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June 16, 1978 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1978-06-16

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Israel's Honors
for Stollmans

Council of Churches'
Under Challenge

Commentary, Page 2


A Weekly Review

[ 2

of Jewish Events

VOL. LXXIII, No.15 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 424-8833 $12.00 Per Year: This Issue 30'

Cuba's Nefarious
M.E. Role

as a Goal
and Ultimatums
Out of Despair

Editorials, Page 4

June 16, 1978

Dayan Accuses UN s Forces
of Collaborating With the PLO

Jews Plan Skokie March
Despite Nazi Uncertainty

NEW YORK (JTA) — Two national Jewish organizations are pro-
ceeding with plans to send delegations to demonstrate in Skokie, Ill. on
June 25, despite new uncertainties as to whether a tiny Chicago Nazi
party will carry out its much-litigated march that day.
Re-affirmations of the plans were announced by Eli Zborowski, past
president of the American Federation of Jewish Fighters, Camp In-
mates and Nazi Victims, and Col. Erwin Ziff, national executive direc-
tor of the Jewish War Veterans.
The officials made their comments in response to a statement in
Chicago by Richard Tedor, the Nazi group's deputy leader, that if the
group could march in Marquette Park, in a black area of Chicago, the
Nazis would cancel the Skokie march. Tedor made his comment after
the U.S. Supreme Court refused to delay the Nazi march in Skokie.
Skokie officials had applied to the Supreme Court for a stay of
the march until the court could rule on an effort to- block the
march permanently in Skokie. The court handed down a one-
sentence order denying the town's request for a temporary stay
until the town could appeal a federal appeali court ruling hold-
ing unconstitutional three ordinances adopted by Skokie after
the Nazis announced their plans to march in May, 1977.
The order was issued by Chief Justice Warren E. Burger. Two jus-
tices, Harry A. Blackmun and William H. Rehnquist, dissented. The
dissenting justices said the appeals court ruling declaring the Skokie
ordinances unconstitutional was "in some tension" with a 1953 Sup-
reme Court ruling, Beauharnais v. Illinois.
In that case, the court sustained the conviction of a man who had
distributed anti-black leaflets in the streets of Chicago. The man was
convicted under a Chicago ordinance barring the distribution of mate-
rial defaming any group. One of the Skokie ordinances similarly bars
the distribution of "hate literature." Justice Blackmun, in his dissent,
said the 1953 Supreme Court ruling "has never been overruled or
(Continued on Page 18)

UNITED NATIONS (JTA) — Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan in-
formed Secretary General Kurt Waldheim on Wednesday that "the
withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces from southern Lebanon has
been completed." But Dayan warned that in the wake of the Israeli
withdrawal, "hundreds of terrorist members of the PLO," hava re-
turned to the area.
In a letter submitted to Waldheim by Israel's UN Afnbassador
Chaim Herzog, the Israeli foreign minister accused the UN Interim
Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) with cooperation with the terrorists. "It
appears the UNIFIL is permitting the transit of food and other
supplies to the terrorists, and that the latter, for their part, are
clandestinely introducing arms and other military equipment to the
area," Dayan said. Dayan also charged that there are official PLO
liaison officers in touch with UNIFIL.
Dayan said that those developments are in violation of Security
Council Resolution 425, which established the ceasefire in south
Lebanon. He called on Waldheim to take action to prevent the entry
of PLO terrorists into south Lebanon, "and to expel those already
Israel says the terrorists have set up artillery positions in the eastern sector, known
as "Fatah Land," and have been receiving arms through the port of Tyre from Libya
and Europe. Israel also charged that hundreds of Iraqi soldiers, disguised as members
of the Arab Liberation Front, have entered the region.
Israeli forces departed from south Lebanon Tuesday, 91 days after Israel invaded that
territory in a campaign to smash the Palestinian terrorists lodged there. During the day, Israeli
units turned over their positions in the 10-kilometer deep security belt along the Lebanese
border to contingents of UNIFIL, mostly Irish troops.
But the security belt as a whole was handed over to the local Christian armed forces,
commanded by Major Sa'ad Haddad and Major Sammy Shidiak, whose claim to represent the
Lebanese regular army, and hence the central authorities in Beirut, is backed by Israel. UNIFIL
commander, Gen. Emmanuel Erskine of Ghana, had expressed dissatisfaction with that ar-
rangement. It was learned that he and Maj. Haddad reached an agreement but its contents were
not disclosed. Haddad said that UNIFIL personnel would be permitted into the Christian
(Continued on Page 8)

