•! 1 :1:;; 2 Friday,- February 24, 1918 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary Repeating the Biblical Admonition: 'Fear Not' Crises arise more frequently when there are threats and distortions which often lead to panic. There appeared a symptom of fear when the shrewd Cai- rean leader began to bombard American Jewry with mis- representations regarding his negotiations with Menahem Begin, Moshe Dayan and other Israeli leaders. Anwar Sadat was believed to be angling towards divisiveness in the Jewish community. What a weapon that would be for him, especially if he can charge Begin with hutzpa while Sadat himself was acting so arrogantly that even some commentators who are not usually friendly to Israel called him belligerent. - This not the first time an effort has been sensed as being in the direction of splitting American Jewry. That can result only from fear. In the story of his life, Moshe Dayan wrote about the stress that was caused by the Yom Kippur War. He relates that when he addressed a very large audience in New York, after that distressing experience by Israel on the Day of Atonement, a man shouted from the audience in Yiddish: VOS VET ZEIN DER SOF! "What will be the end?" the man inquired. Dayan at this turned to the Bible, quoted the oft-repeated "fear not" in Isaiah 44:2. And Israel, whom I have chosen; Triti7 717 nit:t-770 2 =Thus stall the LORD that made thee, And- formed thee from the womb, who will help thee: 71; 1; k T171-17t4 Fear not, 0 Jacob My servant., 'I) :i; 11-Fr) And thou, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen. `Fear Not,' Admonished Isaish, Providing Shield Moshe Dayan Shares With World Jewry in Retaining Confidence in Israel and Future . . . A Begin Realism This is really the chief objective of the builders of Zion and the defenders of rights for the Jew: that if ever there was danger for Jewry it was in panic. With "Fear Not" as the motto the enemy will have a lesser chance of invading Jewish ranks and of splitting them. "Fear Not" — that's the mode for Jewish survivalism. By Philip Slomovitz Did President Sadat, before embarking on his journey to Jerusalem last November, know that his two demands were, and must inevitably_ be, totally unacceptable to Israel? He did. surprisingly, that he would be ready to come to Jerusalem to address the Knesset. On the following day, Nov. 9, I reacted to Presi- dent Sadat's announcement in a statement that read: "Israel categorically and absolutely rejects the conditions named by President Sadat, i.e., total withdrawal to the June 1967 lines and the establishment of a so-called Palestinian state. These terms, it is known, would constitute a danger to the very existence of the state of Israel. However, President Sadat could put forward this position- at the Geneva conference, as we shall present our position at the peace conference. I no party turn its own stand into a prior condit for participating in the peace conference." Seven days later, the president of Egypt came to Jerusalem and was accorded a cordial and re- spectful reception by the government, Parliament and people of Israel. He came in full knowledge, conveyed to him through my public statement, that, while Israel accepts and proposes free negotiations without any prior conditions from either side, we do not and shall not bow to the two unreasonable demands which, if acted upon, would place the Jewish state in mortal danger. On Nov. 8, 1977, the Egyptian president made a statement to his People's Council in Cairo in which he put forth his demands that Israel restore the demarcation lines of June 4, 1967, and ac- quiesce to the establishment of a "Palestinian" state in Judea, Samaria (erroneously called the West Bank) and the Gaza Strip. He then added, This answers all the distortions that have been uttered in Cairo, Washington and the European capitals Sadat has visited. Clip it as a matter of record: don't let Israel's antagonists pull the wool over the eyes of unsuspecting people. Let the facts, Begin has enunciated them, speak as loudly as they can possibly be uttered. Menahem Begin Prevents Pulling Wool Over Public Eyes Menahem Begin's statement in reply to Anwar Sadat's letter to American Jewry bears repetition. It has been printed, undoubtedly read and re-read. It needs emphasis. What Begin did was to summarize briefly the Sadat de- mands.-The shrewd Cairean wants to be compensated for receiving a gloriously royal reception from Israelis in Jerusalem. Begin defined the Sadat demands — he keeps demanding as he did for arms at his meeting with Con- gressmen — and the summary by Begin declares: A Living Legend: Israel's New Chief of Staff `Raful' Eitan By MOSHE RON which referred to the war on the Golan Heights. "What was the impact of the war on the Northern Command?" one member of the Cabinet asked. Raful answered, "I do not know about the impact on the Egyptian front. I only know that from Beit Shean to the Golan Heights, and on the Lebanese border, we had no impact whatsoever Jewish News Special Israel Correspondent TEL AVIV — Israel's new chief of staff, Gen. Raphael "Raful" Eitan, is known as a courageous fighter and legendary hero. For more than 30 years he has per- sonally led his soldiers into combat. He served in the Pal- mach, where several times he fought the enemy with his bare fists. In the War of Independence, he served in the Jerusalem area., He took part in the fam- ous battle around the Saint Simon Monastery in Kata- mon. It was a crucial battle. The Israeli soldiers had lit- tle hope of getting out alive, there were dozens of dead and wounded. Talk of suicide was heard. But the bravery of Raful saved the day. He was wounded in the head but he led his soldiers to victory. In the 1950s Raful dis- tinguished himself as group commander of paratroopers in the re- taliation battles, when he always led his soldiers in the most dangerous op- erations. He stormed for- tresses and fortified enemy lines. He was wounded several times, but carried on, and was mentioned in dis- patches by the Chief of Staff Gen. Moshe Dayan. In the Sinai Campaign in 1956 Raful