THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, March 17, 1978 33 Latin Jews Are Magazine Topic Readers Forum WALTHAM, Mass. — American Jewish Historical The experience of Jews in Society, Two Thornton Argentina, Venezuela and Road, Waltham, MA 02154. Materials submitted to the Readers Forum must be brief. The writer's name will be withheld from publication upon request. No unsigned letters will be published—Materials will not be returned unless a stamped, self-addressed envelope is the West Indies is the sub- ject of the March issue of the enclosed. "American Jewish Histori- cal Quarterly" published by the American Jewish His- Orchestra torical Society. 399-1301 Editor, The Jewish News: He said the name for the Koran as the place from Copies of the March issue In Ameer Ali's book, cited A news article reported Moslem holy site, al-Haram which the Ascension above, it is stated that are available from the Dayan's "dismissing Arab al-Sharif, did not exist in (Miaraj) to heaven took "Mecca is to the Moslem claims to Jerusalem." "Holy Jerusalem before the Otto- place was determined to what Jerusalem is to the Arab land — what's so holy man era. This meant that it have been in Jerusalem, not Jew." (page 167). about it?" he asked, allud- was not regarded as a holy originally, but derived by a Dayan (a better student of later biographer of Islam than I) must have had ing to Jerusalem. site before then. In your Sept. 5, 1975 edi- When Omar conquered Muhammad. During the as- these considerations in tion, you reported the public Jerusalem, in 638, his cension via seven heavens mind when he asked his lecture on this subject by main task was w to• estab- there were parleys with the rhetorical question: Anyone who likes Italian will love Chef Boyar-dee - foods. Dr. Samuel Tamari, of the lish a mosque. A "mos- Prophets of bygone days "'What's so holy about it?" So when your family comes eg.e Bar-Ilan University's De- que" was not only a from Adam to Jesus, includ- Sidney Koretz home starving for pizza. reach Falls Church, Va. partment of Arabic. house of prayer, but also ing Hebrew "prophets." for Chef Boyar-dee's Complete a multi-functional com- Was Muhammad ever actu- ■ • • Cheese Pizza. and you've prac- munal institute, to serve ally in Jerusalem? Ameer Peace Poll tically got it made. Its all right also as military head- Ali, in "The Spirit of Islam" TEL AVIV (ZINS) — A there. The Chef's pizza flour quarters, executive office (1922) says it was just a vis- mix. special savory sauce. real recent poll by the PORI In- Italian cheese. And easy direc- and political forum. ion. Editor, The Jewish News: stitute shows that 59.4 per- tions. Just 20 minutes in the "All that Mohammedans He picked the Church of So much is heard of U.S. cent of Israelis believe that oven and Presto!—a sizzling aid to Israel but little about the Holy Sepulchre for the must believe respecting the there will be no peace until tangy pizza. And now you can Israel's contribution. Since site of the mosque, but the Miaraj is that the Prophet the Palestinian question is make it in a skillet too. Real Greece and Turkey are Byzantine patriarch talked saw himself, in a vision, resolved. Only 24.5 percent haimische Italian ta'am. Your alienated, Israel is the only him out of it, directing his transported from Mecca to thought peace was possible pizza mayvins will love you for dependable ally — the only attention to- the extensive Jerusalem, and that in such without solving the Pales- if And call for more. And more. Mideast democracy — who area, vacant and deserted, vision he really beheld some And more. tinian problem. prevented the Soviets from not far from the Church (i.e. of the greatest signs of the not far from the city center) Lord." dominating the Mideast. Russia could not ship which fulfilled the condi- Fazlur Rahman, direc- supplies to the North Viet- tions for operating a mos- tor of Islamic Research namese by the short route, que-. Omar's choice of the Institute, Karachi, Pakis- through the Suez Canal, for Temple Mount, lying in tan, in his book "Islam" fear of U.S. interference ruin since 70 CE was the (1966) rejects "the doc- logical outcome, and com- trine of a locomotive using secret Israeli bases. The threat of Israeli in- pletely topographical, Miaraj" as "historical fic- tion." He argues against tervention stopped Syria rather than religious. The Masjid al-Aqsa (Aqsa exaggerating the impor- from a takeover of Jordan, who was battling the PLO a Mosque), mentioned in the tance of Jerusalem. He says that while Moses few years ago. According to • • U.S. General