THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 12 Friday, March 17, 1918 Ch. 56 to Vernor Highway to St. Louis to Skokie (Continued from Page 1) haps, is the attitudes of sional newspapermen, of general community re- More shocking, per- some of Detroit's profes- especially those who cyni- sponse to the Ch. 56 tally claimed a "Jewish episode. Christianson boycott" of Ch. 56 with no told reporters last week analysis of the station's that 25 percent of his time now-admitted "mistake." has been devoted to this In light of Detroit's Nazi issue; that he had -read to ISRAEL - and EVERYWHERE bookstore, the disrupted the bulk of the protesting BY Plane-Train-Bus-Ship Nazi parade and "unifying" letters received by the convention in St. Louis last station and talked to HOTEL RES. - RENT A CAR weekend, and the continu- many of the callers. Eve 559 - 7567 557 - 6750 ing turmoil over the prop- He said that the vast All commissions go to Yeshiva Beth Yehuda osed April 20 Nazi parade in majority of those protesting predominantly Jewish the Jan. 12 Detroit Black Skokie, Ill., who says "It News broadcast were Jews. couldn't happen here?" Blacks were as much the The Detroit Jewish com- Nazis' target that night as munity answered that ques- were the Jews, and Blacks tion when Ch. 56 asked it. are just as heavily vilified APRIL Some 500 Detroiters, in- Irsaaramierit. in the Vernor Highway 21-30 RESORT AND COUNTRY CLUB cluding many Jews, gave bookstore's hate literature FROM FROM their answer again on Sun- FROM as Jews. 000. $325 C.NDREN 51911 00i,a.05 $395 1.62 day at an anti-Nazi rally in And yet, despite the air- ••••• •,..*11 Dearborn. Sunday's rally, ing of the Nazi spokesmen's On/y 2 hrs. youNG FsRAEL vouRs sponsored by labor, com- hate on a program catering Mt I I Nal RE. AMR 1 from Midtown do P.M* N5• Y ICG?? UN-SM. linown My 11215 munal organizations and to a Black audience, there wham, am OR *7171 . 12171.516210 296, 1324-6 14 7 church groups, raises hopes were few Black protestors. that America has not for- U.S. citizens proudly gotten the horrors perpet- point to the U.S. Constitu- rated through Hitler's "sol- tion as the protector of their utions." freedoms. In the case of the BEE KALT Travel Service! That rally may ease the Nazis, nationally syndi- Our knowledge and commitment to doubts raised by the lack rated columnist Garry Wills TRAVEL WITH SEMA PASSOVER '78 points to the many nuisance statutes as a means of eradicating the hate- mongers. He bypasses the controversial First Amendment - Freedom of Speech issue by comparing the Nazis to an obscene telephone call. There are many who still ask, in the name of "free- dom," whether the Nazis have rights. It is a far more appropriate question for Detroit's vilified Black and Jewish communities, for Skokie's 7,000 survivors of the Holocaust, to ask, "Don't the victims have rights?" 4628 N. Woodward Avenue Royal Oak, Michigan 48072 (313) 549-6733 Do Not Delay Your Reservations to ISRAEL for Passover (or any other dates) Group Tours according to your budget Reuven 559-2770 5 2 0 W. 12 MILE RD. OLDSTEIN 17 SOUTHFIELD (ONE BLOCK EAST OF SOUTHFIELD RD.) WTVS-Ch. 56 issued the following public apology for the "misunderstanding which resulted from par- ticipation of members of the National Socialist Move- ment on the Jan. 12, 1978 edition of 'Detroit Black News' ": The management and board of directors of the sta- tion assure the community that there was no duplicity intended and we regret any- thing that might have given that impression. "The station erred in neglecting to adequately communicate with con- cerned members of the community. This over- sight gave rise to the charge of deception leveled at the station. The board of directors and management of Ch. 56 as- sure the community that no deception was in- tended and we apologize for the breach in com- munication. "The management and Salute To Government of Israel Tour JUNE 13-27, 1978 Extra Special • "Kurrtsitz" Features at Tarlton Park with program of eraertainment, •visd to Israel Aircraft Indusbies • Comprehensive visit of a Nasal Base • vise to Maury 0611220.3 On northern Good Fence border • Visit of new settlements and military outposts in the demar- cation km. accompanied by Army officers • Visa to Wasik Air Force Base • Meetings with House Speaker of Knesset. R. Ytzell Shamir; ksich at the Knesset with Minister of Trade. Commerce and Tounarn Mr. Eget Hurwrt6 • • • • • folk dances and songs • Guest Speaker at Mount Scopus ernOhrlheatie. M. Anei Sharon. Minister of Agnoiture Dinner et Tel Aviv Moo with Guest Speaker, It. Etter • Widmann, Minister of Defense •Gale evening dinner with Prang faintest, 111f.11enshem Bodin. Speaker and Guest of Roam • Femme tanner et Ninon Hotel, Jerusalem, wtth guest speaker, Minister of ForMgn Affairs, Mr. Moshe Doyen Basic Tour Features 13 nights hotel accommodation Israeli breakfast daily Transfers upon arrivel and departure 9 days olgItteming by private motorcoach Entrance fries. meeting, maistance, handling From $ 1224 registration $125 includes all dinners and special features Call or Write BOOK COUZENS TRAVEL 1/71. Ask about ourdaily flights taro only or with . accommodations Call or write for information 398-7180 23125 Coolidge, Oak Park 23rd SUCCESSFUL YEAR S Apology from Ch. 56 Bee Kalt TraveL TRAVEL Call for dates and prices * 11.tnA I* C:..0.D.•.*YESIC3* E'JzOPE * 1595E1. r * * * serving you make us SPECIAL. all the SPECIALISTS! [ IZRACHIU TOURS ENJOY PASSOVER IN ISRAEL DELUXE HOTEL TOURS *EXCMNG CAMPING TRIPS * COMBINATION HOTEL AND CAMPING TOURS* • • Wedowee Taw Leaders • Separate Age Creeps • 2-7 Week Itineraries • WM D & bolsi Activities ISRAEL? Call M One Northland Plaza, Southfield 569-0900 board of directors of the sta- tion reaffirm their com- mitment to ongoing com- munication with all seg- ments of the community and seek to re-examine their own mechanism to as- sure that the process works and even improves." The statement went on to say that station manager James Christianson shared the views of many others in finding the statements of the Nazis on the program to be "offensive and contemp- tible." The station presented its statement to representa- tives of Jewish organiza- tions. The officers of the Jewish Community Coun- cil, the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith and the Department of Michi- gan - Jewish War Veterans issued the following re- sponse: "We find the statement to be acceptable as an acknowledgement of the offense to Jewish sen- sitivity which the prog- ram created and we be- lieve the statement to be forward-looking in its approach to relation- ships not only with the Jewish community but with all segments of the general community. "We hope that the friction which this incident caused between the Jewish com- munity and Ch. 56 can now come to an end and that the entire Jewish community will continue to give its generous support to public television as it has in the past. To this end, we specifi- cally urge everyone includ- ing members of the Jewish community to continue their memberships in Ch. 56 and to continue their support of the forthcoming auction." I IP 6 Grace Ave.. Great Neck. N Y. 11021 CALL COLLECT 516 482-8104 Can any day or time CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE COLOR BROCHURE M E • • EXCITING TENNIS & GOLF TOURS • I • Coa ctes -struiiir ct • ic urram ents You'll never guess where Lufthansa German Airlines flies to. It's against the law for a girl to telephone a man ask- ing him for a date in Dyersburg, Tennessee. • Germany you say? Naturally. But guess again. And again. About 100 times. Because that's how many different places you can reach all around the world on Lufthansa. 72 countries. On six continents. Just about anywhere people want to go! From Australia to Zaire. And wherever Lufthansa flies, you have our famous service and efficiency going for you. And most certainly, we can fly you to Tel Aviv. And we serve delicious kosher meals on your way to Israel or wherever you go. But please be sure to tell us in advance. Ask your travel agent about us. Lufthansa German Airlines 3000 Town Center -Suite 606. Southfield, Mich. 48075 • Tel. 800-645-3880