l imr 14 friday, April 28, 1918 REMEMBER THE BLUE BOX AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR ON EVERY IMPORTANT OCCASION THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS The National Front and Anti-Semitism in Britain By MARTIN SAVITT (Copyright 1978, JTA, Inc.) ceived a quarter of a million The Board of Deputies lence. of Zion" is circulated to votes. While none of the support this thesis, to- has formulated a policy of • We shall continue to ex- candidates were elected, the combatting this latest man- gether with other anti- 968-0820 pose the true nature of these National Front was able to Jewish books and pam- ifestation of Nazism and is Nazi groups in the meeia. It -----.... -, claim that they had become phlets. vigorously conducting a is worth noting that local the third major political Membership in the Na- campaign based on the fol- newspapers have a vast party in the country, al- tional Front is increasing as lowing program: readership and that "letters though, in fact, they had • We encourage all mem- to the editor" have now be- a result of the deliberate beaten the Liberal Party in agitation by their leaders. bers of the community to come the established prac- only one-quarter of the Provocative marches in protest to their members of tice for local racists to put seats contested by both par- multi-racial districts are Parliament and invite all forward their propaganda. ties. designed to incite race political parties in their Informative leaflets and The National Front can hatred. They plan the in- constituencies to campaign material are widely distrib- didates campaigned on four evitable confrontation be- against the National Front uted. issues. First they claimed to tween left and right which and other, odious ex- • We have extended our be the patriotic party o f leads to violence and mac- tremists; to ensure a bigger hand of friendship to the Britain, looking after th e sive publicity bringing their turnout for elections, both Asian and African com- white indigenous popula - movement to the attention national and local; to insist munities. We have agreed From Groat Scott's lion which other parties had of people throughout the that the three main political to march forward together neglected. Second, the y country. parties issue a joint declara- with goodwill, understand. would take Britain out o f TheJewish community of tion against racial in- ing and tolerance, and we the European Common Britain is still not fully tolerance and its use in elec- ask every citizen to work Market. Third, they would aware of the National tion issues. with us for a harmonious introduce tougher measures Front's background despite • We demand an amend- society in which each com- on law and order. Fourth, its vicious campaign ment to the public order act munity— Black, brown and they demanded repatriation against the Board of De- to give the Home Secretary white—Christian, Moslem, of colored immigrants, puties, Israeli Premier the necessary powers to ban Hindu, Sikh and Jew — can claiming it was the panacea Menahem Begin and other provocative marches in live together without fear, for all problems of unem- prominent Jewish leaders. immigrant areas designed but in peace, freedom and ployment, housing, educa- These attacks are disguised to stir up hatred and vio- with human dignity. tionand inflation. as anti-Zionism. A tough, sophisticated Lately, a new liaison has propaganda campaign was been formed between the PLUS SIN GREEN STAMPS launched, concentrating on National Front and other specific areas which had 1 . .! c --. -*- right-wing extremists in 1 large unemployment and Britain and American ra- bad housing and social con- cist organizations such as ditions. It was in these areas the National States Rights that the National Front Party (NSRP) in the U.S. A candidates received their new edition of the pamphlet highest Beneath percentage im i ofsvotes. I vim.. 2Do uaobnt at e s se. "Did Six Million Really • Forniegten-32106 Midierrbeit G 11 Mi. 355.11300 all Die?" has been published propaganda, however, and is being distributed b y * Ferninsten-30150 Orchard lake G 13 Mi. 1151-5368 'Ina' the Front's basic Nazi the NSRP. There also ap- * Meendithl Twp.-1100 tree lover/ i Sivere Lake 333.4136 ideology that the Jewish pears to be a widespread people were plotting to * •stifield-27155 Greenfield t 11 Mi. S57-0150 distribution of the NSRP dominate the world. As paper, "The Thunderbolt," * Sentkfield-19855 Twehe Mi. t Ersqrso. 