being, upon reading these lines, By Philip Slomovitz fail to understand what had happened and apply its lesson to all mankind? May these recollections, by one who had experienced the horrors, serve as a guide for all who would erase for all time to come any attempt to permit the inhumanities that had turned human beings into beasts. Oil Dollars Buying Everything, Including Universities in U.S. They have been in e ■ Oclence everywhere for a long time, the possessors of Arab billions derived from oil profits. Now they are spreading their wings. They have bought banks and immense mansions. Now, gaining from the guidance of Madison Avenue they know how cleverly to invade the universities and the com- munications media. Their students are coming to this country in the tens of thousands and they are not lacking in comforts. Their af- fluence is not begrudged. It is when they become the spreaders of unfortunate poison-tinged propaganda against Israel that their activities become a matter of con- cern. The visiting students from Arab lands have been espe- cially vile on the University of Michigan campus. Jewish faculty and students made urgent efforts to befriend them: it proved hopeless. Now a new weapon has been discovered by the Arabs. They are buying up land in the Israel administered areas with the aim of acquiring a territory for pressure. It could become a means of claiming a territory as a weapon on the international front as well as in the Israeli courts. The new great friend in the media, Anthony Lewis of the New York Times, made much of it. He referred to a land contract which Israel refuses to transfer from an absentee to a Nablus claimant. On its face value it sounds like an expose of more Israeli persecutions of Arabs. It is a longer story than is briefly alluded to by Lewis. It is part of the entire struggle which compels Israel to fight for existence and to reject any attempt to force her into suicide. If there were a world court with honor and fairness, instead of the polluted atmosphere of the United Nations, perhaps there could be a solution to the vexed problem. Meanwhile, the enemy is introducing the kushan — the land contract of the absentees — as another threat to Is- rael's attempt to arrive at fair decisions affecting the Arabs in administered territory. Tragically, there is no one for Israel to sit with to resolve the issues. Anwar Sadat recalled his negotiators as they were about to reach some form of agreement in Jerusalem. That's how the world is being fooled into false hopes and the complacencies about an Egyptian ruler who has acquired dictatorial rule over the media and politics is not a provider of complacency. Woe unto those who suffer from such agonizing enigmas! Anti-Discrimination Progress NEW YORK (JTA) — Progress in lowering the bars of social clubs and of major corporations to Jews, described as constituting interrelated patterns of bias, was reported at the 72nd annual meeting of the American Jewish Commit- tee. Richard L. Weiss, chair- man of the Los Angeles chapter, reported that the chapter, which has been working on the issue of so- cial clubs which discrimi- nate against Jews and other minorities, "has been effec- tive in opening up all the downtown clubs except the two most prestigious ones." Weiss said the chapter has the backing of some of the most influential Christ- ian members of the Los Angeles community. He said the effort requires "changes in by-laws that now permit a handful of bigots to block the admis- sion of Jews and others." The New York regional task force on executive suite discrimination dealt with 22 companies listed among the "For- tune 500" which have headquarters offices in the New York region, ac- cording to a report by George Karp, chairman. The task force cited a spe- cial program it arranged with the Savings Banks As- sociation of New York State, under which a com- mittee of bankers will work with the task force to en- courage executive recruit- ing among Jews. A "highly successful" program of executive re- cruitment among Jews by some of the largest corpora- tions with headquarters in Cleveland was reported by Lee D. Power, chairman of the Cleveland chapter management action prog- ram. He called the program a "long-term, low-key effort to break down the barriers of executive suite discrimi- nation." He reported that "as a re- suit of our efforts, more than 150 Jewish men and women have been hired and/or promoted into responsible management positions by Cleveland-based corpora- tions that previously might not have even considered Jewish applicants."