2 Friday, -February 11, 1978- • . THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS • Purely Commentary The Mind of - Sadat Who Chooses to Judge Whether Israel Should Exist Let's recapitulate. Sadat came to Jerusalem and left in a state of glory. He came to Washington and addressed himself to the American people as if he were the oracle. What's his theme? He had gone to Jerusalem: didn't that indicate his recognition of Israel's existence? Shouldn't he be compensated for it with everything he wants, everything Arabs have ever asked for in a policy that would destroy Israel? So, Sadat_has recognized Israel! Questions of humanity and morality enter into the dis- cussions that have given the commentators so much mate- rial on which to judge Israel as intransigent: Who has the right to tell a person that he has the right to exist? Who possesses that power to tell an entire people what rights it has for survival? By what right has anyone, in the Middle East or univer- sally, to tell Israel that she is subject to endorsement by her neighbors to survive? Is there a limit to the belligerence of 21 national entities, possessors of the world's mineral wealth, occupying mill- ions of acres of land, when they say to a small state, re- habilitated in its ancient homeland, that its right to exist depends upon the permission granted by the neighboring peoples? Since Israel doesn't ask for permission to exist it becomes a curiosity to know exactly how the Egyptian president arrives at his demands. William Safire. attempted an ans- wer, "Reading Sadat's Mind," in the New York Times, and, inter alia, arrived at these conclusions: The Israelis can never match my opening move without giving away their security, without agre- eing to a separate radical state on their border. I can depend on them never to do that: It would be terrible for all of us if they did that. But the fact that they cannot match my gesture means that I can undermine them, and build up Egypt, in the eyes of Americans. By demanding the state I know the Israelis will not permit, I command the Arab world; by being the prime mover in the direct negotiations, I can get the Americans to lean on the Israelis, provide Egypt with what we need in arms and food, and give us a hand next month with the international bankers. That is why I broke off negotiations in Jerusalem, which were going entirely too well too quickly: It is now for the Americans to push the Israelis into coaxing me back to the table. And of course, they will. I am popular in America. If Wal- ter likes me, and Barbara likes me, who is Jimmy Carter not to like me? I am emotional and need constant encouragement. Of course, Begin sees through this. That's why, when I turned down his offer to return the Sinai for a separate peace, he started his settlements there. Shrewd bargaining; but now I, an Arab, can denounce shrewd bargaining. It helps build by public support for American aid. When the time comes for a settlement, we all know what it will be. That's easy. I get all the Sinai, an international force sits on the middle of the Golan, free access to Jerusalem guaranteed, observers all over the place, full diplomatic relations. And a Palestinian federation under Jordan. The Egyptian president came here on a mission of public relations that proves him very shrewd. Israel is on the defensive, in view of the platform given a man who says that because he visited Jerusalem, the Holy City, and the ideals related to it should be abandoned by the rightful inheritors of what is now the redeemed state of Israel. But even defensively Israel operates on hopes and must avoid fears. There is nothing new in Israel's defensive methods. It is no wonder that Menahem Begin has given an assurance that he is not panicking. That's the warning to his people and to world Jewry: don't panic! Memorializing Alfred Bounin, Legionnaire, Bnai Brith Leader The Jewish Legion is indelibly recorded in history as a military force that fought under General Allenby for the liberation of Palestine from the Turks in 1917. A_valiant group of Detroit Jews had enrolled in it. Alfred Halpern Bounin was among the handful of surviving members of that military unit which included Israel's late President and Prime- Minister Yitzhak Ben-Zvi and David Ben- Gurion and many other notables. Mr. Bounin, whose death occurred late last month, often spoke of the memories he retained of that historic period of liberation which had led to the eventual issuance of the Balfour Declaration and 30 years later to the rebirth of Eretz Yisrael. Mr. Bounin was a dedicated Bnai Brith leader. He had a good voice and loved to sing. He wrote many of the prayers -- Neighbors' ISrael's Sovereignty and Her Arab Belligerence Rooted in Sadat's Demands for All in Return for Recognition . . . Reading Sadat's Mind that marked the opening of Bnai Brith public meetings here. He left a good record worthy of honors to be accorded a devoted and devout Jew who dedicated himself to the per- petuation of the highest ideals in .Jewish life. Rabbi Robert Gordis at 70; Scholarship and Eloquence, His New Work, 'Love and Sex' Dr. Robert Gordis has inspired so many audiences, his scholarly contributions to Jewish literature have assumed such vital proportions, his leadership in the rabbinate is so high-ranking, that his 70th birthday becomes a matter of national interest. The fact that he and Mrs. Gordis now are marking their 50th wedding anniversary adds significance to the encomia the Jewish cultural ranks will extend to the Gordises. Dr. Gordis has earned a place among the handful of outstanding Jewish scholars in the world in this century. His many Bible commen- taries, his analyses of Jewish issues in his accumulated writings, and the eloquence with which he has interpreted Jewish issues for the many audiences he has inspired in this country and abroad, give him DR. GORDIS enviable status. Dr. Gordis earns current acclaim for his newest work, "Love and Sex: A Modern Jewish Perspective" (Farrar, Straus and Giroux), the timeliness of which becomes appa- rent from the title itself. This work defines the Jewish view of treating sex with respect, of judging human relations with dignity. - "Love and Sex" merits a long and thorough review (to came). As a brief comment, however, it is worth noting that in this splendid treatment of a vital human concern Dr. Gordis rejects the merest suggestions of obscenity. A couple of brief excerpts throw light on the values of this notable study. Dr. Gordis explains, in his comments on sex as viewed in Jewish tradition: This healthy-minded, affirmative attitude