commanded a parachute battalion which started the fighting far be- hind the lines of the enemy in the Mitle Pass. He distin- guished himself in the Six Day War as commander of the paratroops within the division of Gen. Israel Tal. In the Yom Kippur War Raful left his headquarters on the Golan Heights only _ Refu 1 is inclined to seclu- sion and silence. He speaks slowly, frankly and directly. He has a clear mind and does not like sophisticated words. Characteristicly, he was with the Chief of Staff and listened to direct re- ports about the Entebbe ac- tion. When the commander of the action, Gen. Dan Shomron reported that the last Israeli plane had safely left Entebbe, he said: "Let us get home. Now the 'post mortem' will start and this is not for us . . . " Gen. Tal praises Raful's courage. The former Minis- ter for Defense Shimon Peres sees him as a hero. - GENERAL EITAN when the Syrian tanks were already approaching the fence of the camp. He dis- tinguished himself several times. Raful likes agricultural work and carpentry as hob- bies. He is a pilot. He is very modest and always carries a Galil rifle. He speaks openly and has a sense of humor. When U.S. Assistant De- fense Secretary Clements visited Metula, fighting was going on near the Is- raeli border between Palestinian terrorists and Christian fighters in Lebanon. Clements asked Raful what he was doing in this situation and Raful answered: "One sits on his backside and waits." "How do you see the Syrians today?", he was asked. "Through my binocular glasses," he answered. After the Yom Kippur War, some Israeli Cabinet members visited the North- ern front. Raful accom- panied them and tried to answer their questions, As commander of the Northern area Raful was not always satisfied with decisions of the govern- ment about the Israeli reaction to Syrian inva- sion of Lebanon and ter- rorist activity from Lebanon. But he always executed the orders of the government. He keeps strict discipline, demands a lot from his sol- diers, but serves them as their best example. He has never used the special car of a commander for sleeping and has always slept in the field bed in his office. Raful comes from a poor family. He always worked hard and joined the Israeli Defense Forces as a youngs- ter. His father, Eliyahu Kaminsky, was a member of teh "Hashomer" Defense Force, coming to Israel from the Ukraine in 1903. Kaminsky married Miriam Orlow who also came from Russia. The couple settled in the Kibbutz Tel Adas- chim. The Turkish au- thorities arrested him for Zionist activity and he had to leave Palestine. He came back with the British Army commanded by Gen. Al- lenby. After the Yom Kippur War, Raful believed that a state of emergency should be declared, luxuries sacrificed, and that people should live in austerity and change the distribution of national resources. He announced that he would not accept raises in salary, but no- body followed his lead. "We are still in the stage of our struggle for indepen- Israeli Yeshivot Get More Funds JERUSALEM—The new state budget for Israel will include a marked increase in the government's alloca- tion to yeshivot, Rabbi Shlomo Lorincz, veteran Agudath Israel leader and chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee, told the Parliament. The 1978 budget which goes into effect on April 1 will reimburse yeshivot 4,000 Israeli pounds for each yeshiva student and IL 5,000 for each graduate school fellow, a 330 percent increase over previous years. dente," - Raful used to say. When he saw how Arabs settled heavily in the Galilee he could not under- stand the indifference of the Jews towards the small scale of immigration to Is- rael. When military cars were attacked in Arab villages, he demanded a policy of strong retaliation. Raful is dissatisfied with the low standard of morale in the Is- raeli population. He always maintained that he is not afraid of the military strength of Arab armies. They are not capable of de- feating Israel, he said. Study: Involvement Helped Aged Jews End Depression By BEN GALLOB (Copyright 1978, JTA, Inc.) A study and treatment program for elderly Jews in Philadelphia confirmed that feelings of depression are widespread among such Jews and that intensified personal involvement with social workers helps the vic- tims while anti-depressant drugs have little effect. The experiment was re- ported in the November issue of "The Circle" an offi- cial publication of the Na- tional Jewish Welfare Board. The results were made public by the Florence G. Heller-JWB Research Center, in cooperation with the department for senior adult services and research of the Jewish Ys and centers of Greater Philadelphia. The study indicated that many of the elderly Jews served at the Ys and centers in Philadelphia "exhibit symptoms of moderate to severe de- pression." The study added that "the nature of center programming of- fers unique, relatively unexplored possibilities" for helping Jews with such problems. A research team de- veloped a year-long experi- mental project in reaching the elderly Jews, followed by a year's analysis of the findings. The project was di- rected by Dr. Jeffry Galper, associate professor at Tem- ple University's social ad- ministration school, and Seymour Kornblum, con- sultant on Aging Services for JWB and director of senior adult services and re- search at the Jewish Ys and centers of Philadelphia. The research workers set out to determine how com- mon and severe feelings of depression were among el- derly members of the Ys and centers, how responsive such depressed Jews would be to treatment at the center, and what fo e treatment might take Two treatment sibilities were considere chemotherapy and "inten- sified involvement" with trained center workers. The study found that the intensive involve- ment treatment brought "a statistically signific- ant increase in energy levels, leadership and in- teraction, although there was not an increase in ac- tual number of hours spent at the center. The study found "some improvement" from the chemical treatment, but added that 'it was not statis- tically significant."