58 Friday, March 17, 1978 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Impressive Medicine in Bible and Talmud' Published NEW YORK — Accord- ways considered to be im- And, even if a woman di- physician's presence was idly by the blood of thy Taludische Medizin," pub- ing to Jewish law (Sanhed- portant enough to permit vorces and remarries, the required for a court to assess neighbor") and the Shul- lished in 1911, was the first rin 17b), Jews are forbidden the breaking of otherwise same rule applies to her the damages to accident vic- khan Arukh (" . . . if he detailed, comprehensive to dwell in a city, town or unbreakable laws. Physi- new sons, implying that tims (Sanhedrin 78) and, in withholds his services, it scholarly book on the sub- village in which thereqs no cians were, and still are, the ancients sensed that legal cases where corporal is considered as shedding ject. Dr. Rosner's English physician. This injunction consulted as to whether an hemophilia was trans- punishment was called for, blood.") translation of this classic alone is evidence of the illness is serious enough to mitted through the a doctor had to first examine He also discusses the book will be published this age-old concern the Jewish warrant desecrating the mother. the accused to be certain he therapeutic efficacy of year. people have had with health Sabbath. could physically withstand prayer, in light of modern Dr. Rosner also discusses matters and with the medi- In a chapter devoted to Aside from hemophilia, flogging (Makkot 22b). psychological knowledge other Jewish scholars who cal profession. "Hemophilia in the Tal- Dr. Rosner devotes chapters A landlord could not rent about the relationship bet- wrote about medicine, in- A new book, "Medicine In mud," Dr. Rosner points to biblical and talmudic premises to a physician ween state of mind and state cluding Maimonides and the Bible and The Talmud" out that the Shulkhan observations on rabies, without getting his of health. Asaph Judaeus. examines the many allu- Arukh, one of the major scurvy, gout, sunstroke, the neighbors' permission, as Dr. Rosner has written sions to this concern, and Jewish codes of law, heart, the spleen, the the moans of the sick might Obligations to the sick ex- discloses that the ancient states that if a woman's gallbladder, sex determina- disturb them (Baba Batra tend to laymen as well as to extensively on the topic of Jewish law and medicine. scholars had surmised first and second sons die tion, "forensic medicine", physicians. "Bikkur 21) He is the author of "Modern numerous facts that were as a result of circumci- anesthesia, artificial respi- In a section entitled Cholim" is the mitzva to Medicine and Jewish Law" confirmed centuries later by sion, her third son should ration, and suicide (viewing "Ethics and Prayers For visit the sick. Bikkur as well as translator and science. The book has been not be circumcised until Saul's "melancholia", for the Jewish Physician," Cholim societies exist in editor of "Maimonides' In- authored by Dr. Fred he is older and "his instance, as what we term Dr. Rosner discusses the numerous Jewish com- troduction to the Mishna," Rosner, published jointly by strength is established." "depression" today.) religious rationale be- munities and have existed "Sex Ethics in the Writing Yeshiva University Press If two sisters lost infant hind the permissibility of, since Biblical times. of Moses Maimonides," and Ktav Publishing sons as a result of cir- The many obligations and obligation to heal the Dr. Rosner dedicates a "Maimonides' Treatise on House, Inc., and edited by ctuncision, the other sis- surrounding the medical sick. He quotes such chapter to Julius Preuss, a Hemorrhoids and Re- Dr. Norman Lamm, presi- tars must postpone the profession are discussed. sources as Leviticus German Jewish doctor sponsa," and "The Medical dent of Yeshiiza University. procedure for their sons. Even in ancient times, a ("Thou shalt not stand whose work, "Biblisch- Aphorisms of Moses." Dr. Rosner is an alumnus of Yeshiva College and the University's Albert Eins- tein College of Medicine. He is director of hematology at By ROBERT ROCKAWAY recently found myself in. our officers was Hebrew. They came to Israel to help economically in Israel than the Queens Hospital Center (Special to The Jewish News) My training unit con- Although we were Jews and to be part of the chal- he was in Russia. of Long Island Jewish- (Editor's note: Dr. sisted of 27 men ranging in serving in the Jewish army lenge and adventure of What upsets him most Hillside Medical Center. Robert Rockaway is pro- age from 29-42. They came of the Jewish state, each of building a Jewish country. about Israel is "the behavior Dr. Rosner devoted a fessor of American his- from the United States (2), us was unique and each of of the public, the lack of Although he still feels chapter to the life of Mar tory and head of the England (2), Brazil (2), us had his story. These are a motivated by idealism, manners and consideration, Samuel, one of the most overseas department of Argentina (2), Uruguay (1), few of them: and the bureaucracy." He distinguished of the Tel Aviv University. His Russia (10), Tunisia (2), Max is from Kishinev, Robert admits to being admits to being shocked at many physicians to be doctoral thesis for his Algeria (1), Romania (1), 35-years-old and an en- somewhat disappointed the fact that "Jews are liars quoted in Jewish law. PhD at the University of Hunga7ry (1), Iran (1), and gineer by profession. He by the realities of living in and cheats." Personal physician to Michigan dealt with the Israel (2). has been in Israel less Israel. What disturbs him Jacque was born in King Sapor I of Persia, early history of the Jews Those from Algeria and than two years and came most is the lack of Algeria, is 29-years-old and I Mar Samuel stated that of Detroit.) Tunisia all left those coun- because his wife's family idealism and rampant married with two children. "Washing one's hands TEL AVIV — A Jew tries and moved to France; is in Israel. She wanted to materialism he finds He is an electrical engineer everywhere. Yet, he has and feet in the morning is growing up in the United from France, they emig- ti --,- 1 : more effective than all States rarely has the oppor- rated to Israel. Excepting faith and hope for the fu- by profession. He made aliya to Israel for a number ture. the lotions in the world," tunity for coming