° NO Friday, April 14, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS A Student's Plea for Israel's Existence The SHEL ROTT ORCHESTRA Featuring T.V. & Recording Artist VICKIE CARRQLL "Professional Entertainment" 255-1599 354-0110 By ELYSE GOLDIN (Author's note: I am a 20-year-old resident of Oak Park, Mich., cur- rently studying at Heb- rew University of Jerusalem. I have seen the terror the Israelis must cope with every day and I have felt the pain from their deaths. (I have heard the shril- ling voices of many American legislators, yet, as of now, I have not heard the screams of their Jewish con- stituents. (Perhaps my "Plea for Existence" will prompt a fellow Jew to commit himself orally to Israel, or if nothing more, to let them know the emotions of those abroad in the state.) 741.4& SeajdOd 22101 Coolidge 411111116K 1 Block So of 9 Mi Call 548-4031 We Bone-Skin-Grind-Fish Free E W RAP FOR FREEZING •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • On the Eve of Shabbos HaGadol, the Manufacturers of KOSHER DAIRY PRODUCTS FOR PASSOVER AND THE YEAR AROUND • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • wish you joy and happiness and long life, so that • • we may all be worthy to be together in that truly • • Great Sabbath of the future. • • • 0 0 0 0 0 • _• • 0 41•41 40 41 40 40• 40 40 40 • When you put tzedaka into the rusty tin can, you thought you had done your part. When you paid an "outrageous donation" for tickets to a local Zionist charity ball, you thought you had done your part. And when you pledged money for an Israeli bond, once again you thought you had com- pleted your task. Each time you dug deep into your pocket to help the cause, you thought to your- self, "When will they stop pestering me for more, I have given enough!" Yes, it is true . . . you are 7,000 miles distant from the state of Israel. Chances are good that you are among the majority of American Jews who have never seen the Western Wall. Perhaps you do have relatives in the country, perhaps you do not. Your religion may be the same, yet the mentality of Israelis and Americans are separated by 10 million light years. So again you stop and think, "Why do I continue to give and why does that rusty tin box keep return- ing?" Yet, here it is again, that same tzedaka can is facing you once more. It is here, and asking you to donate now, more than ever. However, this time the plea is of a different nature. I am pleading with you to commit your- self in a style to which you are most likely 'mac- cumstomed, one which is more difficult to succeed at than any other. It is not as simple as drop- ping a quarter in the can, donating $10 at a ball or pledging $500 for a bond. No longer can your contribu- tion stem only from the poc- ket. I am begging you as a Jew, as a Zionist and as a You can be sure it's pure if it's kosher and for the finest in kosher meats and poultry,SHOP AT YOUR INDEPEN- DENT MEMBER MARKET OF THE DETROIT AREA RETAIL KOSHER MEAT DEALERS ASSOC. LOOK FOR THIS EMBLEM. IT'S YOUR ASSURANCE OF THE FINEST IN KOSHER PRODUCTS. Passover begins the evening of Friday April 21st. The member markets of Detroit Area Retail Kosher Meat Dealers Associa- tion now have and continue to have an excellent supply of the finest of kosher poultry, beef, veal and Iamb. Shop early so that you may secure your needs for this festive holiday. BERNARDS KOSHER MEATS Bernard Rayber-13925 W 9 kale 39631130 PASADENA KOSHER MEATS and LOUIS COHEN & SON 24721 Occed124 Allan A Cohen 8 Joe Felatew OAK PARK 48237—U 3-8860 COHEN & SON KOSHER MEAT MARKET 26035 Cocedge Hwy -lack Cohen—Oak Park 48237 LI 7-4121 DEXTER DAVISON KOSHER MEATS No. 1 Feldman Bros. Prccinimora 24760 Coolidge Oak Park 48237—U 8.6800 FRANKLIN KOSHER MEATS & POULTRY 32390 kaddlebelt Rd Mc 855-1020 Ben Snarl Don Bader Farrnngion DEXTER DAVISON KOSHER MEATS No. 2 19835 W. 12 Mia Rd. SoAhaeld 1dch.-557-7877 Feldman Brothers NORTHGATE KOSHER MEAT & POULTRY 25254 GreanIkeld ..ledc Misr Oak Park 48237-967-3907 HARVARD ROW KOSHER MEATS 21780 W. 11 Mae Road John Kam Dave Krasman Scudder! 48078-356-5110 SINGERS KOSHER MEAT MARKET 13721 W. Pins Mee Road Jack AMA Philp Swann • Oak Park 48237—U 7.8111 CARL'S KOSHER MEAT MKT. OM Carson 9864450 Lincoln Craw Omit Pat under ea suer arson 01 IS Council of Offhodar Rabbis human being, to now give from the heart. Donate part of yourself to the homeland which rightfully belongs to you through ancestorial heritage. Lately the United Na- tions has been strong...strongly against the survival of the state of Israel. Each nation proposes its own unique "peace plan." Egypt says to dissolve direct negotiations with Israel; the United States says to dissolve the Israeli govern- ment. Can there be little doubt that with each new proposal, the world is ul- timately attempting to dissolve a nation? As a Jew, it is your nation they are destroying. Israel is not only the homeland of the 33 Jews kil- led in the most recent PLO terrorist attack nor of the 82 wounded in that same tragedy. It is not only the homeland of the 16 soldiers killed in Lebanon. Thousands of citizens wept tears in mourning for those sacrificed in the line of duty (that of being an Is- raeli), but it is not solely their homeland either. words and actions, mak- True, the Israelis them- ing sure that they loyally selves will remember better represent you as a Jew. than anyone else, exactly The government of the what it means to fight for United States puts heavy the succession of a Jewish pressure on Israel, as it does state and be prepared to die not realize Israel's diplo- for the same cause. Yet, all macy is not a matter of pol- in all, it is not only