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January 27, 1978 - Image 20

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1978-01-27

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20 Friday, January 27, 1978



Jews From Arab Countries Form an American Section

Available For All Occasions


years experience


547-2464. -

from Arab countries say
they will demand repara-
tions from the countries of




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their birth in any Middle
East settlement.
"No final peace in the
Middle East can be
achieved without taking into
account the rights of the
hundreds of thousands of
Jews from Arab countries
who now constitute 41 per-
cent of the population of
Israel and 12 percent of all
the Jews in the world,"
Mordechai Ben-Porat,
co-chairman of the World
Organization of Jews from
Arab Countries (WOJAC),
declared last week.
Ben-Porat spoke at a
press conference in the of-
fice of the American Jewish
Committee where the for-
mation of the American sec-
tion of WOJAC was an-
Dr. Heskel M. Haddad, a
clinical professor of oph-
thalmology at New York
Medical College, who was
born in Iraq, said the Amer-
ican section will represent
the some 50,000 Jews in the
United States from Arab
countries, would fight for
reparations for them and
would seek to educate the
American public and gov-
ernment about the just
claims of these Jews.
Ben-Porat, who was also
born in Iraq, has been in the

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U.S. for the past four
months as a member of
Israel's United Nations de-
legation. He said during
that time he spoke of the
problem of Jewish refugees
from Arab countries on 160
occasions throughout the
He said that while every-
one knows about Arab refu-
gees, people seem surprised
when he tells them that
Jews from Arab countries
were also refugees and
they, too, had to live in
refugee camps when they
first came to Israel. Those

Dying Humphrey Asked Begin
for Softer Settlement Stance

days before his death, Sen.
Hubert H. Humphrey sent
Prime Minister Menahem
Begin of Israel a letter urg-
ing -tolerance, a spirit of
give-and-take, and com-
promise while the time is
still fresh...
My friend. -we cannot
let this cup pass from our
lips without doing what
needs to be done. -
His appeal was prompted,
according to aides, by his
concern that the Egyptian-
Israeli peace negotiations
might founder on what he
was said to have regarded
as the relatively minor issue
of Israeli settlements in the
Sinai Peninsula.
"I believe you are the
right man, in the right


Israeli Consul Dan Kyram
has categorically denied at
a Lansing news conference
charges that Israel has
'beaten and tortured a Mich-
igan State University stu-
dent of Palestinian descent
who Israel has in custody.
The Israelis charge that
23-year-old Sami Esmil, ar-
rested Dec. 21 at Ben-Gu-
lion Airport, is a member of
the Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine.
Esmil's brother issued the
torture allegations, but U.S.
consular and State Depart-
ment officials, who have
visited Esmil, say he looks
fine and has neither report-
ed nor shown any signs of
torture or other physical

Will Open Soon

The Jewish Museum organ-
ized by the Federation of
Jewish Communities in Ro-
mania will soon be inaugu-
rated here. The museum in-
cludes historical documents
concerning more than 600
years of Jewish life in Ro-
It contains manuscripts of
the great scholar Malbim
who occupied the rabbinical
chair in Bucharest 120 years

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place, at the right time,
Humphrey wrote Begin."
"Yet, it is time for all par-
- ties to show tolerance, a
spirit of give-and-take, and
compromise while the time
is still fresh. We cannot let
this opportunity for peace
escape our grasp. We must
seize the movement or we
may lose it forever."
He acknowledged the im-
portance of the Sinai settle-
ments to Israel's -present
security needs" but said he
thought, -there • must be
some way to work out a
program for governing
these settlements during a
transition period to eventu-
al, full Egyptian sover-
eignty much as there should
be a palatable and workable
solution for the West Bank."

U.S. Officials Corroborate
Denial of Torture Charges

Romania Museum

6 o

camps, he noted, were not
officially called refugee
camps but transition camps.
He said he believes part
of the problem was also
neglect of the issue by the-
Israeli government and the
Jewish establishment. But
now both Israel and the Car-
ter Administration have
promised to include the
Jewish refugee problem as
part of the negotiations on
the basis of UN Security
Council • Resolution 242
which calls for a settlement
of the refugee problem, he

drunkard can't help .

harming r...ntyvarmo

Kyram told reporters in
Lansing on Tuesday that
Esmil once traveled to
Libya for terrorist training.
Those charges are denied
by the brother.

French Jewish
Offices Bombed

PARIS (JTA)—The of-
fices of the Federation of
Jewish Societies, an associ-
ation of small social and
cultural organizations, was
damaged by an explosion
last week.
Police sources said that a
medium size bomb was
placed on the second floor
landing of the building in
which the Federation has its
offices. The bomb, set to
explode at night when the
building was empty, cau
no injuries and propeh,
damage was relatively
The Discount Bank, for-
merly affiliated with the Is-
rael Discount Bank, was
damaged in a second bomb-

in State of Union


President Carter, in his
State of the Union message
last week, devoted only
about 70 words to the
1Vliddle East situation. He
said, according to the text:
"In the Middle East we
are contributing our good
offices to maintain the mo-
mentum of the current ne-
gotiations—and to keep
open the lines of commu-
nications among the Middle
East leaders. The whole
world has a great stake in
the success of these efforts.
"This is a precious op-
portunity for the historic
settlement of a long-stand-
ing conflict—an opportunity
which may not come again
in our lifetime. Our role haS -
been difficult and some-
times thankless and con-
troversial, but it has been
constructive and neces-
sary—and it will continue."

Senators Ask U .S. to Delay
Sale of F-15 to Saudi Arabia

Two groups of the Senate
Foreign Relations Com-
mittee have called on the
Carter Administration not
to act on Saudi Arabia's
request for 60 F-15 fighter
bombers, pending clari-
fication apparently is heed-
ing the advice and has de-
cided to withhold its action,
at least temporarily.
State Department spokes-
men Hodding Carter ac-
knowledged that the two
Senate groups made their
views known in separate let-
ters to Secretary of State
Cyrus Vance.
Regarding the Saudi
request, which looms as the
most controversial issue on
U.S. arms sales in this ses-
sion of Congress, spokes-
man Carter said, "This is
still intended for further re-
view within the Adminis-
tration and further con-
sultation with the Congress
at the appropriate time."
Republican Senators Ja-
cob Javits of New York,
Howard Baker of Tennessee
and James Pearson of Kan-

cac c;ccridarl

nna lator

cratic Senators Frank
Church of Idaho, Joseph Bi-
den of Delaware, Paul Sar-
banes of Maryland, Dick
Clark of Iowa, Richard
Stone of Florida and Clai-
borne Pell of Rhode Island
signed the letter initiated by
Church was slso signed by
Republican Sen. Clifford
Case of New Jersey.

New York Jewisi-
Schools Get Fun -c,,

Program Development
Fund for Jewish Education
of the Federation of Jewish
Philanthropies has allocated
$1,175.000 for grants to
schools in support of Jewish
education in Greater New
York in 1977-78, it was an-
nounced by Sanford Solen-
der, executive vice presi-
To further the program.
the PDF has received a
$450,000 contribution from
Joseph Gruss. a prominent
businessman and philan-
thropist, enabling federation
to achieve this new level of

furviini/ for Jewish schools_

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