Keenan, Is- and Abraham (the latter declared to be "neither a rael saved thousands of Jew nor a Christian" but the Christian Lebanese from first Moslem ) were "disas- extermination by Moslem sociated on the religious leftists. - plane" from the Jews, this By the manufacture of Editor, The Jewish News: The more than 1,000 did not apply to Jerusalem. small components of the large planes and families of the Detroit Dis- (page 20). weapons which it ships to trict of the Zionist Organi- • * * NATO countries, Israel zation of America are un- performs a valuable de- equivocally opposed to the fense function for allies Administration's proposal Editor, The Jewish News: to sell 50 F-5E jet fighters to of the U.S. Many dynamic Jewish There is no doubt that Is- Egypt and 60 of America's youth groups exist today When buying a Kosher chicken, rael is menaced by most advanced and sophis- which are both fun and re- look for this red, white and blue heavily-armed Arab coun- ticated F-15's to Saudi warding for Jewish teen- tries who vow to destroy Arabia. In their opposition ageers. United Synagogue metal wing tag which certifies her. The supply of weaponry they join the more than Youth is one of them. you are getting a genuine Empire to her enemies by, the 100,000 members of the USY is made up of teen- Kosher product. Kosher poultry Soviets, U.S., France and ZOA and millions of other agers from various congre- Britain could lead to the Americans who, feel that gations. The young people, must have a firmly-attached tag such a sale will make peace genocide of the survivors of although they come from that certifies it is Kosher; if the more unlikely and will the Holocaust. different synagogues, share tag is not attached, or is If sincere about "human threaten the security of Is- these things in common: rights'„ the U.S. should rael and the viability of its their love for Judaism and missing, you have a right to support Israel's retention of defenses. especially for mach- — a question the product. We also feel strongly that special sense of shared the West Bank and Gaza where the standard of living Israel should get the 150 Jewish identity, of shared has more than doubled since F-16's and 25 F-15's which love and friendship, reached Israel requested for its by participating in services, Israel occupied the area. In fresh or frozen poultry, be sure of Under Egypt, Gaza was military modernization and singing Hebrew songs to- unsurpassed quality and taste with ... frightfully congested, social the maintenance of the ba- gether, sharing thoughts conditions indescribably lance of arms in the Middle and ideas on Jewish life and bad. Israel has built much East. traditions, discussing Israel ZOA members and and sharing concern for its new housing to replace slums, opened a mixed in- concerned Americans future. dustrial zone, transports are writing to their Con- Unfortunately, not thousands of Arabs daily to gressmen and Senators enough of our Jewish youth asking for the disap- are taking advantage of this well-paid jobs in Israel. In Rafah (two percent of proval of tile sale of the unique opportunity. Sinai), Israel transformed aircraft to Egypt and Perhaps it is because they arid desert into a thriving Saudi Arabia and for re- are not aware of it. Perhaps agricultural settlement be- storing the full comple- there is a lack of encour- nefiting both Jews and ment of planes to Israel. agement from, and com- The ZOA statement de- mitment by, their parents. Arabs. For our Administra- tion to support Sadat and clares "We believe that the For those who read this At Better Quality Kosher Butcher Shops, Food Stores and Hussein in consigning American public ought to letter, it is hoped that they Dellys, Coast-to-Coast. For stores near you, please call: Arabs back to the unfavora- know the true facts, what's will find out more about this ble living conditions of the behind the Administra- spirit; attending Sabbath past is indeed a travesty on tion's shift of policy, and services is a good beginning. why Congress should act to Michael H. Cohen, justice and sanity. . Junior Congregation, S. Norman Gourse prevent a critical outcome." 'Jerusalem Is Not Holy to Moslems' LENNY - LIEBERMAN Treat your pizza mayvin to real Italian taste... Chef Boy-ar- dee Complete Cheese Pizza. rd Bouardee True U.S. Friend Don't be towed... ZOA Protests U.S. Jet Sale Youth Involved • Is it the genuine Empire Kosher Poultry, or just a substitute? ...your biggest selection of Kosher poultry The Most TrUsted Name in Kosher Poultry CITY FOOD SERVICES, INC. 3273 HUBBARQ 894-3000 New York Louis Panush Shaarey Zedek