36 Joe 1G,191$ Engagements THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gil- son of West Bloomfield an- nounce the engagement of their. daughter, Kathryn Gilson, to Peter Wanger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wanger of Miami, Fla. Miss Gilson and her fiance were graduated from the Univer- sity of Michigan Law School. A summer wedding is planned. Autograph Party for Local Author Women's Clubs Author Esther Broner will be honored at an autog- WHITEHALL CHA I, nual report, and the new raph party being held on the TERHOOD will hold the Chapter, Pioneer Women occasion of the publication slate will be presented. first board meeting of its of her fourth book, "A will meet noon Monday i n Celia Feigenson will spon- new administration 7:30 the home of Estelle Rap Weave of Women," 2 p.m. sor the luncheon. For in- p.m. Monday in the Sunday at the Birmingham paport, 23237 Providenc e formation, call Mrs. synagogue. Outgoing and Bookstore, 263 Pierce, Bir- Dr., Southfield. Plans fo ✓ Michlin, 968-5351. incoming officers will ex- * * * mingham. the July 10 games party wil 1 change portfolios. Coffee Mrs. Broner, an associate be discussed. SHALOM CHAI will be served. * * * professor of English at * * * CHAPTER, Pioneer Wo- WOMEN'S BICUR Wayne State University, is men, will have a luncheon CLUB TWO, Pioneer the author of "Her CHOLEM ORGANIZA - 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at Women, will meet 11:30 TION will hold a regula ✓ the Northgate Apts. club Mothers," "Journal- a.m. Monday in the North- also plays violin Nocturnal" and "Summer Is meeting 11:30 a.m. Monday house, honoring Mr. and gate Apts. club house. Bella Sings and plays a Foreign Land." She is the at the MCL Cafeteria in the Mrs. Max Felsot on the oc- Raizman will give a talk on co-author of an anthology of Tel-12 Mall. A report on the Jewish to Modern Songs casion of their 60th an- Israel. Brunch will be spon- donor luncheon will be read mothers and daughters in oil for aliditol :brag . niversary. New members sored by Fannie Hochman. * * * literature which will be and members celebrating 398-2462 Friends and guests are wel- DAVID-HORODOKER published in winter. birthdays will be honored. come. WOMEN'S ORGANIZA- * * * Proceeds will benefit the TION will meet noon Tues- child rescue fund. Friends PARKWOOD CHAP- SOCIAL HALL AND BEAUTIFUL AUDITORIUM- day in the home of Mrs. Ben and guests are invited. TER, Women's American are available for rental at the * * * Miller, 13201 Dartmouth ORT, will have its annual Ave., Oak Park. conveniently located facilities of NORTHWEST CHILD installation and luncheon * * * RESCUE WOMEN will noon Thursday at the CONGREGATION BNAI ISRAEL-BETH YEHUDA OAK PARK NSHEI hold their installation of of- Knob-in-the-Woods Apts. 15400 West Ten Mile Road CHABAD STUDY ficers noon Thursday at club house. Mrs. Jack Rubin GROUP (10 Mile area) will Oak Park, Michigan 48237 Stouffer's Restaurant. An- will be installing officer. A meet 4 p.m. Saturday in the nette Horwitz is installa- We also have a number of desirable meeting musical program will be home of Mrs. Moshe Stolov, tion chairman, and Eva presented by Bess Axelrod, rooms available for weekly or monthly rental t 15310 Joan. Rabbi Michael Wolfe, co-chairman. Instal- accompanied by Roz Kraus. social groups, fraternal organizations, and land Butrimovitz will speak. The lating officer will be Lor- Officers to be installed are: smanshaften Nine Mile area group will raine Kales. Officers to be i nformation, nformation, call Nina Bechek and Paulette meet 4 p.m. Saturday in the installed are Irene Phillips, Borin; presidents; Ethel UN 4-0175 or 557-1655 home of Mrs. Yisroel Polter, president; Zelda Kay and Levy, Rose Diamond, Bea 23141 Gardner. Rabbi Her- Fay Ziegler, vice presidents; Leaderman and Nita President shel Cukier will speak. Clara Krueger, treasurer; Lichtenstein, vice presi- * * * Tillie Sherman, Rose dents; Annette Landy, trea- NEGBAH CHAPTER, Weiner, Shirley Cutler, surer; Bertha Lofman, Es- Pioneer Women, will meet Rose Potashnik, Ann Faber telle Warren, Estelle Haim, noon Wednesday at the Lin- and Rose Kampner, sec- Myrtle Redisch and coln Towers Apts. club retaries. Brunch will be Dorothy Rabinowitz, sec- room. President Betty Gel- served at a nominal charge. retaries; and Matilda Sims, umvm4A.a.12.