Friday, Aby,19, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH MEWS Peace Pressures on Israel Are Fear (Continued from Page 1) them a "Jewish lobby" since it included Jews and non-Jews. He said Israel could never have received U.S. backing if its supporters were only Jews, a small minority in this country. He said he was particularly "outraged" by the remarks of Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) who said the Senate vote would prove to be "the watershed year of Jewish influence in this country." Schindler maintained that if Carter had submit- ted the three sales sepa- rately the outcome might have been the same but because he put the pro- posal up as a "package" there was a great deal of "confusion," by those who voted on both sides. Asked about the support for the package by Sen. Abraham Ribicoff (D- Conn.), Schindler said he was "unhappy" with the Senator's vote but Ribicoff was not elected as a representative of the Jewish people but of the people of Connecticut and had a right to "vote his conscience." The Presidents Confer- ence chairman was espe- cially critical of the Ad- ministration for what he called a lack of long-range "geo-politics" planning in providing the F-15s to Saudi' Arabia. He pointed to the instability of the area and noted there was no guaran- tee that the present Saudi regime would remain in power. He maintained that the sale to the Saudis was not based on defense needs as the Administration has claimed, but for economic reasons — oil prices, protec- tionof the dollar, and the redistribution of petrodol- lars. In Israel, Premier Menahem Begin found himself on the defensive in the Knesset Wednes- day, trying to ward off at- tacks by the opposition Labor Alignment which holds his government re- sponsible for an "all time low" in Israeli-American relations. Begin sought to reassure Israelis that the differences with Washington were only temporary while at the same time communicating to Israel's friends overseas, especially American Jews, that Israel was angry and alarmed by the plane sales package. The Alignment's conten- tion is that Begin's govern- ment had allowed relations with the U.S. to deteriorate to a point where Israel was unable to prevent the un- precedented linkage of ad- vanced combat aircraft to Arab states with the supply of planes to Israel. Begin re- torted by claiming that arms sales to Israel were linked with sales to Arab countries in the past, imply- ing that the same had oc- cured when Labor govern- ments were in office. "The difference between the Labor and Likud govern- ments was that Labor never made a public issue of the sales," Begin said. He promised to disclose the details of those earlier deals to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee. He said that in the past the U.S. sold more than 100 planes to Saudi Arabia and about 70 to Jordan. Labor MK Haim Barley, a former Chief of Staff, indicated that the Premier was confusing the issue. He said that previous arms sales to the Arabs never included "the last word in American technol- Begin reiterated that the Americans had re- neged on commitments made to Israel more than two years ago to provide it with advanced aircraft independent of any deals with the Arab countries. But, he said, these dif- ferences can be cleared up, the situation with Washington is not hope- less and the opposition should not try to create that impression. Shimon Peres, leader of the Labor Alignment, said "It's a sad day in Israel-U.S. relations." He noted, "It was the Senate, not the Ad- ministration that voted against us," implying that Israel's traditional strong support in that body was seriously eroded. "The Se- nate voted on a security issue that will have serious implications for the balance of power in the Middle East," he said. "The Ameri- can weaponry changes the whole situation." The consequences of the struggle between the Carter Administration and supporters of Israel are seen as encouraging the "White House" to take further initiatives that will create "new realities" bearing on is- sues such as Israel's withdrawal from occu- pied Arab territories and the creation of a. Palesti- nian "entity" for "a just peace." News reports from Jerusalem indicate that Is- raelis feel a sense of bet- rayal over the Carter warplanes package and some contend that both the Begin government and the American Jewish commu- nity have been deficient in promulgating Israel's pro- gram for peace. "We have put the Israelis in doubt as to a 30-year-old commitment," Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-NY) told repor- ters after the Senate voted. "I am going to look for evi- dence now that the result will be a hardening of the Arab line. It will be more difficult to bring aboout a peace settlement," he said. Sen. Clifford Case (R-NJ) denounced the vote outcome as devastating to Israel's morale and called the Ad- ministration's action "one of the worst mistakes our gov- ernment has made in a long time." Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Md.) who introduced the resolution disapprov- ing the planes sales in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee last week, said the vote represented a "defeat for a sound pol- icy, a setback for a negotiated settlement in the near future. I don't know why Israel would move toward construc- tive negotiations," he ob- served. Sensing the bitterness induced by the stunning de- feat for Israel's backers, the White House modified its initial statement that the President was "delighted" by the vote in a longer, for- mal statement issued later. The statement said that President Carter was "de- eply gratified by the Se- nate's decision" and prom- ised to "intensify our effort to help the parties narrow their differences" in the Middle East. The statement pledged that Israel "will continue to have the un- wavering support of this Administration and the American people." The President also noted that the Senate "vote strengthens our ties with moderate Arab nations who share our goal of peace and stability in the region." International observers and some Senators spoke of the vote as a "watershed" in Israeli-American relations and suggested that the President may now take a tougher position toward Is- rael to obtain what he re- gards as a "just settlement" in Aftermath of Jet Sale in the Middle East. "He will now believe he has the sup- port of Congress to speak out on points necessary for a settlement," -Vie source said. Another commentator observed that the Senate vote went beyond the sale of planes to issues of U.S. ties to Israel and to "Arab mod- erates." Still another re- ferred to "oil and the 'new realities' " and noted that three years ago 76 Senators had signed a letter to President Ford attacking his reassessment of Middle East policy while Monday "for the first time in many years, Israel lost a high priority, high visibility test on the floor of Congress." favor of the sale. The Carter Administra- tion was aided by intensive lobbying efforts by former Secretary of State Henry With more than two- thirds of the Senate's Re- publicans voting for the sale, the Republican Na- tional Committee issued a statement blaming President Carter for "forcing" a Senate vote on "an artificial legisla- tive choice." In the voting, 28 Demo- crats and 26 Republicans voted for the sale, and 33 Democrats and 11 Republi- cans voted against the sale. Michigan's Sen. Donald Riegle voted against, while Sen. 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