6 Friday, March 31, 1918 DRIVE A CAR or SEND YOUR CAR TO ANY STATE !.C.C. License MC125985 DRIVEAWAY SERVICE 4713 Horsier at Michigan Ave. P.O. BOX 1264 Dearborn, Mich. 48126 T.I. • 584-5000 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Begin's Policies Win Knesset's Confidence Vote (Continued from Page 1) between Israel and its neighbors. They agreed that there should not be a Pales- tinian state on the West Bank and Gaza Strip: that THIS ENTIRE WEEK!!! SAVE ON SPECIAL GROUPS OF EXPENSIVE SUITS Originally Sold For 95W-250" HARRY THOMAS INCREDIBLE DISCOUNT PRICED 4995.9500 HARRY THOMAS FR1E 1AEN'S CLOTHING FOR 42 YEARS DaRyto 6 r 24750 Telegraph at 10 Mile THURS. TO 8 NEXT TO DUNKIN DONUTS SUNDAY 11-4 SPITZER'S of Harvard Row Your Headquarters For All Your Passover Needs Matza Covers - Haggadahs Seder Plates - Wine Cups Terylene & Plastic Tableclothes Complete Selection Of PASSOVER WINE & CHAMPAGNE KEDEM-CARMEL-SHAPIRO for every closed case of wine we will give you a FREE Super Special RUMMI GAME 995 s prrzER C :ran k 1, 4117 3664000 Open ?Torii= AM Dity "We have suggested ad- ministrative autonomy (for the Palestinians) with free choice of Israeli or Jorda- nian citizenship with full parliamentary rights," Begin said. He explained that Palestinians opting for Jordanian citizenship would be able to vote in the Jordanian parliament and those choosing Israeli citi- zenship could vote in Knes- set elections. However, he said, the U.S. proposed that a plebis- cite be held after five years to determine the future of the territories. "We wer ob- liged to reject this plan be- cause holding such a plebis- cite would bring about what the Americans themselves agreed should not be extab- lished — a Palestinian state." In Begin's view, "This is a question of life or death" for Israel "but for other coun- tries, including the U.S., it is policy." The Premier in- sisted that Israel would never return to its 1967 borders and never accept a _Palestinian state. "The question of the Palestinian Arabs will find a just solu- tion and the Palestinian Arabs will have a right to determine their future in talks between Israel, Egypt and Jordan and the true representatives of the Palestinian Arabs," he said. Begin acknowledged that another area of dis- agreement with the U.S. was over Israeli settle- ments in the occupied territories. "In our last talks the Americans ex- pressed the view that the settlements violate inter- national law and are an obstruction to peace. Is- rael's views differ," he said. In his response to Begin, Peres said he believed Begin wants peace but re- gretted his ideological stance which does not take into account current de- velopments, ties his hands and prevents him from car- rying out a proper, coherent policy. He accused the gov- ernment of making many mistakes, of failing to foresee events and acting in ways that undermined Is- rael's credibility. Peres also attacked the government's settlement policies. "It is known to all that in order to achieve peace we shall have to re- turn areas to Arab sovereignty. We have to think of peace as a national interest. Without a declara- tion of readiness to com- promise on Judaea and Samaria, there will be no peace," Peres declared. He said the argument with the U.S. over the in- terpretation of Resolution 242 was unnecessary and blamed the Likud platform for forcing the government to pursue an unrealistic pol- icy which leads to repeated confrontations with the U.S. Peres said, before the vote, he was convinced that there was a majority in the Knesset that was ready to accept territorial com- promises on all fronts as part of a general peace set- tlement. Following an exchange of letters this week bet- ween Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Begin, and a change in Israel's position on the "declara- tion of principals" that would lead to -a peace conference, Defense Minister Ezer Weizman flew to Cairo yesterday to reconvene the Israel- Egypt military committee talks. Deputy Premier Yigael Yadin disclosed the Israeli draft for a declaration of principles which was pre- sented by Begin to Presi- dent Carter, who rejected it. The core of the draft is Is- rael's willingness to negotiate with all neighbor- ing states on the basis of Security Council Resolution 242. - Yadin said the real issue at stake between Israel and Egypt was not 242 but the question of holding a re- ferendum among the Arabs of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and the fate of the Israeli settlements in Nizer Would Aid Skokie Matza Basket reg. $2.95 I. the PLO should not be a party to negotiations and that the Palestinians be given a voice in determin- ing their future, he said. Sunday JI CHICAGO — Attorney Louis Nizer told the Chicago Sun-Times he is considering volunteering his legal services to help stop a Nazi group from parading in Skokie, Ill. He said there are "legal remedies to enjoin the Nazis from carrying out their plans in this village." Meanwhile, the Soviet Union has charged Serge Kowalchuk of Philadelphia with participating in the murder of 5,000 Ukrainian Jews while Kowalchuck was a member of the Nazi- led Ukrainian National Police. Kowalchuk and his brother have been charged by the U.S. Im- migration and Naturali- zation Service with fal- sifying their statements when they immigrated to the U.S. They face de- naturalization and deporta- tion proceedings. Kowalchuk says the Societs are smearing him because of his anti- Communist activities. Jordan and representa- tives of those Palestinian Arabs. • There will be an end to all claims to a state of belligerency, as well as of recognition • The governments of sovereignty, territorial integrity and political in- Israel and Egypt are de- termined to continue the dependence of all the efforts to achieve an countries in the region, overall settlement in the and the establishment of normal peace relations region. • The two governments by the means of peace contracts. express their desire to negotiate peace treaties as part of such a settle- ment, according to Sec- urity Council Resolution 338, and by fulfilling all the principles of Security Council Resolution 242. • Israel will withdraw its military ,forces from territories occupied in 1967 on the basis of the principles of 242. 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He said the Begin government had made more concessions for peace than any previous Israeli gov- ernment. According to Yadin the Israeli draft reads: Right In Your Own Driveway! ‘ TUNE -- -UP MAN One Del Mar window treatment is worth a roomful of redecorating Del Mar Loomcrafted® Woven Woods create unique and dramatic fashion statements and add that designer touch to every room. Fine yarns! Imported woods! Exquisite patterns! See our complete collection of Del Mar Originals. \V. \ 0 4 e/C cks>0 4121 "4";f2 0\C ) VS■)(4' co co p (0 %, 43f00 „*.■ 4 111LNIP OP A 070 r C.Y4Z* 0 N ,••• Reader's Digest Topic Is Begin NEW YORK —The April issue of Reader's Digest magazine includes a profile of Israel Prime Minister Menahem Begin. The article by David Reed traces Begin's career from freedom fighter to states- man, and details both Is- rael's domestic and foreign policy problems. 4/111 INSTALLATION AVAILABLE INCOMING FRIEGHT WILL BE ADDED iclynamic & WALLPAPER PAINT 542-3315 23061 COOLIDGE HWY., OAX PARK, AT 9 Mi.