— man announces the slate For reservations, call Ms. parliamentarian. Ms. will be presented. Refresh- Horwitz, 644-4752, or Ms. Lichtenstein will be chair- ments will be served. Wolfe, 968-8834. man of the day. Guests are invited. * * * * * * * * NORTHWEST DET- PURITY CHAPTER, MASSADA CHAPTER, ROIT CHAPTER, Order of the Eastern Star, Pioneer Women, will meet CARIH, will have its an- will have a "Friendship 12:30 p.m. Tuesday in the nual awards dinner 6:30 - Night" 7:45 p.m. Monday in home of Minna Robinson, p.m. Wednesday at Staf- sksefs, the Oddfellows Temple, 23240 Harding, Oak Park. ford's Restaurant in the Or- jc...sts, place. Au szts * * Berkley. Maida Haas will chard Mall. Sam Rappa will am.4 At, 11- ■ • !! ► be honored. Refreshments CLUB ONE, Pioneer entertain. Guests are in- and entertainment will Women, will hold its final vited. For information, call highlight the evening. meeting and luncheon of the Nettie Mandell, 548-1095, * * * season noon Tuesday in the or Faye Olshansky, 557- 29260 Franklin Road , Claymore Apt. Bldg. Lincoln Towers Apts. club BETH ABRAHAM 8137. • * * Monday to Friday 10:30. 4:30 356-1233 room. President. Chana HILLEL MOSES SIS- Michlin will read her an- BETH ACHIM SIS- TERHOOD will hold its in- stallation luncheon noon Wednesday in the synagogue, announce Doris Bean and Ellen Reznick, chairmen. Installing offic- ers will be Estelle Smith and Bea Mondry. Officers to be installed are: Doris Le- vin, president; Ms. Reznick, Alice Thumin and Lorraine Reubin, vice presidents; Ms. SINGING GUITARIST MEYER LEVIN, 5 a. i ;;:wwIf.90& c...e.s cutd.cp.uivut rdabtb.agawns Bean, treasurer; Elaine Weiss, Ruth Penner, Terry Papp, Roberta Weisswas- ser, Tilla Freedman, Adelle Goodman and Barbara Schnipper, secretaries. Pe- tite luncheon will be served. Admission is nominal. For required reservations, call Esther Moskovitz, 357- 5827; Sara Last, 968-0079; Adelle Goodman, 851-2032; or the synagogue, 851-6880. * * * KINNERET CHAP- TER, Pioneer Women, will meet noon Monday in the Lincoln Towers Apts. club room, announces President Lily Roubeck. Max Shneiderman will enter- tain. Refreshments will be served. Guests and friends are invited. * * * LIVONIA JEWISH CONGREGATION SIS- TERHOOD installed Jean Alspector as president at its recent installation cere- monies. Other officers are: Rita Loomer, Sheryl Kil- patrick and Gladys Karlin, vice presidents; Beverly Mellin, treasurer; Sylvia Foxman and Miriam Rubenstein, secretaries; and Helen Bayles, Ingrid Beneliezer, Bea_ Breshgold, Pat D'Agostini, Thelma Gordon, Tammy Rut- kowski, Helen Sallan and Phyllis Scherman. * * BNAI MOSHE SIS- TERHOOD will hold spe- cial Shabat-installation services 8 p.m. today in the synagogue. Rabbi Stanley Rosenbaum will conduct the services, and Cantor Louis Klein will chant the liturgy. Rose Lehrman will install the new officers and board members. An oneg Shabat will follow. rWoodafC soznix aotfi - FOR FATHER'S DAY to OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCK including: DIAMONDS. . . RINGS 1 GOLD CHAINS WATCHES BRACELETS .. . widenbaurn creative jewelers in the Franklin Shopping Plaza Northwestern at 12 Mile Road Southfield Free Gift Wrapping All Bankcards honored Daily: 10-6 Thurs: 10-9 mu 6/17 356-2525 Student, Brother Win Scholarships Craig Berlinberg of Red- fern Ave., Detroit, won a $1,000 National Merit Scholarship. A student at Henry Ford High School, Craig is the valedictorian of his class, editor-in-chief of the year- book, editor of the school's newsmagazine and presi- dent of the Quill and Scroll Club. He is a member of the Na- tional Honor Society, cap- tain of the swimming team and has won awards in journalism and swimming. His brother, Alan, who is studying aviation technol- ogy and engineering at Western Michigan Univer- sity also has won a scholas- tic award. MISS WOODELL Mr. and Mrs. Allan Woodell of Farmington Hills announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Barbara Jean, to Moshe Melnik, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sander Melnik of Tel Aviv, Israel. Miss Woodell earned a BA degree from the Univer- sity of Michigan and an MBA degree from Wayne State University. Her fiance earned a BASc de- gree from the University of Windsor. A January wedding is planned.