to- ward sex, which is recognized as an essential and legitimate element of human life, is rooted in a religious world view. Since God created man with his entire complement of impulses, sex is a man- ifestation of the Divine. It is not to be glorified as an end in itself, as in paganism, or in the exaggera- By Philip Slomovitz tions of romantic love. Hence, the Bible and the Talmud are frank and outspoken in dealing with the sexual component of human experience. The pages of our classic literature are free from both obsenity and false modesty, from pornography and prudishness, which are essentially two sides of the same coin. Yet the mere translation of the term "yetzer Ka- ra" as "the evil impulse" does not do justice to the breadth of understanding in Jewish tradition. Long before modern psychoanalysis, rabbinic Judaism was aware of the central role of sex in civilization: "Were it not for the sexual impulse (literally, the evil impulse), no man would build a house or marry a woman or engage in an occupa- tion." The role of sex in stimulating men to activ- ity and thus furthering human progress is mir- rored in another rabbinic epithet, "the leaven in the dough." Like the more common term, "evil impulse," this term is at times used simply as a designation for the sexual proclivities of men -. Leaven is ferment — it may bring decay, but it is also the source of growth. The great Hasidic teacher Rabbi Levi of Ber- ditchev said that he had learned the true meaning of love from a drunken peasant. One day the rabbi had occasion to come into a tavern owned by a Jew. In one corner two peasants were sitting, well advanced in their cups. Suddenly Ivan turned to Peter and said, "Tell me, Peter, what hurts me?" Peter replied, "How can I know what hurts you?" Whereupon Ivan retorted, "If you do not know what hurts me, how can you say you love me?" The ideal of companionship and equality in mar- riage is superbly expressed in the rabbinic dictum "He who loves his wife as himself and honors her more than himself, of him Scripture declares, `You shall know that your tent is at peace.' " In tribute to Dr. Gordis it tould equally be indicated that his commentaries on Ecclesiastes, Job and other Bible texts are among the great modern definitive works that have enriched Jewish classical literature. He has preached, now he teaches. He has always been the efficient interpreter of Jewish values. He gains additional encomia in an important birthday which is accompanied by the appearance of another valuable work that will en- lighten all — non-Jews learning from it as much as the Jews. ADL Holocaust Tabloid Due as TV Series on Same Airs NEW YORK — A 16-page tabloid detailing the 13- year history of Nazi at- rocities against Jews is being prepared by the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith as an educa- tional project in conjunction with NBC-TV's mid-April "Holocaust" series. The tabloid, which may be used as a weekend news- paper supplement, is enti- tled "The Record — The Holocaust in History — 1933-1945." It will be illus- trated- with photos from NBC's four-day (April 16- 19), nine-hour prime time dramatic production set against archive photos of similar but actual situa- tions in that period. "The Record," according to Theodore Freedman, di- rector of ADL's program di- vision, "will be a discussion guide designed to serve as the nucleus for classroom and adult group study of the Holocaust for years to come." He said the ADL has worked closely with NBC and the "Holocaust" produc- tion company since last summer when plans for the program were first an- nounced. The first and last two pages of the ADL tabloid will be on the television programs and will in- clude articles by Gerald of author Green, "Holocaust," on his ex- periences in researching and writing the script; Robert E. Mulholland, president of NBC-TV, on the viewership potential for the programs, their impact and why the net- work is producing the series; and Benjamin R. Epstein, ADL's national director, who, during the 1930's was an exchange student in Germany and an eyewitness to the rise of the Third Reich. The four pages also will feature the drawings created for the series by Arbit Blatas to graphically highlight each program synopsis, and numerous cast photographs and pro- duction stills. The 12-page body of the newspaper will include an article by Elie Wiesel on the death of the six million Jews and keeping their memories alive; an H.V. Kaltenborn interview with Adolph Hi- tler; and William L. Shirer reports documenting the rise of the Third Reich. In addition, there is a chronology of events from 1933 to 1945, photos, ex- cerpts from the writings of Hitler, Goebbels and Him- mler, reprints from the Nuremberg and other anti-Semitic laws, and a — "The Record," which map of Europe showing the will be available from numbers of Jews from each ADL by the end of March, country who were extermi- is co-sponsored by The nated in Nazi death camps. National Council for the A discussion guide, pre- pared by educator Max Nadel, sets forth questions • and recommendations for further study. Also included is an annotated listing of printed and audio-visual re- source materials. Social Studies. The Anti-Defamation League operates a Holocaust Information Center at its national head- quarters, 315 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. Location of Desalting Plant May Depend on M.E. Talks NEW YORK — The cur- ident of the society, who fi- rent negotiations between nanced the research that Israel and Egypt for a peace- has been under way for a de- ful settlement may deter- cade. mine the location of a major The Israel-Egypt c water desalination plant, again, off-again political according to the American settlement is being care- Technion Society. fully studied in view of The society, a nationwide the fact that among the organization that supports_ sites recommended for the Technion-Israel Insti- the new desalination tute of Technology, learned facility is the Sinai desert. that a new process for less The planners of the new costly, more efficient de- desalting facility envisage salination has been de- making available sweet veloped by a member the water not only_to Israel, but, Technion faculty, Prof. of Ab- also possibly to Egypt. raham Kogan. Another possible de- The new process, which velopment linked to the pro- utilizes a multi-stage flash method, is known as the jected desalination plant would be a power plant, Kogan-Rose process and is named for Prof. Kogan and - - with power also available David Rose, honorary pres- both to Israel and Egypt.