their icy, but a matter of security homeland. They live for it, and survival. The American they cry for it and die for it. I government hears only the only request one favor of voices of its constituents — you and that is to support it. those who can re-elect them Do the Israelis justice. Do to another term of office. For yourself, your children and - this reason, I petition you to demonstrate your strength your grandchildren justice, and pride as Jewish Ameri- by supporting Israel power- cans. Your government fully now, at the time when it requires your support must not only hear you but more than ever. How long honor and obey your force as can Israel sustain itself well. This alone is Israel's when it is constantly being only hatikvah (hope). trampled on by terrorists Be it writing your con- and even more skillfully so gressman, telegramming by the world? the President, holding a rally or publicly protesting Though you are 7,000 your anger, your voices of miles away from the unity and rage need to be battlefront, your com- heard. mitment to the survival of If it is not you who ends the state must remain constant, potent and ef- the continuously growing fective. As American horror, there will be nobody Jews and citizens you else. I do not plead for you to have elected legislators help juvinate a nation, I to represent you. You plead for you to help one must be sonorous in your exist. The Saudis :View from Jerusalem By ZEV FURST (Copyright 1978. JTA. Inc.) (Editor's note: Zev Furst is director of the Anti-Defamation League Israel office in Jerusalem.) It is legitimate to charac- terize Saudi Arabia as a moderating force in the Middle East, but only in the superpower context of that nation's enmity towards Communism. On the reg- ional level, the policies of Saudi Arabia, rather than contributing to moderation in the Arab world, contri- bute to the perpetuation and intensification of the Arab-Israel conflict. Saudi Arabia is one of the chief financial backers of the PLO. Saudi Arabia bankrolls vast arms purch- ases for various Arab states. Saudi Arabia is unyielding, adamant and obstinate on the issue of Jerusalem. Saudi Arabia, while not at- tacking Sadat for his trip to Jerusalem, has still not given him public backing. A close examination of Saudi Arabia's policies indicates that it may be in her in- terest to prefer a situation of no peace-no war in order to insure her continued cent- ral role in the Middle East conflict. The massive buildup of the Saudi Arabian military infrastructure, together with the stockpiling of sophisticated American weapons systems — both in quantity and quality — is out of all proportion to the size of its army, its future potential or duties. Furth- ermore, to belittle, as Washington does, future transfers of military equipment by Saudi Arabia to other Arab countries is to ignore the record of Saudi Arabian military participa- tion in the 30-year war against Israel. As early as 1948, a bat- talion of Saudi troops fought under the Egyp- tian command in the Arab invasion of Pales- tine. In the Yom Kippur War of 1973, the Saudis sent a brigade of approx- imately 3,000 to Syria (several Saudi soldiers were actually taken pris- oner by the Israelis) and sent eight helicopters with Saudi pilots to Egypt to participate in logistic support missions. In 1974, following the Rabat summit, Saudi Arabia began to finance the military buildup of Syria, Egypt and Jordan. Interest- ingly, she refrained from supplying economic aid to these confrontation Arab states bordering Israel. Two years ago, there were joint Syrian-Saudi military maneuvers to "capture the Golan Heights," and U.S. technicians serving in Saudi Arabia were positioned at a Jordanian airfield. In the past, Saudi Arabia has transferred part of its French armaments to Egypt. Egyptian pilots have been permitted to train on Saudi Arabian F-5Es. These and other prece- dents relating to Saudi Arabian inter-Arab com- mitments suggest that the transfer of aircraft to other Arab states is a very real possibility. It is therefore no surprise that Israel is fun- damentally opposed to Saudi Arabia receiving American F-15s. It has been argued that the Unitbd States must give Saudi Arabia F-15s to insure that Saudi Ara- bian oil reaches the West. What has been forgotten is that Saudi Arabia also has a profound interest in seeing that her oil reaches the West. She is prepared to increase oil production and be a moderating influence on oil price rises in order to protect her investments in the West and to deprive her oil competitors, Iran and Iraq, excess profits which could be utilized for furthering their own military development. The source of U.S. influ- ence on Saudi Arabia is her exclusive dependence on American military aid to counter the Iranian and Soviet threat. From the Israeli perspec- tive, her security is very much at stake and the American-Saudi military relationship raises serious questions for Israel's strategic doctrines. The so- called "equal" commitment to arms deals with the Arab world and Israel is danger- ous and fraught with grave consequences. Israel cannot ignore this. Nor can it ig- nore that King Khalid has not visited Jerusalem nor has he made any commit- ment .to live in peace with Israel and accept its legiti- macy. The American commit- ment to Israel is only partly based on strategic doc- trines; it is also based on moral considerations. The formulation and con- duct of American foreign policy must take into ac- count the moral imperative, and that imperative is crys- tal clear. A weak Israel would lead to war, the very thing American policy in the Middle East is seeking to avoid.