72 Friday, April 1, 1978 TILE 06101T JEWISH NEWS Coming Sensational Attraction in Israel Beth Hatefutsoth Special to The Jewish News TEL AVIV — Israel has many attractions for world Jewry and for historians everywhere. Few of the ." museums already function- ing have the appeal that will be provided by the newest, due to open in May. "Beth Hatefutsoth — Museum of the Jewish Diaspora" will have so many attractions, will cover so much of Jewish history, that it alone will be suffi- cient to attract Jewish tourists in Israel. Its existence is due to the dream nurtured by Dr. Nahum Goldmann. The funds he has provided through the Cultural Foun- .dation and gifts from Land- smanshaften of New York made this great project pos- sible. The very personnel of the board of directors provides a glimpse at the impressive sponsorship. Included are: Nahum Goldmann, pres- ident; George S. Wise, It- zhak Artzi, Aviezer Chelouche, Leon Dulzin Yona Ettinger, Eric K. Gor- nitzky, Itzhak Korn, Shlomo Lahat, Shalom Perlman, Moshe Rivlin, Av- raham Shechterman, Av- raham Schenker, Shlomo Simonsohn and Jesaja Weinberg. Beth Hatefutsoth is a pioneer of the new look in museums, not only in Israel but in the world. Nowhere else has technical skill — outside scientific museums — been applied on such a massive scale. Most striking is the ab- sence of artifacts, ancient objects or original works of art from the past. Here the entire exhibit has been created from beginning to end and tells its story through the utilization of the modern audio-visual media — films, slides, mod- els, dioramas etc. Beth Hatefutsoth reflects A Museum for World Jewry tyrology is given powerful life in the yeshiva. One entire wall of the expression in the central Memorial Column sus- museum traces the great pended from the roof of the names and works of Jewish building — a constant re- literature and slide shows minder of Jewish suffering. are devoted to topics such as At the entrance stands an Jewish art, education, Ian- enlarged replica of the fam- guages, theatre as well as - ous relief from the Arch of the role played by great Titus depicting Jews going Jews in world civilization. into Roman captivity 19 The historical section, en- centuries ago. This is fol- titled "Among the Nations," lowed by a multi-slide show is a portrayal of the interac- flashed onto 16 screens de- tion of the Jew with the sur- picting faces of Jews around rounding society, its social the world. and economic impact and . Here can be seen, for the Jewish way of life. NAHUM GOLDMANN example, the reconstruction 2,500 years of Jewish living, There are 13 stations: scattered throughout the of a Passover Seder service from Alexandria in the world. The wheel has now in 14th Century Spain or a First Century to Byzantium come full circle and today, typical wedding scene in in the Third Century to once again, there is an Is- 19th Century Galicia or a Babylonia in the Fifth Cen- rael at the center and a vib- modern American Bar tury, to Spain in the Middle Mitzva. The models are all Ages, and so on. rant Diaspora. recoil-, For two major reasons painstakingly Each station has been this museum is a necessity structed on the basis of care- treated differently, with the ful historical research in the contemporary situa- The community is the dioramas, models, murals tion of the Jewish people: First, the disappearance of subject of the second sec- and paintings reflecting the survival was styles of the period they por- many of the world's great tion. Jewish communities demands a liv- largely due to the ingenuity tray. A variety of and viability of the corn- techniques are used: the ing memorial to their achievements and their munal structure. Here the travels of Benjamin of central model depicts a hive Tudela are subject of an constant heroic determina- tion to achieve a creative of activities in a 13th Cen- animated cartoon, the his- tury German community — tory of the Jews of the Un- survival. Most of the great historic communities of ranging from the rabbinical ited States can be seen on a Europe ended with the law courts to the ritual 12-minute film "loop"; Holocaust while other fam- baths and from the school to while for modern times, the ous communities in Africa the burial society. visitor is asked to partici- On the modern level, pate in facing the dilemmas and Asia no longer exist as a result of the mass immigra- three types of communities confronting his forefathers are shown in short 10 mi- and in making decisions. tions to Israel since 1948. The last of the halls of the