Arab Propaganda in Ryan Article Is Exposed


A shocking example of Arab-inspired untruths in the article by Richard A. Ryan, in the Detroit News, June 2, elicited condemna-
tion from many quarters, non-Jewish as well as Jewish.
Point-by-point refutation of the untruths that were swallowed by the Detroit News writer was addressed to that newspaper by
Robert St. John, eminent author and foreign correspondent. St. John favored us with a copy of his letter to the Detroit News and it
follows in full:
To the Editor:
As a foreign correspondent since the start of World War IL reporting Middle Eastern events from the Arab countries as well as from
Israel, I am astonished that a paper as reputable as the Detroit News would run an article as lopsided, inaccurate and inflammatory as
"Palestinians Speak" by Richard A. Ryan (June 2).
One example of the slipshod reporting: in paragraph six Mr. Ryan states*. "When the shooting ended 37 Israelis were dead, as were
Dagal and her 10 colleagues." The fact is that two of the 10 were captured alive and are still awaiting trial in Israel for murder.
"a very small girl ... a very nice girl,
Worse than this and other factual errors is the attempt to picture terrorist Dagal Mughrabi as
a very, very good girl." The young woman thus described took part in the wanton murder of an American girl tourist who happened to
be walking along the beach as the terrorists landed. Miss Mughrabi was also responsible, along with her colleagues, for the killing of
the 37 Israelis, some of them women and children, most of them civilians. Was this the way for a "very nice girl, a very, very good girl"
to have behaved?
Mr. Ryan quotes a Palestinian school teacher who says he teaches children 6 to 13 years old "that the Arabs were living
in Palestine for a long time, not the Jews." Even if the teacher were that ignorant, Mr. Ryan should not be. There has never
been a time in more than 2,000 years that Jews have not been living in Palestine. As an example of how deep some Israelis'
roots are in Palestinian soil, Israel's new President, Yitzhak Navon, has documentary proof that his family has been
Palestinian for at least 350 years.
This same teacher, says Mr. Ryan, "also teaches the children about Deir Yassin, an Arab village nea; Jerusalem in which most of
the inhabitants were killed by members of the Irgun, the Israeli underground terrorist army . . . during the 1948 War of Indepen-
dence." If Mr. Ryan knew his Middle Eastern history he would have asked the teacher if he made it clear to his pupils that Deir Yassin
was an armed camp at the time; that in it there was a large contingent of Iraqi soldiers; that gunfire from this village for weeks had
prevented food and medicine from reaching Jerusalem; that before the attack on Deir Yassin began a sound truck warned the
villagers to leave; that those who did leave survived; that the casualties on both sides were suffered during a bitterly fought
house-to-house battle at the height of a war for the survival of a legitimately created state which five Arab armies were trying to
In the long article only one paragraph stands out as factual and unemotional: "Israel was created in 1948 by the United Nations in
the aftermath of World War II Nazism. All the Arab states immediately declared war on the new nation and Arab residents fled (sic!),
expecting to return after an Arab victory. But Israel resisted the invasion."
An editor in Detroit obviously inserted this paragraph in Mr. Ryan's dispatch from Lebanon, for the rest of the article gives quite a
different impression: that the Palestinians were driven from their homes by the Israelis. As a reporter during the War of Indepen-
(Continued on Page 6)

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