550 - 14121 far as Britain was con- in Britain. cerned, the Jews were re- The February edition sponsible for bringing in of "The Thunderbolt' contained an advertise- for cheap labor, and the 1.5 0 - • ment for the Arthur Butz WE CARRY A COMPLETE " Jews wanted to mon- •••••tt SELECTION OF YOUR book, "The Hoax of the grelize the white popula- T.T nvin •12, 20th Century," SEAFOOD FAVORITES. with an tion and pollute the "pure sr mos a#. 1= article from the Mil- blood" of the British. The , 107.- n-mon Tea .7. 011 ',VW go• waukee Journal about "Protocols of the Elders Butz's claim that there 4.92f/ 7ti. NADONAL S4,VP EXHITTCNIPLC,4&14 was no Nazi extermina- NEW YORK — The -ls- personal sacrifice made him tion program and that it reel Philatelic Agency in one of the most romantic fi- was "the Zionists who or- chestrated a campaign to New York has announced gures in the history of the the release of three new is- Zionist struggle. create the legand about sues from Israel. Five Each of the above freedom concentration camps and Heroes of the Israel Under- fighters is honored on one of extermination." ground Movement are re- a set of five stamps to be is- A press conference was membered, "Tabir '78" is sued in denominations of IL arranged in London for Butz marked by a new souvenir 2. - to publicize his book. The sheet, and Memorial Day April 23 marked the conference was not a success 1978 is commemorated by a opening of the national and those newspapers sheet of 15 differentstamps. stamp exhibition "Tabir which reported the confer- Eliyahu Golomb was one '78" — and the release of all ence totally rejected both of the most outstanding ti- the new issues..The IL 10 Butz and his so-called his- gures of the Jewish labor souvenir sheet of four tory. Nevertheless, the movement, and one of the stamps celebrating Tabir campaign against the most concerned leaders of '78 is included. Featured is a Jewish community in Brit- the Zionist enterprise, colorful mosaic depicting ain and abroad is gaining Dr. Moshe Sneh was not old Jerusalem as taken from momentum with attacks on only an active Zionist, but a the Madaba Map — the ear- Israel and Zionism by left distinguished Polish- liest representation of Eretz and right wing extremists That's our simple no-nonsense sales policy at Tamaroff Jewish orator and publicist, Yisrael yet discovered. who sound remarkably Buick-Opel-Honda. And we mean to stick to it with each as well as one of Israel's alike. In accordance with the most brilliant parliamenta- and every customer. No song-and-dance. No double-tatk. Basically, however, the tradition of com- rians. No run-around. Just "straight-talk" and really "down- leaders of the National memorating each Memo- David Raziel was re- to-earth" prices on Buicks, Opels and Hondas. You get Front would destroy the es- rial Day, the Israel Post nowned as one of the the car you want at the price we quoted. And, you know, tablished democratic in- Office this year offers bravest fighters .for the it must be working because we're the Buick - stitutions of which Britain Jewish people, and one "Flowers," one of the 180 sales leader in this area. is justly proud and replace who laid the foundation children's paintings them with an authoritarian which comprise the for their national de- government. This is a prob- fense. "Memorial Wall" in the lem not just for the Jewish Yad-Lebanim Museum in Yitzhak Sadeh was a community but for every Petah Tikva — this nn- superior military comman- citizen of the United King- der viso- der and educator, as well as ique mural is the firstatul dom. Hence the need for a a Zionist and so largest "living" memorial Buick :Opel• Honda] i common platform which nary. 'in Israe L would include leaders from Abraham Stern devoted The "Wall" is composed of Telegraph Road just south of 12 Mile / opposite Tel-Twelve Mall all the religious com- himself to the struggle of paintings done by school- munities, political parties, We lease all makes and models. Phone 353-1300 the Jewish people for inde- children in memory of sol- trade unions and employer pendence in their homeland diers who fell in defense of federations. — his examples of supreme their country. (Editor's note: Savitt is chairman of the British Defense Committee of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.) LONDON — In the British county council elec- tions last May, the neo-Nazi National Front fielded some 400 candidates who re- FRESH FISH Fresh Fish Counter New Israeli Stamps Issued Straight Talk with 14coli0-41Ro uri p TaMaROFF 1110 a M SIMM41011111 I ii i FOR THE FINEST IN PERSONAL SATISFACTION CALL ONE OF THESE GREAT SCOTT! STORES!