Secondly, there is an edu- nute films — those of cational objective directed Salonika, Fez and the East exhibit is devoted to the Re- European shtetl. turn to Zion depicting the A third towards Israel's younger generations, who have section commemorates yearning of the Jewish Jewish faith, illustrated people for its land, as ex- grown up in their own sovereign state, often with through the themes of pressed through folk art, an inadequate perception prayer and study. The historic pictures etc. The final section is the and understanding of the former is conveyed through models of famous Chronosphere. In a positive aspects of the Dias- synagogues throughout the planetarium-shaped hall, pora — its gallant and dig- the visitor views centuries. 25- A nified struggle, out of which Here can be seen the set- minute multi-media pre- emerged an ongoing culture tings in which Jews prayed, sentation bringing together and a unique way of life. for example, in Fourth Cen- many of the themes he has Beth Hatefutsoth is a four-story building stand- tury Turkey, in 13th Cen- encountered throughout the ing on the campus of Tel tury Prague, in 17th Cen- building. The dome of the Aviv University. The em- tury China and Amster- hall becomes a giant screen dam. The theme of study is on which are projected maps phasis is on the creative as- projected through a film on and illustrations, including pects of Jewish history but the theme of Jewish mar- Passover Reflections wise quips like Franklin. For instance, Numbers and size do not who could make it was Chaim Weizmann count as much as some sup- who said, "The impossible pose. Take America for in- takes a little longer." stance in the year 1776. The I think Franklin must entire American population have been Jewish. If he was about three million. wasn't, why did he keep The leading city was Passover? If you say he Philadelphia with a didn't keep it, how is it he population of about 30,000 knew so much about it? yet in Philadelphia lived He wanted the whole the man best known then American nation to keep throughout the world — Passover. He arose at the Benjamin Franklin. Continental Congress after America had de- He reminds one of Chaim Weizmann, the Zionist clared its independence and proposed that the of- leader, who was also a sci- ficial seal of the United entist, philosopher, humanitarian, humorist States should have an engraving of the Is- raelites fleeing from Pharoah. To be sure, Passover was the great holiday to the "founding fathers" gener- ally. The Pilgrims and Puri- tans saw themselves as fle- Among the exhibits at Beth Hatefutsoth are, top eing from Pharoah and like the Israelites also crossing photograph, replica of a Fourth Century relief of a the Red Sea" of the Atlan- aura academy session and, bottom photograph, detail from the Arch of Titus; tic. By DAVID SCHWARTZ (Copyright 1978, JTA. Inc.) Beth Hatefutsoth — Museum for World Jewry pictures of models from the the viF.tor can receive a exhibit itself. print-Jut of the history of The emphasis is on the the c immunity from which migrations of the Jews he or his ancestors derive. throughout their history 1-1,_ will also be able to get but at the same time the 'Aographies of famous Jews other themes — their way of in whom he is interested. life, culture and return to Like the rest of the Zion — are integrated into museum, the films and the chronological story. print-outs in the study Each of the three floors of areas have been prepared in the permanent exhibit has a Hebrew and English. study area, with video- In addition to the perma- cassettes and minicomput- nent exhibits, temporary - ers for visitors. exhibitions are being pre- On small screens the vis- pared, the first being de- itor can take his choice of voted to the history of the documentary films on topics Jews of New York. ranging from Jewish colic-- The -I mumties around the world will give regular showings (e.g. Morocco, Eastern of films on Jewish themes Europe, Falashas) to as- and will be used for lectures pects of Jewish history (the and seminars. The museum expulsion from Spain, was constructed around the Moses Montefiore, the theme and "belief in the in- Dreyfus Trial) and from terdependence of Israel and ritual art (the marriage- the Diaspora and the con- contract or the Torah scribe) viction that the key to the to Jewish music and danc- future of the Jewish people ing tradition. is the full partnership, re- The minicomputer stores quiring understanding and information on 3,000 knowledge of-the common Jewish communities and heritage."