into direct the Israelis, no one had been of reasons: he received a (Shabat 108a); "Drink contact with the variety and in Israel longer than seven His parents and relatives Jewish and Zionist educa- only water that has been richness of the Jewish years. are still in France and have tion at home; he never felt boiled first" (Terumot 8), people. What was especially un- no intention of making attached to France, always and stressed the need for In Israel, however, the ique to our group was that aliya. As he says, they see feeling that he was a Jew strict cleanliness in all opposite is true. Here one 18 of the men had academic Israel as a place for less and 'was never really ac- persons and objects com- encounters Jews from all degrees. sophisticated Jews, cer- cepted as a "Frenchman"; ing in contact with the parts of the world and from When I was a child grow- tainly not for Jews like him. and he wanted his children womb during childbirth all walks of life; Jews whose ing up in Detroit, I re- Needless to say, they think to have a better Jewish up- : 1 (Shabat 29a). mother-tongue, customs member American war he is a bit crazy for emigrat- bringing then he had and The Talmud thus em- and culture are totally dif- movies depicting the "typi- ing. that he could give them in phasized the importance of _ ferent. cal" American combat unit. Michael is a 31-year-old France. It would be untrue to There was always an Ita- cleanliness long before American married to an Is- ROBERT ROCKAWAY Louis Pasteur and his con- claim that the Jews of Israel lian, an Irishman, a Pole What he most enjoys raeli. He emigrated to Israel come, so they applied for from Beverly Hills, Calif. temporaries worked with are aware of or understand and a Jew — each with the About Israel is that an exit permit. the concept of "germs". each others cultures, or that familiar ethnic stereotype. everyone around him is where he had a very suc- Except for an occasional cessful insurance agency. Jewish. He is excited at Dr. Rosner includes an Jews from different coun- Our unit also had its article, "Medicine in An- tries of origin are on inti- stereotypes, but they Jewish wedding, when He presently owns the the idea of living in a cient Israel," written by the mate terms with each other. were all Jewish. There "Jewish" music would be largest office supply store in Jewish country. He never late Dr. Suessman Munt- Yet, there is one institution were the athletes (Ameri- played, he had no contact Ashdod. felt at home in France ner, a distinguished Israeli in Israel which brings to- can), marksmen (Rus- with Judaism. He had no and did not really care His reasons for coming to doctor and medical histo- gether Jews from different sian) and organizers (En- connection at all with Israel are varied. First, his what was going on rian, who comments that backgrounds and puts them glish), as well as a charac- Zionism and did not even wife wanted to return. Then around him. "Even in biblical times, the into daily social contact ter right out of the pages know what it was until he there was his own He is more involved in Is- Jews knew about the pre- with each other for ex- of Sholem" Aleichem: His arrived in Israel. background in Habonim as rael and cares — in a way he : ventive significance of iso- Rick is 29-years-old, from a boy. Finally, he wanted tended periods of time. That name was Mottle. never did in France—about .- lation and of the disinfec- institution is the army. Since Russians predomi- Argentina, and is married "to see the homeland of the what happens to his tion of clothing and objects In Israel, every male nated, there was a great with one child. He is sales Jews — the land of our neighbors and the country. citizen and permanent deal of Russian spoken. manager for the Tel Aviv forefathers; and to by washing, fumigation or see what What has disappointed I fire in cases of communica- resident from the ages of During maneuvers I some- Sheraton. He came to Israel life in Israel was like." him most about life inisrael 1 ble diseases ...Flies were to 18-55' is liable for - some times imagined I was in the because of "Jewish senti- Yaacov is a 36-year"-old is the lack of values in the form of military service. Russian and not the Israeli ment and Jewish feelings" be avoided as carriers of dis- I ease (Kebubot 77p) ... Food For those who emigrated army. Then again, one could rather than as part of any mechanical engineer secular education. As a re- from the Ukraine. He is sult, he is sending his chil- to the country as adults, always hear English, Zionist movement. His pa- i had to be served fresh and in clean dishes and meat had the tour of duty varies French, Spanish, Por- rents made aliya in 1977, married with one child. dren to a religious school, although he is not Or- a : to be cooked sufficiently to according to age and tuguese and Yiddish being not for Zionist reasons, but He came to Israel be- because their children are cause his sister was here. thodoxi destroy any parasites it physical condition. spoken in our barracks. His parents followed his Nevertheless, all must Upon emigrating to Is- might harbor." (Sanhedrin But the language which in Israel. 9a). undergo basic training. enabled us to communicate rael, he was surprised to Robert has been in Israel sister, and he followed his parents. This was the situation I with each other and with for a year-and-a-half and is find the emphasis placed on Health factors were al- material values and the married with two children. Parts of his family came He was born in Tunis, but to Israel in 1933, but he did lack of work ethic. 'Despite emigrated to Israel from not come for any "Zionist its lacks, however, he feels France. He is an accountant reasons."-He grew up in a that life in Israel is far more by profession. rewarding and challenging non-Jewish area, although He came to Israel because there was some Jewish trad- than life in France, and he he "wanted to see what it ition in his home. does not regret his aliya. would be like to live in the Other men in the unit had . He began to "feel Jewish" Jewish state." He and his during the 1960s when stories similar to the abode. wife felt a solidarity with there was an upsurge of Each of us was different, yet the Jewish people and were anti-Semitism in Russia. each of us was very much concerned about Israel. He feels he is better off alike: All of us were Jewish. 1 A Detroiter's View from Israeli Army Barracks